Wednesday, July 27 The Kingdom of Heaven is like,

Bird seeing its image Picture by Gail Prince

Our blog is inspired by The Holy Spirit.

“Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant

searching for fine pearls.

When he finds a pearl of great price,

he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.” Matthew 13:45

At Mass many, many Sundays ago, Monsignor Henchal gave a homily on this parable.

He said, and as I thought about it, I agreed, the Merchant is Jesus, and the fine pearl is us.

Wow, did that surprise me!

I had always thought the fine pearl was God, and we were the Merchant searching for the fine Pearl.

It’s the last line that I think makes my thinking wrong.

The last line states, “He goes and sells all that he has and buys it.”


You have found the Triune God; I know this because you are reading our blogs and the blogs of the other wonderful writers for A Catholic Moment. Because you are reading our blogs, you’re trying to find, know, and love God.


Now that you have found God, have you sold everything to buy the pearl?

The answer, as you all know, is NO!

Soooo, we have a problem,

And that is selling everything.

Only one person, fully Divine and fully Human, sold everything.

Jesus, on the Cross.

When the spear was thrust into his Chest, He shed all of His Blood, and water poured forth.

Jesus’ Blood to wash away our sins, His shed water for our Baptism.

I read about the life of St. Francis; during his life, he wanted neither money nor fame. He never became a priest so much was the poverty he tried to live in, and just before dying, St. Francis expressed the desire to die naked, which Saint Francis did.


Saint Francis didn’t shed his Blood; in short, he didn’t give up everything.

So the question is, who is the pearl?

The answer is obvious,

You and me.


What Monsignor Henchal said blew me away.

That’s how much God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit love us.

They gave it all so that we could find Heaven here and now and live a life unknown before the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Jesus’ death on the Cross is also why it is so essential for us to accept this tremendous gift.   

Name any other God who forgives as the Triune God does. 

What else would you call what God achieved on the Cross? 

It’s a gift, a gift we have no right to expect.

Therefore we should try and live as much as we can in the “Spirit World,” thanking God all the time for what God has, is, and will do for us.  

It is also important to thank God for the difficulties God ALLOWS in our lives.

A Life filled with Praise is also a life filled with Joy,

And, it’s Joy that separates the Christian from the “World.”


“He goes and sells all that he has and buys it.

 “The nine” We pray you will grow in the Love, Joy, and Peace of the Holy Spirit by growing in Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.


Linda wrote a comment I could easily relate to in our last blog. She said she had severe back pain, had tried everything, including seeing doctors, and had no relief.

At age twenty-eight, I suffered back pain from arthritis.

I went on an aspirin regimen, twenty-eight pills a day, and today I still take thirteen hundred milligrams of Bufferin daily.

People look at me and say, “Your stomach must be a wreck!”

I told them “No,” and after many years, I realized God was taking care of me. The pain I experienced was very hard.  

Today the pain is gone!

Yes, I still take the Bufferin, and if I stop, the pain returns.

I mention this because this is an excellent example of God taking care of me.

I also learned and now fully believe that MY LOVING FATHER, BROTHER, and HOLY SPIRIT want me healthy. My sins have been washed away by the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Once I realized this, my life changed.


When you feel sick or hurt somewhere, oh and by the way, being eighty is no picnic, every day some part of my body lets me know they are not pleased with how they have been abused, 

Who do you think of first,

Your doctor, 



In the past, my, yes my, answer would have been to call the doctor.


My first thought now is to thank God for the DIFFICULTY God has ALLOWED at this particular point in my, our life!

I do say this prayer every day.

And why wouldn’t I,

It Works!

And this may be a surprise to many of you, but I now expect God to take care of me.

Why wouldn’t God take care of me? God wanted me here in the first place, God the Father knew and chose me before I was born (2 Thessalonians 2:13), and as we discussed above, I am that Pearl.

Never forget, I sadly am a sinner.

I’m mentioning this because when I was younger, I thought, as Linda thought in her comment, that I would offer up the pain for my sins. I have, past tense, done this with my arthritis and other pains I have experienced over the years.

Wait just a second, Jesus took away our sins!

You can’t build a relationship with God by just enduring pain.  

Instead, I, we, submit that a relationship grows by being taken care of by a loving and caring God.

My parents and I built a Loving relationship as they cared for me as I grew up.  

They took care of me!

Because they took care of me, we built a loving relationship.

I never realized until now the connection between my parents’ love and God’s love.


I’m pumped!

I started this Sidebar with an empty mind, prayed, “Where do we go,” and Wow, I am filled with Joy by what we just wrote.  

I Love this Ministry!

Thank you, Linda, for your comment.


Gail and I were driving to Florida to see family, and we stopped to have lunch. The bird pictured above landed on our car door, looked in the side mirror, and spent a lot of time looking at the image in the mirror.


Mike and Cindy are coming next week, so I will probably not make any responses to your comments until the week after.

About the Author

My name is Frederick Prince, nicknames, Fred, Ted, and Tedfred. My wife Gail and I have been married for fifty-eight short years. We have three married sons and five grandchildren. Gail and I attend St. John Paul II Parish located in Scarborough Maine. I graduated from Stonehill College with a BSBA in Management in 1963. I joined the Navy and served aboard the USS Pine Island, a seaplane tender, for two years. I am a Vietnam Veteran and am proud of my service. Gail and I moved to Maine in 1966, and we now reside in Scarborough Maine. Gail and I have been active in our Church and our community. We have written five books: A Journey with The Holy Spirit - Revised Edition, I Believe... Revised edition, A Lion Dead to The Lord - Revised Edition, God Thoughts 2022, and God thoughts 2023 E-books and Paperback copies are available at Amazon, Hardcovers with jacket at Barnes and Noble. Being selected to write the Wednesday blog has filled me with Joy. Being 84 I believe gives me a different perspective. Where you are going I have been, and I pray my twenty-eight years working with the men in the Cumberland County Jail brings a very different outlook to the table.

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  1. Thank you very much for the sharing. You have helped me discover the pearl in me.
    I’ll not disappoint him who sold everything for the to be what I am, a Christian.

  2. Hello Fred!
    I am not that far from you in terms of your time period in your journey. Every time I ponder on your reflections, the veil is partly lifted and brings me back to the fallen leaves in the tree of my life. If by any chance the Holy Spirit will inspire you in His time, to unravel the meaning of fallen leaves in the tree of my life – perhaps a deeper meaning is in it. I can email it to you…if it be His Will.

  3. Thank you Fred. I’ve never viewed that Gospel from the lens that I am the Pearl. Game changer. Blessings on your family visit

  4. Thank you Fred. Love your blog and stories of faith filled moments. That’s what we are…Catholic moments bringing the good news. Peace my brother.

  5. Loved this reflection…your words are a blessing I needed to hear this morning after a difficult day yesterday! ❣️🙏🏼❣️🙏🏼

  6. Thank you Fred! I never thought of myself as a Pearl and Jesus as the Merchant. Wow! Just Wow! Thank you Jesus🙌

  7. Thank you for a lovely uplifting reflection Fred and the picture of the bird is really cute.

  8. At 87 I can fully relate to what you are saying. When I forget about self and serve others I am at my happiest. Living alone I am free to be of service. But I don’t live alone I have my two golden retrievers and God , thank you Fred

  9. Thank you Fred (and Msgr. Henchal) for a new perspective on that gospel. I will share it with my Brothers when we discuss our “Study”. And maybe the next time I look in the mirror (like the cardinal), I’ll see something of great value that Jesus was willing to sell all for.

  10. Jerry, what a great comment, thank you for taking the time to write it. Fred

  11. John, serving others is where it’s at, enjoy the Joy you get by doing this. Fred

  12. Cath, I love that picture and thank you for taking the time to write a comment. Fred

  13. Cecilia, I think we all suffered at one time or another not realizing how precious we are in the eyes of God. Fred

  14. Patty, this is a case of the Holy Spirit working in your life, enjoy the relationship and build on your relationship. Fred

  15. Anonymous, Peace is the fruit that really started my journey in finding and growing in my relationship with God. So the Peace ypu sent me means a lot. Thank you for being a conscientious reader and commentator. Fred

  16. Lizzie, this is where always trying to learn and grow in your relationship with God is so important. Every now and then you learn something that just changes everything, but don’t thank me thank The Holy Spirit who inspires all our blogs. Thank you for your blessing, we are a family that is blessed. Fred

  17. Lynne, I hope we can make this happen, I am not sure what you mean by fallen leaves but we would love to discuss this with you. My email is Put in the subject line Fallen Leaves, so I don’t think your email is junk. I get a lot of junk emails I just delete. I’\m looking forward to hearing from you. Fred

  18. What a calm and insightful reflection. God is really using you people to touch lifes and listen more of to him. Thank Fred. God bless you all. AMEN

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