Wednesday, May 18 For who is greater:

Gayl’s Buoys – Our Family – 1973 – 95 – Centerboard Yacht Club – Portland Harbor

Our Post is inspired by the Holy Spirit.

We are using the alternate readings for today.

For who is greater:
the one seated at table or the one who serves?
Luke 22

I have always found this statement by Jesus very interesting and demanding.

Interesting because Jesus asks a very easy question, “Who is the greater, the one who sits at the table or the one who serves?”

The obvious “Wordly” answer is the one who sits at the table.

We have low esteem in our country for those who serve at the table, and yet after careful thought, the one who serves really controls the agenda.

Think I’m kidding?

If the one who serves doesn’t serve, the one who sits at the table doesn’t eat.
Once again I had never thought about this statement before this blog.

I love working with the Holy Spirit.

I recently read that dock workers in various parts of the world are refusing to unload Russian ships. No politician set up this embargo, just the dock workers.

The “Spirit World” answer which Jesus is establishing by His life, Death, and Resurrection is the “One who serves.”

This is very contrary to all that is held true by many in our society. People who have spent a lifetime building up their image, for example, leaders of countries and companies who put their needs before their employees, and yes even religious leaders who put their ideas before what God wants them to do.

It’s easy to cast stones, especially when someone feels the stone they are throwing is right, and I have been very guilty of this sin.


Jesus gives us an obvious challenge to change our life and outlook.

I read a book written by a Catholic Monsignor years ago in which he spent the entire book telling us all he had accomplished. About halfway through the book, I asked the question where is God? Every chapter was I did this, and I did that. About three-quarters of the way through the book he said he was stumped and asked for help from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit did give the help requested, and the next paragraph went right back to the I’s.
I am not condemning this man because I have fallen into the same trap, which is why every chance I get I say we, not I.

I was encouraged, by the Holy Spirit, to read The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis. In this book, Lewis, a top Christan Theologian, told of all the ways satan attacks you and me. One trick is to get you to believe that it is your life, your car, your house, your money, and your life should be built around your needs first and then those who need your help next.

Jesus came and turned that philosophy upside down.

In contrast to the Monsignor I mentioned earlier, I read that Mother Teresa was at a meeting of top people in New York, and was asked to speak later that night. The person reported that while all the others were mixing and pressing the flesh to get some kind of advantage, Mother Teresa sat in a corner saying the Rosary.

What did Mother Teresa do?

She simply was moved by the Holy Spirit, to provide dignity to those who were very poor in their last days of life.

And the words very poor don’t even start to explain the poverty she and her fellow sisters encountered every day. What’s also very interesting to me was she did this service for Non-Christians.

God took care of Mother Teresa and the people who were associated with her.

I know of two women who went to spend a summer with Mother Teresa, and I was shocked to find out that even though Mother Teresa knew they were coming they had to find their way from the airport through Calcutta to where they would be working, secure their own apartments and get to the job every day by themselves.

God took care of them!

Both came back changed people because they were serving as opposed to being served.

I, and in this case I mean I, have a hard time letting go and letting God take me where God wants me to go. I, yes I mean I, once again have a hard time doing God’s will not mine. As I have grown in our relationship it is becoming easier.

We did report in an earlier blog about the Pineland Christmas party, what we experienced that day was life-changing for me and all the teens and their parents who participated in that party.

Actually, if you think of it, thank God the Father for your life, and your chance to imitate His Beloved Son by being one who serves.

“The nine” We pray you will grow in the Love, Joy, and Peace of the Holy Spirit by growing in Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.


For a long time, I have been confused by the words in the Our Father, “ Lead us not into temptation”

Every time you say the Our Father, you pray these words, “Lead us not into temptation

When we wrote A Journey with The Holy Spirit Revised Edition, we did a short breakdown of the various parts of Our Father.

Everything went well until we got to “Lead us not into temptation.”

A thought that went through my mind was, Holy Spirit, God leading us into temptation, I don’t think so.

If God is leading us into temptation, then how can we be sinners?
It makes no sense.

God doesn’t lead us into temptation,

satan does!

The question that was raised in my mind was, what words could be used to replace, “Lead us not into temptation?” Remember any words that I or you might use wouldn’t have been said by Jesus.

I was intrigued when I read that Pope Francis had the same question.

The Kindle bible I was reading daily had so many highlights that the Kindle I was using couldn’t process going to different parts quickly, Holy Spirit working in my life,


I ordered a new Kindle Bible, New American Bible Revised Edition 2016.
When we got to Matthew 6, the Our Father, I read, “Do not subject us to the final test,” in place of “Lead us not into temptation.”

I was reminded by the Holy Spirit that in Luke’s Our Father, the last line in Luke’s Our Father is “Do not subject us to the final test.”


These were words, according to Luke, that Jesus spoke.

I was very surprised to find out that the New American Bible Revised edition that we use online is also the 2016 edition. The heading only says New American Bible (Revised Edition) NABRE but doesn’t say the year it was last revised.

The New American Bible by the way is the official Catholic Bible.

We also said in an earlier blog that for lent I read the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults. In the chapter concerning the Our Father, they had the full prayer with the new wording, at the beginning of the chapter, and then when they explained each section of the prayer, they skipped “Do not subject us to the final test,” and explained instead, “Do not lead us into temptation.”


Why are we spending time on this topic?

When we pray we can never just say the words without thinking about what they mean.

The Our Father for me is a powerful prayer that summarizes all we would want to know about God our Father, and how we develop a relationship with God the Father.

Below is the revised Our Father copied and pasted from the NABRE

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread
and forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors;
and do not subject us to the final test,
but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6

Well, it’s six years since this change, and how many of you have heard about the change at Mass?

I haven’t heard it yet.

What’s also interesting to me is how slow the churches in our area are in adopting this new wording.

Change is hard!

And this is a great example of how hard change is.

But change we must!

Note, we had a big response to getting information on the Gel. I believe, and hope, we responded to everyone. If for some chance you didn’t get a response, write a comment again. I respond on Thursdays because in this case, we had twenty-seven responses on Wednesday and thirty- five on Thursday. Thirty-two asked for the name of the Gel.

Since thirty-two people asked for the Gel, maybe, the thirty-two people will start praying for their brothers and sisters to be healed. Prayer is far more effective than a Gel as I, we, have already explained.

About the Author

My name is Frederick Prince, nicknames, Fred, Ted, and Tedfred. My wife Gail and I have been married for fifty-eight short years. We have three married sons and five grandchildren. Gail and I attend St. John Paul II Parish located in Scarborough Maine. I graduated from Stonehill College with a BSBA in Management in 1963. I joined the Navy and served aboard the USS Pine Island, a seaplane tender, for two years. I am a Vietnam Veteran and am proud of my service. Gail and I moved to Maine in 1966, and we now reside in Scarborough Maine. Gail and I have been active in our Church and our community. We have written five books: A Journey with The Holy Spirit - Revised Edition, I Believe... Revised edition, A Lion Dead to The Lord - Revised Edition, God Thoughts 2022, and God thoughts 2023 E-books and Paperback copies are available at Amazon, Hardcovers with jacket at Barnes and Noble. Being selected to write the Wednesday blog has filled me with Joy. Being 84 I believe gives me a different perspective. Where you are going I have been, and I pray my twenty-eight years working with the men in the Cumberland County Jail brings a very different outlook to the table.

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  1. What’s the “Gel”?

    Not a duplicate comment ! ???
    I have never written in!

  2. I sincerely appreciate your weekly blogs! Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!
    And, if you don’t mind, please share the name of the gel with me.

  3. Instructive! Detailed and informative. Thank you Fred. I am yet to hear the revised version of “our father” at mass. Keep on with your great job!
    Kindly share the name of the Gel with me.

  4. I heard it said as, “Do not put us to the test.”
    Without the word, final. So that covers our daily temptations, too.

  5. Thank you Fred. We appreciate your “I to we” thoughts as we should serve and not look to be served. Send your gel to the world. Sounds like they are in need.

  6. Thank you Fred. I never thought about the power of a servant! Very interesting.

  7. Are you and the Pope implying that Jesus did not teach us how to pray? Also, I do not read The Catholic Moment for health issues. Please continue with your faith journey blogs. They are so helpful to us born into the Catholic faith.

  8. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I find it so enlightening and encouraging. I am so glad this site found me! I too would like the name of the gel, please.

  9. Thank you Fred. You and the Holy Spirit continue to trigger the way the truth and the life. The Holy Spirit has touched my heart this morning to pray for the babies and families due to the baby formula shortage. Come Holy Spirit save our babies!
    Please send name of gel.

  10. Please give me the name of the gel. Thanks. I am praying for healing of a painful condition after a fall. You encourage me to trust. I’m trying.

  11. Today’s own on the Lord’s Prayer is certainly not an easy one; but my own understanding of the phrase, “Lead us not into temptation” is: praying to God who knows our capacity to not let anything bigger than us come our way but only that which will enable us grow in grace.
    He has already told us to expect trouble while we sojourn on earth. But these are meant to make us grow in grace. But some will not let us grow in grace. That is what I think that phrase is all about.
    However, I will like to know what “the final test” means.
    I ask for a second time for the name of the gel please.

  12. Thank you for all of your inspiring posts. Please let me know the name of the gel.
    Thanks Fred and the Holy Spirit.

  13. Frederick. Thank for your reflection. To clarify, regarding the name of the gel, please note that there was no reflection posted in A Catholic Moment on Thursday, May 12 last week, which was the day after you first talked about the gel in your reflection. I looked at the comments in the subsequent reflections, but did not see the name of the gel. Could you please include the name of the gel in your next reflection to minimize the possibility of it being missed?

  14. Way to go Fred – you certainly know how to liven thinks up here @ ACM.
    How about: Please do not allow Satan to heavily test us for we are weak”? Speaking for myself, “I” am probably the weakest here @ ACM.
    Lord have mercy.

    Oh Fred, you and your gel lol.
    As my Momma use to tell of her children “Offer it up”!

  15. What’s a gel? I hate all the changes in the church and mass. They’ve changed the wording and have nothing to read and go by to follow along. For me it’s very frustrating, because I have early stage dementia. I can’t remember from last time to next time how it goes. And why can’t we have modern Christian music??

  16. Seems to me if the Church wanted us to change the wording of the Our Father, they’d tell us about it. To date, I’ve only heard about it in some of the Rosary videos with which we’ve prayed. Yes, change does come slowly, especially when no-one tells you about it. Besides, changing the wording doesn’t necessarily change the belief. My Father IS in Heaven, and His Name is hallowed. And the “test” is always before us…it’s how we respond to it that’s important. May He strengthen all of us to reject satan all the time!

  17. “Lead us not into temptation”. Now omit the ‘not’ – Lead us into temptation. That is clearly against God’s wishes, and not intended. So the ‘not’ reverses this – Lead us away from temptation.

  18. Regarding the Sidebar and the wording of the Our Father: remember, when Jesus first spoke those words He was not speaking in 21st Century English. He, and the people around Him, spoke Aramaic. Later the Our Father was translated into Greek, the common language of the Roman Empire at that time. Still later, St. Jerome translated it into Latin. The Douay-Rheims English translation came in the late 1500s. Our own language has changed greatly since then. It’s a constant challenge, to keep the English words and spirit true to that Aramaic original. And thank God I’m not one of the people who has to do it!

  19. Amy,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  20. Anonymous,
    I agree, but I also believe that the prayer should make sense to the common person who has not tried as hard as you to know the meaning of the prayer. Thank you for your comment. Fred

  21. Christine,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  22. Angela,
    ASS we said in our Blog change is hard, but change we must. Thank you for your comment Fred

  23. Anonymous,
    Remember it’s not me, it’s the Holy Spirit working through me that livens things up. Thank you for your comment. Fred

  24. Patty,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  25. Jerry,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  26. SES,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  27. Rebecca,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  28. Ehimhanre,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  29. Robert,

    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  30. Karen,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  31. Cecilia,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  32. Jennifer,

    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  33. Anonymous,
    I can’t stop doing what I truly feel the Holy Spirit wants me to do, and if that is giving out health information that can help someone we will. Thank you for your comment. Fred

  34. JME,
    Thank you for being such a regular supporter, you have no idea how much it means to me. Fred

  35. Cheryl,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  36. Jerry,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  37. Bev,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  38. Anonymous,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  39. Rosanne,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  40. Jonathan,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  41. Joanne,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

  42. Amy,
    Because of the strong response I received asking for the name of the Gel, I am doing this on a mass bases.

    The name of the Gel is China Gel. an 8 oz Jar costs 25.95 at Amazon and Walmart.

    I checked with CVS and Walgreens, and they don’t have it.

    Remember, Thank God for the Difficulty of your pain and pray that you know God will take care of you.

    I believe the prayer is more important than the Gel.

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