Wednesday, February 9, “Whatever comes out of a person that is what defiles.”

Scarborough Marsh is one-half mile from our condo, a twelve-mile walking, biking trail.  Wow!!

Our Post is Inspired by The Holy Spirit.

When he got home away from the crowd his disciples questioned him about the parable. He said to them, “Are even you likewise without understanding? Do you not realize that everything that goes into a person from outside cannot defile, since it enters not the heart but the stomach and passes out into the latrine?” (Thus he declared all foods clean.) “But what comes out of a person, that is what defiles. From within people, from their hearts, come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly. All these evils come from within and they defile.” Mark 7: 17 – 23

We are not going to write about the evils Jesus listed.

Paul in Galatians chapter five at the end of his list of evils said, “And the like.” This I found very interesting. After thinking about what Paul wrote about the list of evils, his comment “And the like,” means satan’s always changing his methods of trying to get us to live in the world and not in the “Spirit World.”

Paul when he listed the Nine Fruit of The Holy Spirit his next sentence said, “Against such there is no law.

That’s it; nine words, and there is no expansion, and this has been true for almost two thousand years.

I am also more convinced as I get older that we are truly called into a relationship with God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

In the Jail I met a man, Mike, not his real name, I forgot it, and we were talking about God and Love, and he broke in and said he, Mike, had never experienced love.

Next Mike asked how do I grow in love?

With this question, I realized how stupid I had been for so long in my earlier life. I had been blessed by being raised in a family filled with love. My mom showered me with kisses, she would say to me before I walked out of the door, “plant one on home plate,” and we kissed, and she then told me she loved me. It’s too bad I didn’t realize at that time how blessed I was to be in this type of relationship with Mom.

Dad was born in the twenty’s and at that time men didn’t hug and kiss or say they loved us. I later found out this was also true with other dads born in that era.

Our loss.

Later in my fifties, I was encouraged by the Holy Spirit to give dad a hug and tell him I loved him. It was awkward at first for me, but a whole new relationship developed. I only wish we had done this a lot earlier, but I’m glad we did it when we did.

Gail, our sons, their wives, and families, many friends, and you in your comments have told me of your love.

I’m Blessed!

Mike’s question opened my eyes to what I had taken for granted. The love so many people who have come into my life. I wonder how many other people reading our post have suffered from the same problem of not fully appreciating how blessed we truly are?

Over the past eight weeks, we have talked about Mike’s question.

We told Mike to learn “the nine,”

Mike did!

We told Mike to tell satan to, “Get behind him, “

Mike did!


We told Mike to thank God for the difficulties God has ALLOWED in Mike’s life.

Mike did!

Guess what?

Mike started to live in Peace.

Notice we didn’t say, Love.

This to me is very interesting because it was Peace that started my journey into developing a relationship with God. What I didn’t appreciate, at the time, is that Peace is a subset of Love.

We grow in our knowledge of Peace then we gravitate to wanting to grow in our relationship with God and find


I read the Seven Story Mountain, by Thomas Merton, and Merton said that it was Peace that drew him into wanting to grow into a deeper relationship with God.

Once Mike identified Peace in his life, something he had never known before the jail Bible Study program, he now had a solid reason to chase after a relationship with God.

After Peace came Joy and before Mike left the Jail he had found a whole new life and was looking to grow in Love.

I know people who told me they found Joy and Peace walking their dog, doing gardening, or just walking They hadn’t, I think, up to this point connected the dot’s, or maybe they had, and I didn’t hear them properly, but they felt that this was not the same as when I find Peace reading the bible, or entering into a formal prayer time.

This is NOT true.

Anything that brings Joy and Peace is from God.

God uses many different ways to draw you to Them.

We aren’t all the same.

We greet God in different ways and in different settings.

Celebrate the Peace when you live it, don’t question it.

satan can’t give you Joy and Peace.

So, when you do experience Joy and Peace, celebrate that God is working in your life. It may not be in the classic manner laid out by others or by the church, but so what, Joy and Peace only come from God!

We recommended The Chosen in one of our first posts, and something came to mind, Holy Spirit, as I was typing this post.

Season 1 Episode 5.

Peter’s fishing boat has been filled with fish, and Peter is rescued by Jesus from prison and losing everything.

Peter tells Jesus to, “Depart from me for I am a sinful man.”

The first four episodes of The Chosen, show this statement to be very true.

Jesus says to Peter, “Follow Me and become a fisher of men.”

Peter asks, “What does a fisher of men mean?”

Jesus responds, “You catch them and I’ll sort them.”

This last statement by Jesus has helped change my life.


My life is so much easier. I don’t have to judge, we just have to love. We are asked to catch men, fish, Jesus will sort.

One of the biggest problems in my life was judging.

In my younger years, I could easily judge, and it wasn’t until we went into the Cumberland County Jail that I found out how wrong my judgments were. These men were wonderful. Many had not experienced a younger life as blessed as I had lived. It took the jail to open my eyes to all the blessings I had experienced in my youth, and experience now.

It was in the jail that God taught me about Them, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Go figure!

Work consciously to build a relationship with God by growing and living in the “Spirit World.” Don’t concern yourself with how God is teaching you, just enjoy a God of Outrageous Love, and then you won’t be concerned “with what defiles.

We say Outrageous and when you think about who you really are, the person who drove the nails into the hands and feet of Jesus, that God would want anything to do with us?

Yes, I would call that Outrageous!

“The nine” We pray you will grow in the Love, Joy, and Peace of the Holy Spirit by growing in Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.


Four people asked me in their comments to continue the sidebar. Marie, Sunday, Nina, and JME all said, “Don’t stop the sidebar.”

So we won’t!

We mentioned OUTRAGEOUS LOVE, very briefly over the past two weeks. I grew up being told God’s Love is Unconditional.

Let’s define terms:

It’s absolute and not subject to any special terms or conditions:

Something outrageous is extreme, over the top, beyond reason. It’s hard to believe.

When talking about the Love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we are really talking about Outrageous Love.

Consider, wouldn’t you call the birth of the Son of God to common parents, being born in a manger, Jesus living as a nobody for thirty years, being crucified and then forgiving all, you and I, for crucifying Him, and His most Outrageous act was DYING on the Cross.

Did you know that Muslims do not believe Jesus died on the Cross?

Over two billion people claim Prophets don’t die, and Jesus being the Son of God certainly wouldn’t die.

I was shocked when I learned this, and this is why Outrageous Love is the only fitting term in my mind to explain the Love of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit has for us.


What a wonderful God we have been Blessed to form a relationship with!

About the Author

My name is Frederick Prince, nicknames, Fred, Ted, and Tedfred. My wife Gail and I have been married for fifty-eight short years. We have three married sons and five grandchildren. Gail and I attend St. John Paul II Parish located in Scarborough Maine. I graduated from Stonehill College with a BSBA in Management in 1963. I joined the Navy and served aboard the USS Pine Island, a seaplane tender, for two years. I am a Vietnam Veteran and am proud of my service. Gail and I moved to Maine in 1966, and we now reside in Scarborough Maine. Gail and I have been active in our Church and our community. We have written five books: A Journey with The Holy Spirit - Revised Edition, I Believe... Revised edition, A Lion Dead to The Lord - Revised Edition, God Thoughts 2022, and God thoughts 2023 E-books and Paperback copies are available at Amazon, Hardcovers with jacket at Barnes and Noble. Being selected to write the Wednesday blog has filled me with Joy. Being 84 I believe gives me a different perspective. Where you are going I have been, and I pray my twenty-eight years working with the men in the Cumberland County Jail brings a very different outlook to the table.

Author Archive Page


  1. I can fully relate to your prison ministry…Unintentionally, I was entangled into a web of people whose main belief was to take advantage of trusting nature. I was busy working two jobs to support my sons as a single parent. The Northridge earthquake not only shook the grounds where my house was built, but my entire dreams went down the drain.. I was used as a witness but the district attorney did not keep the agreement.. kept me in prison for five years. Looking back, it was a turning point as the Lord kept me company. I wrote EWTN and requested 200 Bibles for the inmates. People of mixed faith joined the nightly prayer circle and each morning the entire pod would join in the daily mass of EWTN. And the guard would open my cell to pray the EWTN rosary at 4:30 am. I must say it restructured my perspective about the worldly things and spiritual things. I was the last to leave that prison on that pod. We said prayers for those whose hearing were scheduled and were released. Most of them went home.

  2. Thank you for bringing back the side bar.

    I am always looking forward to reading your reflections every Wednesday.

  3. Thank you Fred for sharing your ministry with us. Without question it brings us to new light. Outrageous daily reflection. It brings great joy and peace.

  4. Thanks Grandpa Fred. Your words as structured by the Holy Spirit identifies with us deeply in the heart; fine tuning it to bring forth the fruits of the Holy Spirit, the 9 as you call them.

  5. Thanks Fred. It’s the Peace of the Holy Spirit that I needed this morning and your reflection brought that about with a new understanding when love is lacking in the home. I am very grateful for you writing this and for God.

  6. Thank you Fred for the reflections you and the Holy Spirit write. I look forward to them each week. I also am happy you are continuing the side bars as it makes your writings longer and I really enjoy reading everything you write.

    I also want to thank Anyomous for sharing their story, what a powerful witness! Praise God!

  7. Indeed how outrageously our God loved and blessed Solomon so that the queen of sheba couldn’t understand or comprehend it. I key into this outrageous love and receive the grace that keeps defilement and negativity completely away, whilst I bask in His Outrageous love. Thank you Holy Spirit and Fred for making this readings so clear.

  8. Fred
    Thank you for your inspirational posts!
    They are thought provoking and help me to know & love God in a special way.
    God Bless

  9. Dear Fred, thank you very much for the dedication you pour into writing your comments. Every time I read your post, so many imaginations run in my mind about the nature of God – and His outrageous Love! Thanks, too, for deciding to continue the sidebar. Many more more wisdom and inspiration of the Holy Spirit to you; Amen!

  10. Sunday, Thank you for your wonderful comments you don’t know how much they charge me up. Fred

  11. Anonymous, thank you for your kind comment, it and the others provide a big boost to me. Fred

  12. Data, Thank you for sharing about your relationship with the Holy Spirit. It really is a Joyful life. Fred

  13. Kathy, I agree Anonymouss’s comment really moved me, and I am glad you enjoy the sidebar. This is all new to me and I only want to do what God wants me to do and you enjoy reading about. Fred

  14. Laura, Thank the Holy Spirit for opening your mind to be receptive to our writings. When the love is lacking thank God for the difficulty of lacking love in the house until you smile and watch the change in you. You can only change yourself, and when you do that, your world will change. Fred

  15. Jattoh, Ehimhanre & Timothy, Learn the nine and watch your live change. Just remember the last six give growth in Love, Joy, and Peace. Fred

  16. Sandy, I learned that as I was typing that post, I love it also it makes life easier. Fred

  17. Anonymous, I believe as I am sure you well know by now that Love, Joy, and Peace are where i’s at, and that’s all you need. Fred

  18. Jen, I am Blessed to be able to write these with the Holy Spirit, you have no idea how much Joy I experience doing these posts. Thank you for your comment. Fred

  19. Jonathan, You are welcome, I really enjoy writing the Sidebar, and I love the support we got for continuing writing it. Fred

  20. Anonymous, WOW what a story. I had two men in the jail that told me they found Joy in the jail, and I believe the time they spent in the jail was time well spent. this also sounds true with you. God works in wonderful and mysterious ways. I pray you are thanking God for your time in jail, and for the change that has taken place in your life. Just remember satan never quits. Don’t stop for any reason all that you were doing in jail now that you are out. I know a man who sounded a lot like you, and he stopped praying the nine, thanking God for the difficulties, reading the bible, etc and ended up back in jail. It’s a fight, but with the Holy Spirit, you have all you need. Fred

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