Wednesday, May 15, 2019 – Importance of Heeding God’s Message for the World

When I reflect on the daily readings for this blog, I have a number of mental avenues that I pursue. Sometimes inspiration strikes me quickly, and I’ll be filled with an idea that comes to light as I reread (thanks, Holy Spirit!). Sometimes I’ll reflect on what’s going on in my life, or the world, or my past, and see if any of them speak to this reading. And sometimes I’ll open up my study Bible (the New American Bible), which contains a plethora of cross-references, insight, and explanations on Sacred Scripture.

So upon reflecting on today’s Gospel selection from John, I decided that a fair bit of this felt familiar, so wanting to make sure I wasn’t missing some nuance of Christ’s words, I took a peek at my study Bible for additional insight. And I found something I don’t recall having found in a daily reading before: no commentary whatsoever, beyond the cross-references to other parts of the Bible that are omnipresent.

Scratching my head a bit, I looked at the boldface name of the section, since my study Bible breaks down each section with the gist of the passage or story (for example, earlier sections in Chapter 12 of John were given headers of The Anointing at Bethany, The Entry into Jerusalem, and The Coming of Jesus’ Hour). The section of today’s reading — John 12:44-50 – had a title of Recapitulation.

That’s not a word I use very often, and – without context – I didn’t want to take a guess at what it meant, so I looked it up. My dictionary defines recapitulation as “an act or instance of summarizing and restating the main points of something: his recapitulation of the argument.”

In other words, this section of the Bible which feels like a summary of some of his earlier teachings is, in fact, exactly that.

So, today is a handy encapsulation of some of the biggies:

  • Jesus is the light of the world.
  • Whoever believes in Christ also believes in the Father.
  • Jesus did not come to condemn us to but to save the world.
  • Those who choose not to heed Christ’s words will be judged accordingly on the last day.

To anyone who’s a practicing Catholic, those ideas are pretty ingrained at this point. But I think it’s useful to remind ourselves of the basics, because they serve as the foundation for the rest of the faith.

When I first started writing for this blog, several years ago now, I really feared that I wouldn’t have much to discuss. One of the greatest joys of the Catholic faith for me is also one of its great frustrations: It’s so simple, comparatively speaking. Elsewhere (Matthew 22:36-40), Jesus proclaims the greatest commandment: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. The second greatest commandment he proclaims as Love your neighbor as yourself.

Love God. Love one another.

A staggering amount of the moral teaching of the thousand-plus pages of the Bible can be summed up in those five words, so small that – if you were to type them in a 140-character tweet – you could copy and paste it four more times in the same tweet.

Today’s Gospel selection – this recapitulation – is similarly simple. But it’s vital that we know and understand it, or else the rest of faith is built on a terribly unstable foundation.

If you don’t truly understand that Jesus is the Lord, then you leave yourself open to “worshipping” all manner of false idols in the modern age.

If you don’t understand that Jesus is God, and the Heavenly Father is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, then you risk elevating one of the Trinity above the other, or failing to understand that the Spirit is waiting and eager to help us help others.

If you don’t believe that Jesus came to save the whole world, then you risk succumbing to holier-than-thou attitudes when you interact with nonbelievers, instead of glowing with the inner light of peace and serenity that can lead those still in the dark to the truth.

If you don’t understand the importance of heeding God’s message for the world, you risk not being as committed and passionate as you need to be in following the Word and spreading the Good News.

Why do I say “I love you” to my spouse multiple times a day, even if we already know it? Because it’s that important – to me, to her, and to our relationship. Why does Jesus seem to belabor certain points, messages, and themes in his teachings? Because they’re that important. If you don’t understand those and made them reflexive, the rest of the faith – the sign of the cross, prayers before meals, going to church on Sundays, the sign of peace – is, at best, training wheels for what’s really important . . . or, at worst, just window dressing.

So thanks be to God for the occasional “recapitulation” in Sacred Scripture, to help really drive home what’s important for us to know; anything that’s really important to say is worth saying again.

Today’s readings: Acts 12:24—13:5A; Ps 67:2-3,5,6 and 8; Jn 12:44-50

About the Author

Despite being a professional writer and editor for over 15 years, Steven Marsh is more-or-less winging it when it comes to writing about matters of faith. Steven entered the church in 2005, and since then he's been involved with various ministries, including Pre-Cana marriage prep for engaged couples, religious education for kindergarteners, and Stephen Ministry's one-on-one caregiving. Steven lives in Indiana with his wife and son. Despite having read the entirety of the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, he's still surprised at elements he rediscovers or reflects upon in new ways. The more Steven learns about the faith, the less he feels he knows; he's keen to emphasize that any mistakes are his own.

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  1. Sometimes you just have to go back to the basics…the foundations of our faith. Lots of messages in between are important. This is the meat and potatoes…so to speak. Thank you Steven for a great recapitulation. Not sure if I have ever used that word before.

  2. Love this reflection! I find my self saying more and more these days, “life could be so simple if more people BELIEVED”!

  3. Steven, nice piece of writing. I like to think know that I’m at best “on training wheels”. I know I’ve caught myself at worst too “window dressing”. Kind of like auto pilot for catholics. Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.

  4. I was confused by a part of today’s Gospel reading. Jesus says that He won’t condemn people who dob’t believe in Him, and that His word will condemn them. So, from what I understand, it’s not Jesus condemning them, but their lack of belief. But isn’t Jesus going to be on the judgment seat? So won’t He be judging us (everybody; believers and non-believers alike)? But, I guess, it may not be Him doing the actual judging, but just applying the Word He proclaimed to us and our conduct? But isn’t that judging?

    Yes, I’m confused. This is something I would be asking Mary Ortwein with her solid knowledge of theology, but I’m open to everybody’s teaching on this.

  5. Chris Wheeler, what a great comment you wrote yesterday! Just read it today. Yes, how do you pray for remorseless killers, sex offenders (did you know that in Canada, the police will not let residents know when a registered sex offender moves into their neighbourhood? All in the name of protecting their privacy! What about protecting potential victims from harm?), and people who deliberately harm others in other ways? I don’t know.

  6. “If you don’t understand that Jesus is God, and the Heavenly Father is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, then you risk elevating one of the Trinity above the other…”
    I am guilty of subconscious ranking in the order of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Indeed, Jesus is God, the Heavenly Father is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. Such is the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Thanks for the reminder, Steven.

  7. I love this reading! I am 68 years old and still very often, when I sit quietly with God and my personal reflections I can feel Gods hand on my bicycle seat
    and myself saying don’t let go. I’m not ready yet. Then burst with joy knowing I am a “child” of God. He is always with me, always holding on to the seat
    of my bike, holding my hand through difficult times, and hovering(yes hovering) over me when I make bad choices and need to face the consequences.
    It is also important for me to say I love you God. I love you Jesus. I love you Holy Spirit!
    As far as the judgement issues, we will be judged accordingly!? The more I read, reflect share with others our thoughts the more comfortable I become with
    only how I will be judged. It is my leap of faith and hope that Gods love will
    hang on to the seat of my bike and help peddle me home.

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