Wednesday, October 11, and do not subject us to the final test.”

Sunset at Clay Pitts Road Picture by Richard Sawyer

The Holy Spirit inspired our blog.

Wednesday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Extraordinary Time

Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he had finished,

one of his disciples said to him,

“Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.”

He said to them, “When you pray, say:

Father, hallowed be your name,

your Kingdom come.

Give us each day our daily bread

and forgive us our sins

for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us,

and do not subject us to the final test.”

Emphasis mine: Luke 11:1-4

 I pray you know that there are two Our Fathers. The most popular is the Our Father, written by St. Matthew; the second and least known is the Our Father, written by St. Luke, which is in our Gospel today.

I prefer St. Mathews version, but I have a problem.  When we were writing A Journey with the Holy Spirit, the line “lead us not into temptation” bothered me.  

God doesn’t lead us into temptation!

If God led us into temptation, how could we be held responsible for our sins?

I also firmly believe God does allow difficulties in our lives to draw us closer to them.

I wrestled with “lead us not into temptation” for years.


I also had a second question: what does and do not subject us to the final test” mean?  I have asked Priests what this meant and am still awaiting a satisfactory answer.

In 2016, Pope Francis and the American Bishops decided St. Matthew’s Our Father had to change.


How could they change it and yet claim the words came from Jesus, which was very important because Jesus was teaching His disciples how to Pray?

The answer was to insert  “and do not subject us to the final test” instead of Lead us not into temptation, and we have a prayer that Jesus taught His Disciples.

I believe, Holy Spirit, that these words are a prayer asking that when we are called to jump on the Hallajua train home, we will be filled with the Holy Spirit’s Love, Joy, and Peace.

Saint Peter, legend tells us, was hightailing it out of Rome for fear of being persecuted –  satan and to avoid the persecution that was going on in Rome. Peter met Jesus heading into Rome, and Jesus asked Peter if He, Jesus, had to suffer persecution again.

Peter realized his sin, drove his staff into the ground, which grew into a flowering tree, and went back into Rome and told the Romans to Crucify him upside down because he wasn’t worthy to die in the same manner as Jesus.

I now pray that when I hop on the Hallajua Train Home, I will be filled with the Holy Spirit’s Love, Joy, and Peace and not be subjected to a final test. 

As we reported in a prior blog, Dad, Mom, Gail’s Dad, and her Mother went home to Jesus filled with Peace.  Going home to Jesus filled with Peace is not true for everyone.

I would love to say the problem is solved, but it isn’t.

The churches I go to and have gone to still pray the older version; they refuse to change.

How about you?

Are you stiffed-necked,  like the Jewish people of the Old Testament, or are you willing to change?

Below is the revised version of the Our Father, copied and pasted from the NABRE, New American Bible Revised Edition, 2016. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops approves this Bible.

Our Father in heaven,

    hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

    your will be done,

        on earth as in heaven.

   Give us today our daily bread;

    and forgive us our debts,

        as we forgive our debtors; 

    and do not subject us to the final test,

        but deliver us from the evil one.

Emphasis mine Mt 6:9

We suggest three relationship-building prayers this quarter if you want to join and grow in Team Jesus.

  •  Weeeeeeeee,  say this prayer every time you and God interact.  For example, weeeeeee made a great meal, Weeeee played a good game of …, Weeeee didn’t handle this very well, etc.
  • Thank you, Father; say this all day, every day, for all the Father is doing in your life.  If something really good happens, say this multiple times with enthusiasm.  When I was told my Basel Cell had disappeared, I said the Thank You prayer at least fifty times as I walked out of the doctor’s office.
  • I’m Fantastic;  anytime anyone asks how you are, tell them you are Fantastic.  I believe you are who you say you are. You have every reason to be Fantastic and no reason not to be. If you can’t think of a reason to be Fantastic, thank God for the difficulty, and God will provide you with the reasons.


As of today, Wednesday, October 4, The Holy Spirit has not revealed to me what the Holy Spirit wants us to write for the Sidebar. I will leave it blank and pray that you will more fully understand that the Holy Spirit inspires our blog by leaving the Sidebar blank.

Thursday and the Holy Spirit has laid out what the Spirit wants said.  

Thank God!

Since the Holy Spirit encouraged me to write our blogs, without the Spirit, I’m dead in the water, and I, yes, I don’t want to stop this ministry.


You’ve got to be kidding.  The Holy Spirit waited three days to talk about golf.


I have found that Religion and Golf are very similar.  Just when you think you have mastered it, it falls apart.

This year has not gone well golf-wise.


There was a real difference.

OUR, yes, our scores were high, and in some cases higher than I had experienced for the past few years.

The difference was I kept praying through the good shots and games, Weeeeee did well, or on the bad shots and days, Weeeeee didn’t do very well. Through all of the bad shots and days, I emerged smiling, and like when I smile, thanking God for the difficulty of……….. I know you will take care of me; my smile as we played golf kept me in Joy.

Joy, we are having a bad day; only God could change a bad day into a Joyful day with a bad score.

One week ago, the Holy Spirit said before the ninth hole, “Stop talking to yourself about all that I was supposed to do to, and just take the next shot.”  

On the ninth hole, we stepped up, mind blank, and hit one of the longest drives I have hit in years; we also pared the hole.  It’s one of the first pars in a long time.

As I drove home, I realized satan encouraged me to repeat constantly what I was supposed to do; 


So, I would be frustrated when I didn’t hit the ball correctly. Frustration doesn’t lead to Joy.

Weeeeeee overcame the frustration with the Weeeeeeeee prayer.

 Once I realized satan was in my life, I threw satan out.  “Get behind me, satan, come Holy Spirit.”

I would love to report the game was back, and we were getting lower scores.  

It isn’t!

But now I know what to do to make the game more enJOYable.

Throw out satan!

Stay with the Holy Spirit and play in Peace.

Why are we relating this story?

People have come up to me and say I don’t have any problems because of my relationship with God.

Not true.

Satan attacks me just like satan attacks you, and we have to figure out where the attack is taking place and throw satan out, with the end result being living in the Love, joy, and Peace of the Holy Spirit.

Last comment: I am sure you realize how filled with Joy I was to have written the Sidebar on Thursday, and yes, I knew God would take care of me.  



 History: on 10/12/23, we ran the first of your pictures.  Fall Beauty, NE Alberta, Canada 

                Picture by Allain C. 

We can’t thank you enough for your continued support.

This week’s Picture:

Sunset at Clay Pitts Road  Picture by Richard Sawyer

Please keep Snapping!

Several people from foreign countries have asked for my email address, but I am still waiting to hear back. We decided to include my email for your convenience.

If you want a copy of the prayers we discussed, email me.

Remember, if you want to submit a picture, no people, please, because we have to get permission from that person to use their photograph.

By sending your picture, you consent to allow us to reprint that picture in our next book, God Thoughts 2023, with your name and any comments in the Blog.

About the Author

My name is Frederick Prince, nicknames, Fred, Ted, and Tedfred. My wife Gail and I have been married for fifty-eight short years. We have three married sons and five grandchildren. Gail and I attend St. John Paul II Parish located in Scarborough Maine. I graduated from Stonehill College with a BSBA in Management in 1963. I joined the Navy and served aboard the USS Pine Island, a seaplane tender, for two years. I am a Vietnam Veteran and am proud of my service. Gail and I moved to Maine in 1966, and we now reside in Scarborough Maine. Gail and I have been active in our Church and our community. We have written five books: A Journey with The Holy Spirit - Revised Edition, I Believe... Revised edition, A Lion Dead to The Lord - Revised Edition, God Thoughts 2022, and God thoughts 2023 E-books and Paperback copies are available at Amazon, Hardcovers with jacket at Barnes and Noble. Being selected to write the Wednesday blog has filled me with Joy. Being 84 I believe gives me a different perspective. Where you are going I have been, and I pray my twenty-eight years working with the men in the Cumberland County Jail brings a very different outlook to the table.

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  1. Thanks Mr Prince. I appeciate your infomation on the Our Father. Something to consider. Have fun playing golf…smiling on the course through good and bad shots shows God you are enjoying it with him at your side. Peace my brother.

  2. I believe the problem with “lead us not into temptation” is an issue with the translation from Jesus’s original words into English. The Spanish version translated into English reads “do not let us fall into temptation” (no nos dejes caer en la tentación). When I pray The Lord’s Prayer, thats how I say it.

  3. You are such a real person with such incredible faith! That is inspiring. My Mother was a woman of great faith and other than you, she is the only person I knew who said, “get behind me satan”.

  4. God is working, he still working, thank God for his spirit. Amen. Thanks fred. For that insight.

  5. “ lead us not into temptation” Similar to Win above, I have always thought this is a stilted English translation. I Interpret it as meaning “[Please] Do not allow us [me] to be lead into temptation.” No idea if this is theologically incorrect, but why would God lead us so? Possibly to tie in with the extract below – to test us? But the original clearly says “and lead us NOT into temptation.

    “ do not subject us to the final test.” A hard one. As taught to us,I say “and deliver us from evil.” Is this theologically incorrect? What could the final test be – if it did come? Some extreme test of our faith as – I guess – the legend suggests St Peter was given the test of facing the Romans to be crucified or running away which [I guess] it is implied would be a denial of Jesus? If so I pray as Jesus said “and please do not subject us [me] to this final test”?

    Why could you not make it clearer, Jesus!

    Thought provoking, Fred.

  6. Thank you Fred. Lead us not into temptation. I interpret as if we follow him we won’t be tempted… But we know Jesus was tempted during the 40 days. Maybe it’s lead us out of temptation?

  7. JME, My concern that a prayer that Jesus taught His Disciples should be clear in what it says. The American version of the Our Father isn’t. We have more to say about this next week. Peace Fred

  8. Pip, Pip, it’s the confusion about what we are asking for that bothers me. The rest pf the Our father is clear, no questions, just this line. Your take on Peter I believe is right. In some ways I always felt sorry for Peter,he seems to be on the wrong side of things at time. This also give me hope, because if Peter is on the wrong side and I have been on the wrong side makes me convinced of the Outrageous Love of God. Peace Fred.

  9. Win, Thank you for your comment. I am including it in next week’s blog. See, this is really our blog. Peace Fred

  10. Jen, it not me as I am sure you know by now. Thank you for the kind comment. Peace Fred

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