Door County, Wisconsin. Picture by Jerry Torres
The Holy Spirit inspired our blog.
Wednesday of the Seventh Week in Extraordinary Time
John said to Jesus,
“Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your name,
and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us.”
Jesus replied, “Do not prevent him.
There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name
who can at the same time speak ill of me.
For whoever is not against us is for us.”
Emphasis mine Mark 9:38-40
I, yes I, had quite a weekend. Sunday, a day of rest, it snowed, and The Holy Spirit encouraged me to finish reading, True Stories of the MIRACLES of AZUSA STREET and BEYOND by Tommy Welchel.
I had started reading the book two weeks ago but had put it down to read later. I spent most of the Sunday reading the book and was blown away.
I have never heard of healings like the ones written about in this book. No, I take that back, I did read of similar healings, and they were performed by Jesus. As I pray you all know, this is not the first book I have read about healings, why, because I think healings show The Triune God active in the lives of the people who perform healings, and those who are healed.
Both need FAITH!
In the book, Limbs grew, rotten teeth fell out and were replaced by strong new teeth that lasted a lifetime, and people were raised from the dead, which was a funny story because the man raised from the dead asked the person who raised him, “Why did you do this to me, I was in Heaven.” He wasn’t a happy camper.
To change the subject briefly, I believe this is why Jesus wept when He raised Lazarus from the dead. Jn 11:35
Imagine my surprise when I read the Gospel reading, and it tied in beautifully with the book The Holy Spirit encouraged me to read on Sunday.
The Holy Spirit is active in our life, and I LOVE IT!
The other feature I loved about this book was it was one hundred percent, about Jesus and The Holy Spirit active at AZUSA street, located in Los Angeles in a warehouse starting 1909, for three and a half years, the same amount of time Jesus was active in His Ministry.
We’re not done.
Flames rose, which were fiery Angels coming and going from Heaven which was observed by many people outside of the warehouse. The fire department was called one of the first times this phenomenon occurred but didn’t find any fire. The Jewish teachers call the flames seraphim.
Brother Seymoure who headed the mission started each meeting with a box over his head until The Holy Spirit told him to start healing people.
Many others joined in the healing process and the author even healed one person over the phone.
The fact we finished this great book Sunday, and wrote the blog on Monday, we pray will be a wake-up call to many out there who believe ONLY in their doctors. This is NOT an anti-doctor statement, but before you see a doctor or are about to undergo treatment, pray to the Holy Spirit for healing, and if the prayer is not answered, as it hasn’t for me, pray the doctor will have a great day treating you, and all of my doctors have a great day, sooooooo the prayer was answered.
What is there to lose by placing your trust in The Holy Spirit and Jesus?
I now believe that if I was healed every time I asked for a healing, I would become lax in my prayer life and NOT appreciate all that God is doing in my, now our life.
The prayer below also ties beautifully into what we have been discussing.
I thank You, Father, for the death of Your Son, the Nails that were driven through His Hands, and the Nail that was driven through His Feet (Once).
(Now you can respond YES to the question IF YOU thank Me)
Next, pray,
Thank You, Father, for the DIFFICULTY of …(name the difficulty)….. That You have ALLOWED in my life, I have Faith You will take care of me.” Say this part of the prayer until you smile. Smiling tells you the Holy Spirit is back in your life. (satan can’t smile)
Every day we read one chapter, and the book has three-hundred and sixty-five chapters of one or two pages each, from Bread for the Journey by Henri J.M. Nouwen, and we will paraphrase.
The Chapter is entitled The Intimacy of the Table. Feb 17
The table is one of the most intimate events in our life.
We set the table with flowers, candles, colorful napkins, maybe even tablecloths, and then ask those at the table, consciously or unconsciously, to enJoy!
When we ask people if they want more food or drink, we become vulnerable, a positive answer is a sign of approval, and a negative answer would have the opposite effect.
Gail has always set a wonderful table, and served Fantastic Meals, and yes I complimented her every night but sadly I just realized how important this was for our family. I didn’t fully realize how the love of our family grew from the wonderful meals we enjoyed every day.
We enjoyed wonderful food, always a thoughtful setting, lively conversation about school, sports, what was the day like, and games, like math, at every dinner with the boys.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter Gail and I hosted meals that were enJoyed by the entire family, and we did this for fifty-six very happy years.
A lot of work, but it was always worth the cost and the effort.
This picture was taken in Door County, Wisconsin. I shot it in black and white, thinking it made it more “dramatic.”
Matthew 5:45 …He has shown His kindness by giving you rain from heaven…
Picture by Jerry Torres
Please keep Snapping!
Email me if you want a copy of the prayers we discussed or the three hiking pictures we showed.
Remember, if you want to submit a picture, please do not include people. We have to get permission from that person to use their photograph.