Wednesday, January 26 Parable of the Sower

This sign hung on the front of our garage pointing to our house for twenty years.

Wednesday, January 26 The Parable of the Sower

Our Post is Inspired by The Holy Spirit.

The sower sows the word. These are the ones on the path where the word is sown. As soon as they hear, Satan comes at once and takes away the word sown in them. And these are the ones sown on rocky ground who, when they hear the word, receive it at once with joy. But they have no root; they last only for a time. Then when tribulation or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. Those sown among thorns are another sort. They are the people who hear the word, but worldly anxiety, the lure of riches, and the craving for other things intrude and choke the word, and it bears no fruit. But those sown on rich soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.” Mark 4 14-20

I have always read this parable as a static parable. I was either in rich or poor soil and if I were born in poor soil what chance would I have for salvation?

Now I know my thought process was very flawed!

I know this from my own life experiences, wherein my younger years God was up there and I was down here, and please Lord leave me alone.

In fact, it is even worse than that.

I learned at Stonehill College, where I was forced to take Theology courses for four years, that the more I knew about God, the more God would ask of me.

I decided I would be stupid about God and sneak into Heaven!

No judgment!

Forty years later this process of thought didn’t give me Peace.

I started going to daily Mass, and after receiving communion I was filled with Peace, for just a few brief seconds, but still, I felt Peace.

The question I asked was, “How do I grow in Peace?”

The answer I found was to change the soil.

And I changed the soil by starting, although I didn’t know it at the time, by building a relationship with God. In fact, I didn’t know at the time God wanted a relationship.

What a surprise when I found out we are called into a relationship with God, and from our relationship comes Love, Joy, and Peace.

This really hit home when I went to do Bible study in the jail. We had eighteen to twenty men come into a room that held fifteen men comfortably to learn about God.

Now I’m not naive.

I know some of the men were there only because they had a choice, remain locked up for an hour, or come to bible study.

One man, Ryan, testified he was there to get out of his cell.

We responded that the Holy Spirit was working in his life and he should enjoy the fact God wanted him there because,

Ryan was loved by God the same as God loves you and me!

Ryan is not a throwaway, GOD wanted him in this world for a reason, and maybe this was the first step in his discovering God and what God wanted from him in this life.

We told Ryan too, “Learn the “nine”, thank God for the difficulties, and tell satan to get behind him.”

Ryan did as we asked.

Ryan also started reading the bible and praying Psalm 91.

Many miracles, surprises, happened to Ryan over the next fourteen months.

There are five men’s pods in the jail, each pod holding about forty men, and the men are moved to different pods from time to time, for any reason.

Ryan was never moved!

Ryan was in the Cumberland County Jail for fourteen months, and I was told by Rev Jeff, the Chaplin, that the maximum stay in the Cumberland County Jail was always less than nine months. Once again Ryan stayed in the same pod, a different cell from time to time, and ended up in his last few months of incarceration in a private cell.

He became very active in our meetings, and with other prisoners in his pod.

Ryan was given an early release after he had been told by the judge that this would never happen.

Ryan found Jesus and fell in Love with the Triune God.

The ground, soil, changed.

Ryan came out of jail to bury his mother and take care of his dad.

After Ryan was released we had lunch and exchanged emails, but sadly we lost touch.

Months after I lost touch with Ryan, the Holy Spirit encouraged me to call Rev. Jeff, and I asked Rev. Jeff if Ryan was back in jail, Holy Spirit, only to find out Ryan was, in fact, back again.

I didn’t ask why.

Not my business.

I still Love him.

The ground, soil, changed!

After Rev. Jeff and I had talked for a few minutes, and now knowing Ryan was back in jail, Rev. Jeff asked if I would like to talk with Ryan, I said yes, and Rev. Jeff put through a phone call to Ryan, and we talked for fifteen minutes. I couldn’t see him because of COVID. As we talked I felt the fire, Love, for God, still in Ryan’s belly. He knew what he did wrong, he also knew he had stopped praying for an increase of Love, Joy, and Peace, but now he was once again living in the Love, Joy, and Peace of the Holy Spirit, in jail, and this was a totally different person than the person I met on his first trip into jail.

The ground, soil, changed!

We have told Ryan’s story because, in fact, this is also my story.

I feel I take two steps forward, and next take one or two steps backward, and even worse I sometimes spend time in what I can only call limbo. This is where I think all of this is a stupid waste of my time, prayers are not being answered, God isn’t listening, and why should I have to go through this particular difficulty?

Whine, whine, whine!

As we said two paragraphs earlier, God, who is always in my life, the Holy Spirit had me call Rev. Jeff, who then linked me to Ryan and Ryan thanked me, actually us, for the prison ministry and all he, Ryan, had learned.

I hung up and cried at my own lack of faith.

The ground, soil, changed.

Locked out of the jail because of COVID I prayed for something we could do to help people encounter a God of OUTRAGEOUS LOVE.

God’s answer was;

being chosen to write the Wednesday post for A Catholic Moment!

The ground, soil, changed.

“The nine” We pray you will grow in the Love, Joy, and Peace of the Holy Spirit by growing in Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.


The Cocktails sign hung on the front of our garage for almost twenty years. I was always amazed at the people who would stop by and ask if the sign was for real. I told them, “Yes, do you want a drink?”

They realized I was serious and started to back peddle.

“Not now! Maybe at a different time,” and the excuses piled up.

Two neighbors took us at our word; one showed up at six pm, the other a year later at eleven pm. Gail and I were just heading to bed. We entertained until well after twelve midnight.

Isn’t this somewhat the same with God?

The invitation to form a real relationship is an open door, all we have to do is knock, and the door will be opened.


I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the time some take to make a comment. I will try every week by Thursday to respond to every comment. You have no idea how much they motivate me to get the next post out.

Thank you, you’re a great group to work for!

About the Author

My name is Frederick Prince, nicknames, Fred, Ted, and Tedfred. My wife Gail and I have been married for fifty-eight short years. We have three married sons and five grandchildren. Gail and I attend St. John Paul II Parish located in Scarborough Maine. I graduated from Stonehill College with a BSBA in Management in 1963. I joined the Navy and served aboard the USS Pine Island, a seaplane tender, for two years. I am a Vietnam Veteran and am proud of my service. Gail and I moved to Maine in 1966, and we now reside in Scarborough Maine. Gail and I have been active in our Church and our community. We have written five books: A Journey with The Holy Spirit - Revised Edition, I Believe... Revised edition, A Lion Dead to The Lord - Revised Edition, God Thoughts 2022, and God thoughts 2023 E-books and Paperback copies are available at Amazon, Hardcovers with jacket at Barnes and Noble. Being selected to write the Wednesday blog has filled me with Joy. Being 84 I believe gives me a different perspective. Where you are going I have been, and I pray my twenty-eight years working with the men in the Cumberland County Jail brings a very different outlook to the table.

Author Archive Page


  1. Mr.Prince, does the Holy Spirit still want you to serve/drink cocktails?
    Were you able to witness/minister to your visitors? Yes,
    God , does “work in mysterious ways,” in the love, mercy,
    healing, strength and peace, of Christ our Risen Lord….

  2. Thank you for your messages,
    I did prison ministry until COVID-19.
    Your messages are appreciated.
    Thank you.

  3. Thanks for a down to earth and from the heart message. The Holy Spirit moved me late in life as well after a divorce and a very hard time in my life. My faith has always been there and I was definitely told to forgive myself as well as my then husband.
    Life is wonderful now and my three children and their dad remain a part of it but both him and I have remarried and everyone gets along. God is definitely active in having this happen. Now we have four grandchildren and life is wonderful because God is part of it! Looking forward to your next message!

  4. Mr. Prince, I look forward to your reflection every Tuesday. Thank you so much for welcoming the Holy Spirit to work through you to all of us readers. It certainly helps me grow in my faith by reading what you have written.

  5. Hi Fred, I love your posts, they have certainly impacted my life at age 73.
    I started saying Psalm 91 from the day you posted it. Ten days later my son who is living with my wife and I caught COVID through work, then his girfriend who was at our home that day also caught it. Even though we lived close, eating together and isolating for ten days with them, my wife and I were spared. I’d like to call it providence, some people called it luck.
    The nine is still a work in progress as I’m struggling with patience.
    Thanking God for difficulties, I have struggled with the death of my son who was living in another country at the time, March 2020, and because of COVID we could not travel. We had the ashes sent to us, but still waiting for the coroner’s report. Thanking God for the difficulty has helped to cope with the pain.
    Finally, I may say satan get behind me 10 to 20 times a day.
    Please keep posting.
    God bless
    From Australia

  6. Recently joined and being Inspired, mentored by your posts. You have given me a new meaning to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Growing the Nine!! Spreading this to my children. Today’s reading, has even taken me a notch higher in my quest for journeying deeper with God – The ground, soil, changed – phenomenal.

  7. Thank you Fred. Speaking to and influencing men that have made bad decisions is a gift from God. You bring them “good soil” and a new lease on life. Bless your soul Mr Prince for all you do for them and for us at the CM. Peace my brother.

  8. Thank you Fred. I have also started praying psalm 91. I too say get behind me Satan many times during the day. I thank God for the difficulties of the frustration and stress of my job.
    I was abandoned in the past by a father, a brother , and a husband. Just poof….gone…without a backward glance. My father started to come back in my life in adulthood but limited interaction (phone calls) and when he feels like it.
    I have forgiven them and God has blessed me with a wonderful step father, step brothers, and a wonderful new husband. The Church was merciful and granted me an annulment.
    I have gotten through each of these painful times with Victory in Jesus. He had my back.
    However, those painful times have left me with fear and anxiety that manifest in my work . I’m a nurse in a large corporate pharmaceutical setting. So many deliverables. I work so much so I am not shamed or rejected. Since starting reciting 91 psalm , praying for Satan to get behind me, my resting heart rate has dropped and I don’t feel on constant edge. Peace is starting to make its way in. I have a long way to go but Jesus is with me.

  9. Thank you Fred. It’s wonderful to have small but concrete ways to improve prayer and moments to reach out to God in ways you have taught from your prison ministry. I believe by the grace of God, anybody can change their life. I am moved by reading everyone’s responses as well. Anthony, I prayed for your son and for you. I am sorry to hear about your tragic loss. God is with you.

  10. Thank you Mr Prince..these reflections have shaped my prayer. I am pleading for this community to pray for my 85 year old dad who has dementia. He recently started nursing home rehab after a bad fall. Please pray for him to have peace from this awful disease. I trust in God’s will and his divine plan, I’m praying psalm 91 several times a day and thanking God for difficulties but I’m feeling like this situation is getting worse and worse. Please pray that we are making the right decision and to give us strength and wisdom to care for him the right way. Dear God please bring this man some peace!
    Bless you all.

  11. Hi Fred, I wanted to thank you for a simple prayer you wrote about a couple of weeks ago. It was “Thank you, Father, for the difficulty of __________, I know you will take care of me” I have prayed this since and it amazes me what a difference it makes! It feels me with a sense of peace and allows me to let God do His thing while I step back. Thank You!

  12. Hi Fred. I Thank the Holy Spirit and you for your messages. They are so relatable.
    “I decided I would be stupid about God and sneak into Heaven!”
    Indeed I have felt this way in the past but we truly cannot deceive the Lord. Please keep on writing. Blessings 🙌

  13. Fred, I appreciate how you credit the Holy Spirit! The Spirit’s illumination shines through you for others to see and, prayerfully, follow. Thank you!

  14. Fred, thank you for your time and effort in writing your reflections.
    I never thought about the soil changing in my life.
    Reminiscing over the years, my soil has changed so many times – probably more times than I realize.
    Thank you for the fertilizer.
    God bless.

  15. Thanks Fred for an inspiring reflection. Still working on #9! Never thought of changing the ground, soil…that is brilliant! We are often selective of what we want to hear from God… fearing He will ask more of what we can give. Let’s not ever forget though that God loves us…always!!!

  16. I can’t tell you how much I look forward to your posts. I learn from you each and every week and love the way you express yourself. Thanks for taking the time to do this!

  17. Anonymous,
    Right on, and I had never thought of the ground changing until WE wrote this post. The Holy Spirit working in both of our lives. Fred

  18. Skip,
    Thank you for the fertilizer. I love this line. Thank you for your comment and God does bless me and you’re part of that blessing. Fred

  19. Lon,
    I credit the Holy Spirit because who else would I credit? I pray you will find the Holy Spirit in your life and enjoy the change this will bring. Fred

  20. Data,
    I agree we can’t deceive God but we can deceive ourselves by listening to satan. I guess we both did but now have found a better path. Fred

  21. Candy,
    Thank you for your comment. The fact you are trying the prayer means you want more GOD not less, and this is the key to building a relationship. Enjoy the journey. Fred

  22. Tara,
    My mother was in a nursing home for seven years, nothing is easy about this part of your life. I hated it, and many times felt totally frustrated that there was little I could do. If you feel the situation is getting “worse and worse” it is. You have to change! Trust God, thank God for the difficulty until you smile, this will be hard, but try it, and also thank God for the special people who are taking care of your dad, and show them that appreciation, and I believe this will help your dad. Remember your world is a reflection of you. I will pray for you and your dad. Fred

  23. Laura,
    It’s amazing to me how well small prayers can work. Small or short prayers are great for they are easy to learn and yoiur’e right anyone can change their life if they want to. Fred

  24. Lizzie,
    As you will find out I was moved by your post, it is in our next post. I especially loved your resting heart rate has dropped and you are starting to find Peace. Peace was where I started and then found Joy. Enjoy your journey! God loves you. Fred

  25. Anonymous,
    Thank you for your comment. We bring them good spoil, and I am blessed by being a part of this ministry, and by your comment. Thank you. Fred

  26. Petronila,
    I posted your comment in next week’s post. Give the Holy Spirit for getting you to read and act on our posts. Thank you for your comment because it tells me our time is well spent in writing these posts. Fred

  27. Anthony,
    You and your wife being spared of Covid was a blessing, Patience I have been working on for the past twenty-five years, I’m better but nowhere near where I hope to be. The death of your son will take time to heal. I agree thank God for the Difficulty of his death, but also thank God for being a dad to this wonderful person. The death of a child has to be a parent’s worst nightmare. Keep fighting satan, I say this prayer 10 – 20 and on some really tough days even more. It’s a fight and you are fighting, you’re no longer a punching bad. I love this ministry and look forward to writing the next post, which has been written and We are now rewriting. Fred

  28. Anonymous,
    Thank you for taking the time to write a comment. I pray you will read and ACT on the prayers we have suggested. If you do you will see a change in your life over time you won’t believe. Fred

  29. Ingrid,
    Right on! You have to forgive yourself because if you don’t love yourself how can you love God and your neighbor? thank you for your comment. Fred

  30. Jen,
    I love writing our posts. the Holy Spirit is truly working in my, our, life and I love it. Thank you for your comment. Fred

  31. William,
    I really miss going into the jail. Thank you for sharing how much you miss it also, and how much you enjoy our posts. It means a lot to me. Fred

  32. Anonymous,
    Remember the first miracle in John’s Gospel was Jesus changing 120 – 180 gallons of water into wine. I am, also sure Jesus had a glass of wine at the wedding. Having a glass of wine is ok, abusing wine or any substance for that is not ok as I am sure you know. Saint Francis said when everything else fails use words. Did we minister? Yes, we did, by greeting these people with Love, Joy, and Peace, and who knows maybe they were down about something and we provide the lift they needed at that time. I thank you for your post. We noticed you left out Joy in your list of how God works. Fred

  33. Thank you Fred! Thank you for listening to them Holy Spirit. Your words are so beautiful and inspiring ….. evident from the enthused of all the posts.
    Tara and Anthony, you have my prayers. Please keep us posted on how your doing.
    Thank you again!

  34. Good Morning Fred ✝️, thank you so much for the hard work and effort you place in delivering the message of the Holy Spirit. As with all of us, I face daily challenges however, I can tell you implicitly that the first day I was drawn to sign up and read “A Catholic Moment”, the first post was one you had written about telling Satan to “Get behind Me”. I am convinced that the Holy Spirit lead me to you. I am doing my part to share your blessed teachings to my family and all who cross my path looking for the light. Thank you from my family in the Great White north in Ontario Canada. Your teachings do much to warm our spirits on a day like today when the thermometer is reading -25 👍👍😇.

    Lance Innis

  35. Lance,
    Thank you for your warm comment on a cold day, It’s also cold here and I can’t wait for Spring to start. I agree the Holy Spirit did lead you to our posts, and it’s great you realize this, I pray you are filled with Joy knowing God has your back. Fred

  36. Your posts are incredible. I really love the messages you send. I aways feel more connected to God after I read your message. He has intervened in my life many times and I am very thankful and grateful he has and the life he has chosen for me.

  37. Brother Prince! Indeed, the soil of our earthly life is stirred through your posts. It is quite meaningful to me as not only am I acquainted with prison ministry, but lived in it… it was the pivotal point in my spiritual life… Five years in the desert with all His broken children and myself…the Holy Spirit was so active in that place, that all Christian sisters got together and no distinction of race surfaced…even from all walks of life, learning the value of each other’s life.

  38. Dear Fred, thank you for your lesson-packed reflections. They are, indeed, inspired by the Holy Spirit! I would write more but for today, allow me to pick out only three items:
    1. For the first time, I browsed my USCCB online Bible and checked out what Ps.91 is all about.
    2. The #sidebar: this part teaches me like no other part of your reflection. Please keep it up!
    3. I’ve been considering whether or not to honor a request to write for some international catholic network (of converts and reverts to the Catholic Church) about my faith journey. I reverted back to the “Old Home” 9 years ago. After reading this, your post; I now know what to do.

  39. Sunday, Thank you for your comment, I am sorry I didn’t respond sooner. The Holy Spirit got me to look further back in the comments section. I am sure you know by now that I would say turn your decision over to God and let God lead you to where God wants you to go. Ask for a sign. Fred

  40. Lya, I am sorry my response is late, the Holy Spirit urged me to look further back. It’s amazing how powerful the prison can be. we had 2 men tell us they found Joy in the jail. Go figure, I never in my life expected to hear this reaction. Wow what a powerful comment Thank you again. Fred

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