Wednesday, February 2, Who is the King of Glory?

That’s me picking up our hole in one!

Wednesday, February, 2 Who is the King of Glory?

Our Post is Inspired by The Holy Spirit.

Now since the children share in blood and flesh, he likewise shared in them, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who through fear of death had been subject to slavery all their life. Surely he did not help angels but rather the descendants of Abraham; therefore, he had to become like his brothers in every way, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest before God to expiate the sins of the people. Because he himself was tested through what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.
Hebrews 2: 14 -18

The question at the top of the page asks, “Who is the King of Glory?” We would like to rephrase the question. “Who is the King of Glory in your life?”

We copied the full second reading because it answers the question.

Jesus, He is the King of Glory!


Because he came down as one of us, flesh and blood, and lived life to the full, except for sin, and therefore conquered sin, and most importantly Jesus defeated death.

I know many of you might have cringed at, “Lived life to the full,” but, what else could we say?

This was the point of Jesus coming to earth in the first place. He came to establish a NEW Kingdom here on Earth, a kingdom completely different from the world which, as you should know, is ruled by satan.

What change Jesus instituted was His, Jesus’ attitude towards His Father, doing His Father’s will at all times, by living in the “Spirit World,” NOT by living in the world and NOT doing His Father’s will.

Jesus only did His Father’s will. It’s that simple, and yet if you listen to satan, you could say, “That’s very hard,” and in my younger years I said, “This is impossible!”

Well, that’s just not true as we hope you know by now, and maybe you are starting to think about doing the will of God the Father yourself.

But the question on the table is how do I grow in my trust of God the Father that makes me want to do only His will?

The answer,

Thank God for all that is going on in your life, the good and the bad, as we wrote about for the past two weeks.

Anonymous, I wish Anonymous had given his/her first name, gave the following comment concerning last week’s post:

Thank you, Fred. I will be looking to give thanks for the difficulties in life as never before. I also must be thankful for the blessings bestowed upon me and my family. Both sides of the coin…thanks in good and bad times. Anonymous.

But why do we have to thank God in the good and bad times?

This I never clearly understood.

I read an article, and I’m sorry I don’t know the author or where I read it, but the author said when we thank someone, in our case God, we are acknowledging our dependence upon that person, God. I thought a lot about this and came to the conclusion that that person hit the nail on the head.

Go back to when you were a child, and it’s just before Christmas, you’re seeing Santa, and are going to ask Santa for what you want him to bring you. When Christmas arrived did you thank Santa for giving you what you asked for? I don’t recall doing this at Christmas, but I did thank Santa sometime before the next Christmas, and it might have been when I saw him the next time.

Why wouldn’t I? Why wouldn’t I thank the person who brought me gifts to ensure that this year he will again bring me gifts?

I didn’t want to screw up this year.

What we’re trying to say is by thanking God for everything, you are acknowledging to God that God is on Top and you are completely dependent upon God for everything, AND because we are thanking God for the good and bad in our lives we are also building a relationship.

This is what God really wants. This is why Jesus came in flesh and blood.

To show, teach, us how to build A RELATIONSHIP!

As an example, let me share an experience I had last summer.

Maybe you’re thinking why the picture at the top of the page shows me picking our hole-in-one ball out of the hole?

And more importantly,

What has a hole-in-one got to do with building a relationship with God?

Background: I started playing golf when I was sixty-five. I stunk! I loved the exercise and played nine holes almost every day. I am now age eighty-one and have played golf for sixteen years.

I still stink!

One day last August I had a bad round, and the Holy Spirit whispered into my ear, “Include Us.”


I couldn’t believe what I just heard.

I thought about it, and said, “OK,” and then the Holy Spirit also gave me the to say, pray.

“Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee had a bad round.”

I laughed, and when I laughed I realized, as I hope you now do, I let the Holy Spirit back into my life. Yes, my negative thought was actually a sin.


If you smiled after reading, “Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee had a bad round.” then you are feeling what I felt that August afternoon. I also realized I had screwed up and would change my relationship with God concerning golf.

God is not a part-time God, God wants to be fully in my and your life 24/7, and in this case, that of course includes Golf.

The next week or two I said Weeeeeeeeee had a bad game, or Weeeeeeeeeee had a good game, and Golf became much more enjoyable.

Then I had the thought, Holy Spirit, why wait for the end of the game, let’s thank God for good and bad shots at the time they were made.

I NEVER prayed for a great score, nor a hole-in-one. I just enjoyed our relationship.

Well a few weeks later we shot four rounds of nine holes, below forty-five, I broke ninety, and a few weeks after that we shot a hole-in-one!

The most important thing for me was not the score, nor the hole-in-one, but our RELATIONSHIP!

I don’t want less of a relationship with God, I want more!


By giving God full credit for the lower scores and the hole-in-one, I am giving thanks for all God has done for me in this particular aspect of my life.

Why wouldn’t I want to increase our Relationship?

You can say this same prayer in every aspect of your life.

Two examples, and by the way I wish I had known this prayer when I, not we, another mistake on my part, had my business.

Weeeeeeeee had a bad meeting with the boss! or, Weeeeeeeeeee had a great meeting with the boss!

Weeeeeeeeee just burnt the meal! or, Weeeeeeeeeeeeee just made a great meal!

Try this prayer and enjoy the smile, the Holy Spirit is working within you.

I also now fully believe that God is a God of Outrageous Love, and full of God of Surprises, shooting below 90 and a hole in one in my case, if we are willing to let God the Father take over. In the coming weeks, I believe we will talk about these two terms a lot more.

I love being involved with “The King of Glory,” and so will you!

“The nine” We pray you will grow in the Love, Joy, and Peace of the Holy Spirit by growing in Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.


Two friends suggested the sidebar took away from the main topic that is being discussed. I’ve thought about this and I think this is true. The Holy Spirit suggested to me, why not print comments from the previous post, and maybe the commenter will ratify what we are talking about and this might help you in trying to do what we have suggested.

We had over eighteen commenters and picking three was very hard.

January 26, 2022 at 1:55 am
Recently joined and being Inspired, mentored by your posts. You have given me a new meaning to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Growing the Nine!! Spreading this to my children. Today’s reading has even taken me a notch higher in my quest for journeying deeper with God – The ground, soil, changed – phenomenal. From Kenya – East Africa.
January 26, 2022, at 6:24 am
Thank you, Fred. I have also started praying Psalm 91. I too say, “Get behind me Satan” many times during the day. I thank God for the difficulties of the frustration and stress of my job.
I was abandoned in the past by a father, a brother, and a husband. Just poof….gone…without a backward glance. My father started to come back in my life in adulthood but limited interaction (phone calls) and when he feels like it.
I have forgiven them and God has blessed me with a wonderful stepfather, stepbrothers, and a wonderful new husband. The Church was merciful and granted me an annulment.
I have gotten through each of these painful times with Victory in Jesus. He had my back.
However, those painful times have left me with fear and anxiety that manifest in my work. I’m a nurse in a large corporate pharmaceutical setting. So many deliverables. I work so much so I am not ashamed or rejected. Since starting reciting 91 Psalms, praying for Satan to get behind me, my resting heart rate has dropped and I don’t feel on a constant edge. Peace is starting to make its way in. I have a long way to go but Jesus is with me. ( Emphasis mine)

FAP: Your dad abandoned you. Your Father loves you!

January 26, 2022, at 10:49 am
Fred, thank you for your time and effort in writing your reflections.
I never thought about the soil changing in my life.
Reminiscing over the years, my soil has changed so many times – probably more times than I realize.
Thank you for the fertilizer.
God bless.

About the Author

My name is Frederick Prince, nicknames, Fred, Ted, and Tedfred. My wife Gail and I have been married for fifty-eight short years. We have three married sons and five grandchildren. Gail and I attend St. John Paul II Parish located in Scarborough Maine. I graduated from Stonehill College with a BSBA in Management in 1963. I joined the Navy and served aboard the USS Pine Island, a seaplane tender, for two years. I am a Vietnam Veteran and am proud of my service. Gail and I moved to Maine in 1966, and we now reside in Scarborough Maine. Gail and I have been active in our Church and our community. We have written five books: A Journey with The Holy Spirit - Revised Edition, I Believe... Revised edition, A Lion Dead to The Lord - Revised Edition, God Thoughts 2022, and God thoughts 2023 E-books and Paperback copies are available at Amazon, Hardcovers with jacket at Barnes and Noble. Being selected to write the Wednesday blog has filled me with Joy. Being 84 I believe gives me a different perspective. Where you are going I have been, and I pray my twenty-eight years working with the men in the Cumberland County Jail brings a very different outlook to the table.

Author Archive Page


  1. Thanks Fred you have given me a great reminder about living my relationship to the full with God, otherwise I am not in love with God.

  2. Great stuff Fred. A reminder that the father is with us wherever we go. Talking it over with him along the way gives a new perspective on the outcome…good or bad. Peace with you my friend.

  3. Dear Fred,
    I loved your sidebars! For me they added to the your reflections… I’m still learning the Nine and I have been remembering to thank God for the good and bad more often than ever before!

  4. Dear Fred, thanks for your (plural) wonderful reflections!
    Like I have mentioned in my previous two comments, the sidebars for me are what drives the reflection home. They are like seasoning for a good stew. Please drop any idea of having to remove them or changing their content or style.

  5. Dear Fred, You’re posts speak to my heart. My husband is now in hospice, and when I thank God for this journey, I feel such peace. I have memorized “the nine” and also “Thank you, Father, for the difficulty of ______. I know you will take care of me/us.” Thank you for sharing your gifts of the holy spirit. I also loved your sidebars! Marie

  6. Thank you Fred. Reading your reflection everyday after reading today’s readings for Mass touch my heart in every-way. The Weee, yes made me laugh too. It is not I but Weee.
    We pray the Lord Jesus Christ prayer he taught us. Our Father…
    Mother Mary rosary prayer… We saying “Pray for us sinners” The conclusion prayer of Jesus we say” Oh my Jesus forgive Us our sins, and lead all souls especially those in need of your mercy”
    As Catholic, you are not “I” but “Weee”
    Apostles Creed, In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    Our prayers are always collective to Weee.
    Thank you. Amen

  7. Samza, so clever! Thank you for pointing out the “we” in weeeeeee! I didn’t catch that earlier.
    I too really liked your sidebars and looked forward to the inspirations they gave. I loved the story about golf. It made me realize how separated I keep God from joining certain parts of my life. I always felt that certain parts were too small for Him. He won’t be interested in what wood finish we use on the kitchen floor or that I thought the movie we watched was really boring, etc. He is the God of 24/7. I’ll look forward to the relationship building that even small and uneventful decisions and moments produce. Thank you! You’re commentaries are really inspiring.

  8. JME, Thank you for your comment. Yes, it’s a 24/7 relationship, who would want less? You know the answer. Keep on thanking God for all the time God is in your life. Fred

  9. Samza, A Point of interest. I stopped saying “especially those in need of your mercy,” because I noticed in, my mind I was thinking I really wasn’t one who really needed Jesus’s mercy and came to the conclusion that this was a very dangerous slippery slope for me, and yes it always is a collective Yes, BUT there are times I like to make the prayers very personal my saying, for example, My Father….. Thank you for your comment. Fred

  10. Marie, As you will see the sidebars are back thanks to you and the others who commented. Thank you for your comment. I will keep you and your husband in my prayers. Fred

  11. Sunday, Thank you for your very positive comment re the sidebar. I will reinstate and you are one of the people who are responsible for that. Fred

  12. Nina, Thank you for your comment, and you learn and apply the praters we are mentioning you will see a very positive change in your life. Enjoy. Fred

  13. Catherine, It’s too bad we don’t talk more about our relationship with God. Jesus was his Beloved Son, and we are brothers and sisters if we are doing the will of the Father. All those words are relationship words. How did we miss this? Thank you for your comment. Fred

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