Wednesday, February 16 “Be doers of the word and not hearers only,” James 1

Good day for the Heron, bad day for the frog.

Our Post is Inspired by The Holy Spirit.

But the one who peers into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres,
and is not a hearer who forgets but a doer who acts;
such a one shall be blessed in what he does.
James 1

The letter of St. James I have always found very profound.


The quote that we started off with tells it all, “Be doers of the word and not hearers only.”

For me, it is a call to action, and action brings Joy. When I am reaching out to people I let go of myself and start to reflect on the face of the person I am in contact with.

I am no Biblical scholar, as I am sure you all know, but what I believe James is saying in the above quote, is the perfect law is, Love God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.

These are all action words!

These are not words for sitting.

And of course, the next question has to be, “Who is my neighbor?”

I have changed my thinking on this. EVERYONE you meet if only in passing, is your neighbor at that specific time and place.

It might be the person who just cut you off at the intersection, who in my younger years I would have railed against for being so stupid or the person you just walked past whose head was down and didn’t respond to your cheerful greeting, both I try to remember to say a very short prayer for.

Or did you fail to give a cheerful greeting?

Were you just two ships passing in the night?

This is the change that has taken over my life. EVERYONE I come in contact with is my neighbor, including those of you who are kind enough to post a comment.

That makes it easier for me to determine what I have to do.

Love them!

I now fully believe the person I just walked by God wanted me to interact with. There is always a reason, and most of the time we will never know the reason. That’s not our job, we just have to Love them.

Let us be more specific.

I went for a year to a gym that was open twenty-four hours a day. I arrived at five-thirty in the morning. I hated it! Everyone I met I greeted with a cheerful, “Hello,” and asked how they were. If they asked me how I was we replied, “Fantastic!”

I didn’t know it at the time but Rev. John McCall was a person I met every day and he asked, a few months after we first met, if he could talk about me in his next sermon.

For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why?

Below is part of what he said.

“First and foremost, remember the familiar truth that attitude is everything. We create our own reality emotionally and spiritually. We choose how to experience our lives. I think immediately of a man we see at the gym every morning, whom we’ve nicknamed “Fantastic Fred.” He gave me permission to talk about him this morning. I don’t know his last name, and I don’t know much of his story. I do know he’s retired, and probably in his mid-70s. I know he is a Roman Catholic Eucharistic Minister, serving at the altar of the local congregation, in the absence of a priest. And I know that Fred has had some physical challenges. His neck is stiffened in such a way that he can’t turn his head without turning his shoulders. And he can’t raise his eyes without leaning backward from his waist. Physically he is looking down. Every morning, day after day, we greet each other. “How are you today, Fred?” “Fantastic!” he replies. “It’s a choice, and I choose to be fantastic!” In an objective sense, I have no evidence that his life is any better than yours or mine. Physically he looks down; emotionally he’s always looking up. That’s the choice he’s made. A Journey with The Holy Spirit Revised Edition

Rev. McCall at that brief moment in the morning was my neighbor, and because we greeted him with Love, we made an impression that compelled him to tell others about my, our, attitude, (Love) because Love is Fantastic!

The really interesting thing is I have only truly begun to realize how important every encounter with someone else is only after typing this post.

God working in my life!

I Love it!

Update: I was almost at the end of our walk yesterday, and I passed a man shoveling his driveway, who I don’t know, he yelled at me, “Are you still fantastic?” I said, “How did you know I was fantastic?” He said, “We twice passed by each other and both times when I asked you how you were you said you were fantastic.” I responded, “Yes I am!”

I asked back, “How are you?” He said, “Very good.” I asked, “Why aren’t you fantastic?” He thought about it and replied, “When I finish shoveling I will be fantastic.”

This then goes right back to St. James who said, “Be doers of the word and not hearers only.”

I also believe that being a doer of the word has a very positive effect on us.
We live in a time when so many people are stressed out.

I can’t believe the anger, and stress that fills our society today.

It’s sad!

Gail and I walk almost every day and I am saddened by the people who have their heads down and won’t even acknowledge our greeting as we walk past them.

They are only going through this journey once as we tell the men in the jail, why spend it in jail?

“The nine” We pray you will grow in the Love, Joy, and Peace of the Holy Spirit by growing in Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.


I am a huge fan of The Chosen.

Dallis Jenkins, the creator, producer, writer, and director of The Chosen put out a twenty-four-minute video on Youtube about:

Dallis experienced three Red Sea Moments in the second season.

What is a Red Sea Moment?

Dallis explains that when everything seems lost, Moses at the Red Sea for example with the Egyptians closing in to kill all the Israelites, Moses begs God for help.

That is a Red Sea Moment!

In this link, Dallis explains about three Red Sea moments he had in filming the second season of The Chosen. His explanation also demonstrates a God of Outrageous Love and the power of thanking God for the difficulties he has ALLOWED in Dallis’s life, and more importantly in your life.

I have experienced Red Sea moments, and they are a WOW!

I especially enjoy how Dallis gives God full credit and is moved with Joy over what God did for him. I will give you a hint, more than Dallis asked for, think the wedding at Cana, one hundred and twenty to one hundred and eighty gallons of wine, way over the top.

This also points directly to the relationship we are asked to build as we have discussed in our past posts.

It’s powerful!

The question is, is Dallis closer to God because of his three Red Sea moments?

I believe he is. Look at his Joy, he is almost in tears explaining what has just happened.
Copy and paste if the link doesn’t work.

There are three ads, sorry.

Please celebrate with me: I was diagnosed with Basal Cell Cancer on my face, I was set up for surgery on 2/16 at 7 am, I put a cream, not a medication on the basal cell as directed, by the doctor, twice a day and started to notice the Basal Cell Cancer disappearing. I saw the Dermatologist on 2/9 and the doctor said she couldn’t see it or feel it. We canceled the operation. I came home celebrating. Who wouldn’t?

I pray our 2/23 post the Holy Spirit will let me tell more. Not for my glory, but for God’s glory, and maybe encourage you to look to God to take care of you when you have difficulties in your life.

About the Author

My name is Frederick Prince, nicknames, Fred, Ted, and Tedfred. My wife Gail and I have been married for fifty-eight short years. We have three married sons and five grandchildren. Gail and I attend St. John Paul II Parish located in Scarborough Maine. I graduated from Stonehill College with a BSBA in Management in 1963. I joined the Navy and served aboard the USS Pine Island, a seaplane tender, for two years. I am a Vietnam Veteran and am proud of my service. Gail and I moved to Maine in 1966, and we now reside in Scarborough Maine. Gail and I have been active in our Church and our community. We have written five books: A Journey with The Holy Spirit - Revised Edition, I Believe... Revised edition, A Lion Dead to The Lord - Revised Edition, God Thoughts 2022, and God thoughts 2023 E-books and Paperback copies are available at Amazon, Hardcovers with jacket at Barnes and Noble. Being selected to write the Wednesday blog has filled me with Joy. Being 84 I believe gives me a different perspective. Where you are going I have been, and I pray my twenty-eight years working with the men in the Cumberland County Jail brings a very different outlook to the table.

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  1. FANTASTIC Post Fred!

    I know it is not Wednesday however, I could not wait for your enlightening words. Keep up the good work. I am so happy to hear news of your health condition improving. The powers of positivity and faith are endless. Thank you once again!

  2. Not only did you share your regimen on your physical nutrition but also shared your spiritual nourishment for inner malnutrition.
    Without sufficient and regular nutrition, the inner life begins to suffer consequences as the soul yearns to be fed, nourished, and energized on a regular basis.
    Thank you for spiritual insights – grateful for your gift of wisdom.

  3. Sorry to interrupt, but can anyone help me contact whoever updates the
    monthly mass readings calendar ?

  4. Thank you, Fred – your reflections are Fantastic! I look forward to them every week. The Holy Spirit and you have encouraged me to thank our dear Lord each day for the good moments each day as well as for the not-so-fantastic ones. And it has made a difference! I pray I can keep this new practice as part of every
    day – and share it with others. It brings peace and joy! But most of all, I want to be a doer – with the Holy Spirit right there with me – with each neighbor each day. Keeping your wife and you in my prayers, Mary T

  5. What a FANTASTIC post, Fred. Thank you for reminding us to be doers of the word and not just hearers. There is a constant partner with us in all our undertakings, let us put our hope and trust in HIM. We thank God for the miracle of health that God has performed in your life. Be blessed as you continue to bless us with your inspirations!

  6. Fred, praying for you. I hope you keep feeling Fantastic! Your post are both enlightening and inspiring. Thank you. May the Good Lord be with you always.

  7. Thank you Fantastic Fred. I celebrate with you that Our Lord is healing the basal cell. I started to thank God for my difficulties. I say around 15 times. I don’t quite smile after saying them 3 times or even 15, but I persevere.

  8. Thank you Fred. Great personal examples of how we can take action and show the love to others Jesus wants us to.

  9. Thank you Fred. You give the world so much hope demonstrating your faith through word and deed. We are blessed to have you with us posting “fantastic” and encouraging words. Great news to hear with your skin condition…a bit of “spittle” may have come your way. Peace my brother.

  10. Fantastic Fred and Awesome Holy Spirit,I thank you for your posts. They are so inspiring and bring peaceful and hopeful tears to my eyes. I was sooo tired this week, and then remembered to thank God I was tired. Hopefully next time I will be fantastically tired! Thank you God for healing Fred’s basil cell. May Your healing hands touch is all.

  11. I am also a fan of the book of James. I loved your Pastor friend’s (maybe not quite a friend, but for sure a neighbor) description of you. You have deep strength. Yes, May our hearts be open to all our “neighbors.” Such a simple statement and so needed. Thank you.

  12. Love your posts! They are very inspiring! I love your words and that you are led by the Holy Spirit! They really resonate with me! Thank you Fantastic Fred!
    From Superfantastic Sunny 🌞

  13. Fred, your posts are always so heartfelt. They are truly inspiring and help me to remember that everyday situations, like passing a neighbor, is an act of God. I am blessed and need to spend more time showing and sharing with others the Good News by simple acts of kindness.

  14. Very inspiring message Fred! Thank you for all you do.
    To Robert @ the monthly calendar. It may not be the immediate solution you are seeking but the ‘Annual Calendar’ has all the information, you just need to page down using the down arrow in the left, top corner to reach the month you are seeking. This should work until the fine folks at A Catholic Moment are able to publish in Monthly form.

  15. Thank you Fred for your inspiring and Fantastic reflection. I appreciate the life experiences you shared of how I can be a ‘doer of the Word’ by simply making a choice and follow with the action. I am remimded of a coworker whose anthem was Fantastic. Everyday,when asked how are you today? Her response was Fantastic!! Even if you didn’t feel the same way, it evoked a smile on your face. At her retirement, Fantastic was one of her legacy listed as a keepsake. Keep being fantastic Fred. God bless.

  16. Fantastic Fred. I love it!
    I have had a taste of your positve attitude a time or two in my life.
    I would like to have it back before I pass from this world.
    St. James concluded with
    “keeping oneself uncontaminated by the world.”
    It is so much easier said than done for me.
    Lord have mercy on me, a sinner.

  17. Fred I am in the midst of praying for a miracle cure. I had only read your first few posts when I had surgery on 12/30. I had a detached retina and inspired by your posts I prayed that I might be healed when receiving the Eucharistic before my surgery but that was not what Our Lord wanted. So inspired by you and the Holy Spirit I prayed aloud in my surgical room full of doctors and other health professionals that the Lord would work a miracle thru their hands and that my vision would be totally restored. A gas bubble was placed in my eye as part of the surgery and until it is gone in another week or 2, I won’t know how my vision really is. The surgeon is happy with my progress so far and I reminded him on a post op visit that I had prayed for a miracle and he said he remembered. Because a part of the surgery alters the shape of your eye, your resulting vision should less and my detachment was very severe. However I still pray that my vision will be miraculously restored and thereby give glory to God.

  18. Fred, I throughly enjoy your commentaries and find myself applying them through out the week. I especially love how you include the Holy Spirit when you use “we!” I hope you have a fantastic week!

  19. Fred, Thank you for another fantastic reflection! This reminds me of my husband’s greeting to his students, colleagues, and all he met, “Have the best day of your life!” Soon he had so many others using it. Attitudes are contagious. Let’s make them fantastic! Prayers for Kathy’s healing.

  20. Thank you Fred, and the Holy Spirit for sharing fantastic and inspiring posts.
    I was a little down today thinking of all the difficulties I’m facing being a mature student in a very challenging course. Your post reminded me to stay positive and to always look to him when in difficulty, or when at a loss of the next step.
    God bless you Fred!
    Will be keeping you and fellow sojourners on ‘A Catholic Moment’ in prayer.
    P.s. apologies if you are seeing this post twice. Tried earlier and it didn’t seem to go through.

  21. Anonymous, Thank you for your kind comment, and yes God does Bless me and you’re part of that Blessing. Fred

  22. Jean, Don’t forget if you were down and our post helped pick you up the Holy Spirit is working in your life. Celebrate, you are loved! Fred

  23. Yolanda, Thank you for your comment and for sharing your husband’s positive attitude. We need more like your husband in our world today. God bless you. Fred

  24. Lorraine, The Holy Spirit is fantastic and inspiring, and I also pray the Holy Spirit will give me the words to write. Thank you for your comment. Fred

  25. Madeline, I am having a fantastic week, and your comment is helping that to happen, I pray you are enjoying your relationship of working with the Holy Spirit. Fred

  26. Kathy, I will join you in your prayers, NEVER give up. Hope is a gift from God, NEVER lose hope. satan will challenge you during this period throw satan out by saying “keep behind me satan.” It’s a fight and you will win! Please keep in touch. Fred

  27. Anonymous, You can get the positive back by thanking God for the difficulties God ALLOWS in your life, and by thanking God for all God is doing in your life, like a refrigerator filled with choices. Actually, once you start thanking God it really becomes easier as you continue. Never forget satan doesn’t want you to thank God, so fight back by saying thank you all the time, and once you do you will find a Joy-filled world. Fred

  28. Anna Marie, Thank you for your comment, I couldn’t choose any other way of living. God has blessed me and you’re part of the=atg blessing. Fred

  29. Angie, Thank you for your comment, it is all we do, without the Holy Spirit, I could do nothing. I truly know this and wouldn’t change my relationship for the world. Fred

  30. Yolanda, Two posts, you are fantastic and persistent. Thank you for your persistance. Fred

  31. Lon, Right on, you are blessed and are blessed you know you are blessed./ Enjoy a Joy-filled life. Fred

  32. Consolata, Thank God for giving you the inspiration to send your wonderful comment. nd yes to God goes all the Glory! Fred

  33. Sunny, Never stop being Super-Fantastic! I had never heard of this term until I read your post. Fred

  34. Sandy, please always remember, it’s the Holy Spirit talking through me, I have the Joy of putting the Holy Spirits’ words to paper, and trust me, it truly is a Joy. Fred

  35. JME, I think of you as a friend, because of your kind weekly comments. I pray next week you will be filled with Joy and not tired. As we will report I thank God all the time for the healing. I will NOT be one of the nine who were healed of leprosy and didn’t return to thank Jesus. Fred

  36. Anonymous, The great part about writing these posts is it helps my faith grow. I have found by doing what I thought was impossible helps me grow in my faith, and Love for God who makes the impossible possible. when we signed up to write our posts, I did\n’t realize there was a comments section, and what a positive impact all the comments would have on my, our, life. Fred

  37. Frank, Thank you for your comment, it is easy all we have to do is remember to do it. Fred

  38. Lizzie, One night I said the prayer for over two hours, but I finally did smile. It’s a battle for control, satan, or God. have a heart Love, God, always wins. I also have times I start to smile when I start the prayer and haven’t even completed it. PERSEVERE you won’t regret it. Fred

  39. Gary, Amen! God will always be with me, the question is will I always be with God. I pray I always will. It’s a fight! But it’s a fight that if we rely on God we will win. thank you for your post. fred

  40. Ida, By your comment I know you are a doer. IO thank you for your prayer for health and the miracle that God performed in my life. I am blessed. I am also blessed by your kind comment. Thank you. Fred

  41. Anonymous, Thank you for keeping Gail in your prayers. Also thank God for encouraging you to act on our reflections. I am sure your life will become filled with Joy, and you will find it easier each day to continues to practice a Joy-filled life. Fred

  42. Lynne, I agree with what you said, and by receiving communion, on a frequent basis, I believe I am feeding my inner, Soul, and that’s helping me to live stronger life linked to the whisper of the Holy Spirit. This is where i choose to live, and why not, I, we, are Joy-filled life. Fred

  43. Lance, You are right the power of Faith and positivity are powerful. Only God is positive! I’ll stick with God. Thank you for your comment. Fred

  44. Hi Fred, I know my comment is coming in very late. Sorry!
    I love the FANTASTIC attitude you have suggested when one finds themselves in a RED SEA situation – Invoke God’s help and remain FANTASTIC. No doubt Satan will get behind us if we remain FANTASTIC, always!

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