Wednesday, May 11 I came into the world as light – John 12

Side Garden Cape Elizabeth Picture by Gail Prince

Our Post is inspired by the Holy Spirit.

“I came into the world as light.” This is a very interesting statement for I can’t think of anyone before Jesus who could make this claim.

What does Jesus mean I came into this world as light?

After thinking about this for years actually, I believe it reflects the Love, Joy, and Peace that Jesus radiated by His doing the will of His and our Father.

Jesus and God the Father had a relationship, Father and Son, which was a perfect relationship which we are called to be a part of also, and we know this because later in this Gospel we are told by Jesus,
“because I did not speak on my own,
but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and speak.
And I know that his commandment is eternal life.
So what I say, I say as the Father told me.”
(emphasis mine) John 12

As we have said in many blogs I love working with the Holy Spirit in writing these blogs.

Why would I say this now?

The word commanded leaped out at me when I read this passage, which we put in Bold so hopefully, you might spend a moment pondering this word.

In earlier blogs, we said Jesus only said what he heard his Father say and did what He saw His Father doing.

The word commanded put an entirely different meaning to what Jesus said. God the Father wasn’t giving Jesus suggestions or hints, God the Father, according to Jesus, was commanding Jesus to make a particular statement.

And when Jesus made these statements he was filled with Joy and since Jesus was always doing what He saw His Father doing and saying what He was commanded to say He was filled with Joy, and became the light of the world.

When you or I do the will of God the Father, by listening to the whisper of the Holy Spirit, we are filled with Joy and also become the light of the world. My problem is I fail to always listen to the whisper of the Holy Spirit and therefore lose Joy.

The above doesn’t explain why we started talking about the word commanded earlier. I, we, feel it has a much deeper meaning which is important for all of us.

Go back to the Cross.

Jesus said from the Cross, never forget Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were also on that Cross, Jesus fully human and fully Divine, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit were fully Divine, “Forgive them, they know what they do” Luke 23:34

According to Jesus, God the Father commanded Jesus to say these words. Your salvation is not only Jesus saying He wants us forgiven, but God the Father, The Holy Spirit, and Jesus are saying this.

This is the dance we have also talked about since the start of our blogs, and when you decide to say and do what God your Father wants you to say and to do, you and I also become a light in this very dark world.

Never forget the world has always had wars, diseases, riots, and hatred, this day and age are no different.

We can make a true difference by being a light in a very dark world.

“The nine” We pray you will grow in the Love, Joy, and Peace of the Holy Spirit by growing in Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.

This is the first Monday after three days of playing “Guys Golf” in Myrtle Beach, North Carolina.

The weather was in the mid to late seventies, the courses were fantastic, and we all agreed this was the best year ever.

We want to run an experiment:

I shot my second hole in one, on the sixteenth hole at the Sea Trail Golf Club. Two holes later I shot a put that was eighteen feet long for a birdie. I also hit more fairways with my driver than anyone else in the group over the three days we held “Guys Golf.”

Does the above paragraph make you want to vomit?

It does me, and I had a hard time typing it because it wasn’t true.

Does the above paragraph reflect me as being a light of the world?

No it doesn’t because it’s all about me, and only me.

Where’s God?

Obviously not on those courses on those three days.

I did it all!

What a jerk, you might be thinking.


Let’s restate that first paragraph.

Weeeeeeeee shot our second hole in one, on the sixteenth hole at the Sea Trail Golf Club. Two holes later Weeeeeeee shot a putt that was eighteen feet long for a birdie. Weeeeeeee also hit more fairways with our driver than anyone else in the group over the three days we held “Guys Golf.”

This is a lot better. I’m giving credit to God for all that happened that week.
As we said at the end of lent, I had a great lent. A change came into my life.

I now celebrate even more the relationship we are building.

I know many of you are thinking God does not get involved in golf.

How sad!

I guess the God you worship picks and chooses where God wants to be involved in your life and leaves you hanging in those parts that God doesn’t want to be involved in.

I thought this way for way too long.

God wants to be involved in every aspect of your life, let us repeat, EVERY ASPECT of your life, and be fully involved.

I also fully believe God answers all prayers.

Wait just a second I can anticipate many of you thinking, I have said prayers that weren’t answered, so your statement is wrong or misleading.

I disagree fully.

For the last two years, I had a sore hip.

I, we, prayed for healing, bought two pillows, bought a new chair for our office, tried a gel and nothing worked for two years.

I, we, and I say we because C.S. Lewis said Jesus brings us to pray, gives us the words to pray, and brings the prayers to God the Father.

We prayed for the hip pain to be healed.

And for two years nothing.

Did I quit?


I kept praying and never lost faith that a healing wouldn’t occur.

We mentioned a gel, and the Holy Spirit encouraged me to loan this gel to Louie Chabot, a neighbor. for his sore knee, and the gel healed his knee pain.

Louie read the directions, I didn’t. Louie used the gel four times a day, I used it only two times a day. Louis’s pain was healed, mine wasn’t. Louie told me he used it four times a day.

The Holy Spirit whispered to me to apply it four times a day. We changed to four times a day, which I did for over a month, then twice a day for one to two weeks, and the pain is gone.

I have waited for two weeks to make sure the pain is gone, and it’s GONE!!

The really great news is I wasn’t sure I could go to “Guys Golf,” because I wasn’t sure I could make the trip, because of the pain I experienced before using the gel.

The pain is gone and I had no troubles, with the hip, going on the trip.

Why do I keep talking about healings, and other ways God is involved in my, our, life?

People say I am special.

I’m not special.

You and I were both wanted by God the Father, God knows every hair on our heads, Matthew 10:30, and that makes us all very special.


Do you know every hair on the head of your spouse or children?

I bet you don’t even come close.

But your Father does!

Think of it, if God knows every hair on my head, God is telegraphing that God is truly looking for an intimate relationship.

The main difference is I turn my difficulties over to God and expect God to take care of me, and God has. Think about it, if your spouse, children, and anyone else asks for help, wouldn’t you try to help them out?

Who are you imitating?

The Triune God!

In golf, the whole group went out and made practice shots; we didn’t. We just kept humming the songs I learned while playing the guitar during Lent.

Well God provided me with more God surprises as we explained earlier.

In my health, I also look to God to take care of me, and God has!

In a comment a few weeks ago the commentator said he had incurable cancer. We replied that calling the cancer incurable made it so. If you believe God can’t cure you, God can’t.

Look in the Bible.

So he was not able to perform any mighty deed there, apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands on them. He was amazed at their lack of faith. (Emphasis mine) Mark 6:5-6.

The healing of my hip took two years. I, we, just kept praying and I never stopped believing God wouldn’t take care of me.

I believe this because God has taken care of me, is taking care of me and I know will take care of me.

Why would God stop?

In God’s eyes, I’m not Loved by God any more than you are.

Turn your life over to God and become a light in a very dark world.

One last thought, Holy Spirit, I started including God fully in our Golf game in Oct of 2021. Since then we have shot two holes in one, and our scores are lower.

Luck, I don’t think so.

Never forget, someday I will jump on the Hallelujah Train Home, and that prayer for healing will not be answered!

Note: We have not mentioned the name of the gel because we don’t want to advertise any product, but If you want to get the name, write a comment asking for the brand name and I will give you the information in our reply, on Thursday, to your comment.

About the Author

My name is Frederick Prince, nicknames, Fred, Ted, and Tedfred. My wife Gail and I have been married for fifty-eight short years. We have three married sons and five grandchildren. Gail and I attend St. John Paul II Parish located in Scarborough Maine. I graduated from Stonehill College with a BSBA in Management in 1963. I joined the Navy and served aboard the USS Pine Island, a seaplane tender, for two years. I am a Vietnam Veteran and am proud of my service. Gail and I moved to Maine in 1966, and we now reside in Scarborough Maine. Gail and I have been active in our Church and our community. We have written five books: A Journey with The Holy Spirit - Revised Edition, I Believe... Revised edition, A Lion Dead to The Lord - Revised Edition, God Thoughts 2022, and God thoughts 2023 E-books and Paperback copies are available at Amazon, Hardcovers with jacket at Barnes and Noble. Being selected to write the Wednesday blog has filled me with Joy. Being 84 I believe gives me a different perspective. Where you are going I have been, and I pray my twenty-eight years working with the men in the Cumberland County Jail brings a very different outlook to the table.

Author Archive Page


  1. In 2018 my 18-year-old nephew was represented by an attorney on an Indiana accident as a back seat passenger. Since I had the paralegal background, he asked for assistance in finding a lawyer. The contingency fee agreement was set on 25% of the settlement. However, when the case settled, attorney took 35% of the settlement. My nephew and my brother informed me of the situation.
    I would like to note here that when an encounter/assignment is presented, I handle it first as a legal process of review and then I escalate it into the Appellate process to the Divine Tribunal.
    That attorney returned $8,000 to my nephew after the inspiration I received from the Divine Tribunal on the style and format of presentation of the facts. The attorney wanted to know who wrote the Letter. My nephew just gave him a smile.

  2. Hi Fred,
    I pray for healing for my husband, he has back pain that shoots down to his legs. The gel might be the answer to that pain. I wasn’t going to ask you the name of the gel but the Holy Spirit tells me to write to you so here I am. Thank you for the weekly inspiration reading your blog.

  3. I too would like to know the name of the gel. Thank you so much for your reflections. They are very inspiring. God bless both of you!

  4. My mother has suffered almost 2 decades from rheumatism; I am currently developing something similar. I have been believing God for healing for my mother; I still do. Let me know about this gel. It might just be the answer.

  5. I do love your faith and acceptance of difficulties, but please remember some of us have prayed for years for relief for ourselves or others we love from things like pain, addiction, mental illness, etc. It is hard to understand how God can offer that relief, but doesn’t always choose to do it. He may want us to pray for courage instead, I suppose, but its very hard to accept ongoing pain, especially for those we love.

  6. Great reflection! I could sure use some of that gel right now if you would send me the name. Thanks.

  7. Thank you Fred. So glad to hear your pain is gone and you guys are playing well. God is always willing to go along for the golf outing or anything for that matter if He’s invited. Peace with you.

  8. Know many people seeking relief from pain. May I learn the name of the gel please ?

  9. Never give up hope. My husband was diagnosed with myeloma two years ago with a grim prognosis. Prayers of hope and thanksgiving for caring doctors lead to a miracle two oncologists said. Pray with hope.
    (I could sure use the name of your gel!)😉

  10. Sometimes it’s hard to have faith and totally put your life in the hands of God. Especially in today’s world, there is a lot of heartache going on! Physical and chronic pain is a debilitating life, I have family members who may find relief from this miraculous gel. Please give me the name and we’ll give it a try. Thank You for this inspirational reflection, may we all know and feel the spirit of our Lord! God Bless…🙏🏼❣️

  11. Thank you for your writings and Gail’s pictures. God is good. May I also have the name of the gel? Thank you

  12. Thank you to all who take such precious time to enlighten us. I am so glad I found this site several years ago. I too would like the name of the gel, please.

  13. God has created me to do Him some definite service. He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission. I may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next. I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. He has not created me for naught. I shall do good; I shall do His work. I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place, while not intending it if I do but keep His commandments. Therefore, I will trust Him, whatever I am, I can never be thrown away. If I am in sickness, my sickness may serve Him, in perplexity, my perplexity may serve Him. If I am in sorrow, my sorrow may serve Him. He does nothing in vain. He knows what He is about. He may take away my friends. He may throw me among strangers. He may make me feel desolate, make my spirits sink, hide my future from me. Still, He knows what He is about.

  14. Thank you Fred for your connection with the Holy Spirit as you walk with certainty that it is “we” not me. In this world so topsy turvy we must be in this world but not of this world.

    May you continue to walk in the Spirit on your way to the Halijehia train 🚀❤

    Yes we would like the name of the pain relieving gel, thank you.

    God bless us all!

  15. Your reflection was just what I needed today…thank you!
    Also, would love the name of the gel!

  16. Love your reflections from the Holy Spirit. My nephew suffers with joint pain & this gel may be the answer to my prayers. Please send me the name of the gel. God bless you & your family always.

  17. I would like the name of the gel. I suffer from pain in my right buttock when I lay on my back. It wakes me up all night long. I put wonder gel from life plus on it but the pain persists despite epidurals and shots. I am so tired. I offer the pain to the Lird and the Immaculate heart of Mary for the reparation of sons. Should I ask to be healed or just accept the pain as his will?

  18. Your posts are always so inspiring! Please send me the name of the gel. Thank you.

  19. Please send me the name of this gel. I thank you, and God Bless You.
    I enjoy reading your posts every single time. You are, with God’s help, a true inspiration to me. Thank God for you.

  20. I love your posts. My husband has this chronic knee pain and he has tried several pain relievers but without relief. May I know the name of the gel.

  21. Thanks so much for your reflection. God bless ess you.
    May I please have the name of the gel?
    Thank you so much.

  22. My mum has been suffering from arthritis for as long as I can remember…kindly requesting for the gel’s name…Thanks

  23. My mum has been suffering from arthritis for as long as I can remember…kindly requesting for the gel’s name…Thanks

  24. Thank you Fred for a testimony about the Holy spirit. Could you pls share the name of the Gel with me…Thank you

  25. Fred,
    Thank you for another wonderfully inspired commentary. I love how you describe God being with you and caring about you in golf as much as he would in any other portion of life. Also, I had never thought about the parallel of those who love us trying to help us and God who loves us OF COURSE will help us (I understand not always in the way we want). Thank you. Please also give the name of the gel. So many people asked for the gel and told there stories of pain. I would love to pray for you all (but would also like to know if/when you are healed). Good bless you all!

  26. God be praised for your healing! Please let me know the name of the gel 🙏🏼

  27. Karen,
    In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price

  28. JMEIn response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  29. MwintirewIn response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  30. Naks,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  31. ARKIn response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  32. Rosanne,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  33. Tom,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  34. Christi,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  35. Linda,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  36. Mary,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  37. Evelyn,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  38. Claire,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  39. Cecilia,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  40. NINA,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  41. Jerry,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  42. NPR,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  43. Cqrol,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  44. Odette,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  45. Patty,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  46. Ruth,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  47. John,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  48. Bev,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  49. Ehimhanre,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  50. Karen,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  51. Cheryl,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

  52. Grace,In response to your request.

    The first and most important thing is for you or the person in pain is to say the prayer below,

    “Thank you Father for the difficulty of ( name the pain or problem) I know you will take care of me.”

    For me it was, “Thank you Father for my sore hips, I know you will take care of me.”

    And say the prayer until you smile, for those in a lot of pain, this can take time. I’ve been there and yes it’s hard.

    Don’t quit!

    And then say this prayer for that pain every day until you smile and are healed.

    The Name of the Gel is China Gel

    Available at: the same price $25.95 for 8oz.

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