Wednesday, April 13 The Lord is my help

Ducks in our pond at the condo  Picture by Gail Prince

Our Blog is Inspired by The Holy Spirit.

And I have not rebelled,

         have not turned back.

I gave my back to those who beat me,

         my cheeks to those who plucked my beard;

My face I did not shield

         from buffets and spitting.

The Lord GOD is my help,

         therefore I am not disgraced;

I have set my face like flint,

         knowing that I shall not be put to shame.

He is near who upholds my right;

         if anyone wishes to oppose me,

         let us appear together.

Who disputes my right?

         Let him confront me.

See, the Lord GOD is my help;

who will prove me wrong? Is 50: 6-9

I don’t know about you but this lent seemed to fly by quickly.  Next week is Holy week, and we are asked to relive the unbelievable story of God sending His son to climb up on a cross so we might be justified.

What I didn’t realize until later in my life, was Jesus did not climb up on the Cross alone.

His, our, Father, and the Holy Spirit were with Him, and this for me makes a big difference.

Why might you be thinking?

If Jesus goes it alone, it would mean to me that God the Father was an onlooker, He watched Jesus being Crucified from Heaven, God the Father watched but didn’t actively participate.  

What I failed to realize and it’s easy to forget this, there is only One God, three persons.  

Jesus wasn’t sent to earth by Himself. 

As we wrote about last week Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing and said what He heard His Father say, and it goes without saying the love link, The Holy Spirit was always with Jesus.

It then only makes sense that the events that will unfold during Holy Week were not Jesus going it alone but the Triune God climbing up on the cross so that all may be saved.

What is interesting about the reading above was Isiah predicted in the eighth century B.C. what would happen to Jesus. 

What is even more interesting is the line,

See, the Lord GOD is my help;

How did God the Father help Jesus, from outward appearances it would appear Jesus was treated savagely, and Jesus was,


I also now think that on His Cross Jesus died filled with the LOVE, JOY, and PEACE of the Holy Spirit.

We don’t sadly have the space to fully develop this thought, but we would like to pass on a piece of information that just came to light to me.

In a small faith group, I was telling the group that Bishop Barron, who is a fantastic speaker, and theologian, does not use the word Joy much in his talks, at least in the talks and writings I have heard, and read.

He does use the word happiness, but happiness is fleeting.  I bought a new car for example, and am happy, but in a few years, I will buy another.

Joy only grows as long as you don’t rebel against God as we have related in prior posts.  Joy in the good times and Joy in the hard times.  Strange, I don’t know of any other religion that is saying this. 

Remember, the prayer we have asked you to learn, thanking God for the DIFFICULTIES God has allowed in your life, hard times.

Every time I say the prayer I smile because it still sounds so stupid a thing to do!  

It goes against all of human reasoning, and yet I continue to say it every day because I have seen the power of this prayer.

One member of our small faith group disagreed with me and said he would send proof that I was wrong.  Later that night I received an email from him with a talk by Bishop Barron entitled,

 “The Beatitudes the key to Joy”.  

Bishop Barron ended his talk, standing in front of a painting of  The Crucified Jesus, and the very last words of his talk were, 

“That is a picture of freedom, that is  a picture of Joy.”

It is a powerful talk, but what really moved me was the very last word Bishop Barron used to describe the death of Jesus on the cross was Joy.  If we, had not made this statement at the small faith group meeting I would never have seen and heard Bishop Barron’s talk, which by the way is on youtube, and my thinking Jesus died on the Cross filled with Joy wouldn’t have been confirmed by a person I consider a lot smarter than me.

And, please don’t think I am criticizing Bishop Barron.  In my eighty-one years, I have never heard a homily on Love, Joy, and Peace and more importantly how I grow in the Love, Joy, and Peace of the Holy Spirit.

In fact, I met with Jim Russell this morning, we meet every Wednesday after Mass, and I asked him if in his eighty-five years had he ever heard a homily on the Fruit of The Holy Spirit and how to grow in the Fruit and Jim said, 


We have millions of Catholics who have not found a reason to become active in this wonderful religion, a religion that wants us to live a life filled with Love, Joy, and Peace., and yet we don’t talk about the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit working in my life.

The Lord GOD is my help,

“The nine” We pray you will grow in the Love, Joy, and Peace of the Holy Spirit by growing in Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.


As we said earlier in our blog this lent has been fast, and I have grown in my Love for the Triune God.

Holy Week is starting now, I am typing this a week early, so in our world, it’s a little strange.

I pray many of you will try taking back Good Friday, by making it a special day between you and God. 

As I was typing this the thought occurred to me, Holy Spirit, that we didn’t give any hints as to what you should consider doing, on YOUR special Good Friday,  and the reason is,  I, we, think as Catholics we are led way too much.  

Being a Catholic is easy.  

The prayers are all laid out, the Rosary, Novina’s, Mass, the prayers before and after confession to mention a few.

Now we’re suggesting you consider how YOU will honor Jesus on Good Friday for His Life, and Death on the Cross, and if you are thinking “I don’t have a clue,”  ask the Holy Spirit to open your mind as to what you can do. 

Don’t worry the Holy Spirit will!

And I hope you will share what you did with all of us in your comments.

Find the Joy that Bishop Barron talked about, the Joy that you are justified by a God of Outrageous Love.

The Joy that you are living, on this earth, after the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and can choose to live your life in the “Spirit world.”

The Joy that when you were Baptized the Holy Spirit was infused into your soul.

The Joy that on Easter Sunday as you receive communion you are touching Jesus and have been invited into a dance with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Joy that if you have faith, and trust in the Triune God, when you touch Jesus, the Eucharist, the healing is started, and we all need healing of some sort.

The Joy that you were wanted and are loved!


The Joy of knowing you are here for a reason that God will make known to you, if only you ask.

Gail and I wish all of you wonderful readers, and contributors, an Easter filled with the Love, Joy, and Peace of the Holy Spirit.

About the Author

My name is Frederick Prince, nicknames, Fred, Ted, and Tedfred. My wife Gail and I have been married for fifty-eight short years. We have three married sons and five grandchildren. Gail and I attend St. John Paul II Parish located in Scarborough Maine. I graduated from Stonehill College with a BSBA in Management in 1963. I joined the Navy and served aboard the USS Pine Island, a seaplane tender, for two years. I am a Vietnam Veteran and am proud of my service. Gail and I moved to Maine in 1966, and we now reside in Scarborough Maine. Gail and I have been active in our Church and our community. We have written five books: A Journey with The Holy Spirit - Revised Edition, I Believe... Revised edition, A Lion Dead to The Lord - Revised Edition, God Thoughts 2022, and God thoughts 2023 E-books and Paperback copies are available at Amazon, Hardcovers with jacket at Barnes and Noble. Being selected to write the Wednesday blog has filled me with Joy. Being 84 I believe gives me a different perspective. Where you are going I have been, and I pray my twenty-eight years working with the men in the Cumberland County Jail brings a very different outlook to the table.

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  1. A joy-filled cross. Amazing reflection. Thank you Fred.

    In your reflection before the holy week, you mentioned ,the formed by Dr. Tim Gray. I started listening to him and it has being an awesome experience.

    Happy Easter to you and your loved ones.

  2. As part of my parents’ legacy during the time when Catholicism was in every home in the Philippines. As the only daughter in the family they chose Holy Ghost College, a Catholic private school run by German sisters. Before the Second Vatican Council, the Third Person of the Trinity was referred to in English as the Holy Ghost (Germanic Origin). The Sign of the Cross was made in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Through the evolution of words, it was changed to Holy Spirit. Every day we were thoroughly reminded of His Gifts and Fruits.. I am now 74 years of age and the Holy Spirit has played a major role through all my life struggles, making able to withstand the hardships.

  3. Happy Easter to you and Gail, Fred! As with the many fruits that I have been given in my life, I consider the teachings and guidance that you both share with us as readers, as fruit from the Holy Spirit and I am so grateful everyday to find a Catholic Moment! God bless you and your family during this holy celebration🙏🙏.


  4. Thank you Fred. We admire your deep faith and Catholic conviction. Have a blessed Easter season and keep the blogs coming. Peace with you.

  5. A joy filled Easter to you and Gail also. Jesus dying on the cross in love, joy and peace brings a beautiful Easter day.

  6. I do enjoy your weekly reflections Fred,
    Wishing you & your family Easter blessings.

  7. Fred, I have read your reflections since you began writing for CM. Thank you for your contributions. It’s easy to see that you are a good and holy man. My further comments are not intended to be judgmental but merely a personal analysis.
    The church teaches that the the bible, the prophets and gospel writings are all inspired by God. How are you able to make that self declaration about your teachings? Your plural pronouns distract and confuse me. And it’s hard to relate to your good lessons when they contain so many self references. Consider how many times you use I, me, (we, us in injunction with the Holy Spirit) when it is not necessary to self-identify with universal truths. You promote your wives photography but although I love nature and all of God’s creation, there are many images that inspire me greater than that of ducks. Perhaps every catholic should aspire to the fruits of the Holy Spirit, but this is beginning to sound like single track evangelism. I want to experience true joy or Joy, but since I (we) are dealing with incurable systemic cancer, I need to be told how, not what. If as you say, Christ died in a state of joy, why does not one crucifix depict Him with a smile on His face? These opinions are merely my own and not meant as criticism. I could not write reflections as you do well and apologize if my views have offend you in any way. Carry on my brother.

  8. Today is my birthday! Upon awakening I picked up my phone and felt it vibrate. I opened it up to my text messages and saw that I got a Happy Birthday greeting with a 🕊 emoji from my estranged son! GIGATT!! “Happy Easter”! May the joy of the Holy Spirit embrace us all! ❣️🙏🏼❣️🙏🏼

  9. Fred can you please print your prayer during difficulties again? I did not write it down and I am having difficulty finding it.

    Thank you.

  10. Thank you Fred for reminding us that Jesus had joy at his crucifixion! I found that hard at first, but started to think about it and read up other sources. Sure enough I found I found eg. “A deep joy fills him as he extends his arms on the cross, for all those sinners who will approach him will now know that he will welcome them with open arms… ” and much more. ps I love the good thief! Happy Easter Fred, Gail and family and to the Catholic Moment family

  11. Aninymous, Your’e tnhe second person to say this, sorry for the mistake. Happy Easter. Fred

  12. Catherine,
    Thank you for your comment. I love the good thief, it fills me with hope I will be jujstified. Happy Easter. Fred

  13. Mary, It’s very simple “Thank you for the difficulty of …………… You have ALLOWED in my life, I know you will take care of me, and say this prayer until you smile. Happy Easter Fred

  14. Skip,
    Thank you, we will because we will be with our family. Happy Easter to you and your family. Fred

  15. Priscilla,
    Thank you for your kind comment Happy Easter to you and your family. Fred

  16. JME,
    Right on! And a Joyfilled easter to you and your family. Thank you for the comment. Fred

  17. Anonymous,
    Thank you for your warm comment, I pray our blogs will continue for a long time. May you and your family have a Joy-filled Easter. Fred

  18. Lance,
    God has blessed Gail and our family as I am sure God has blessed you and your family. Have a Joy-filled Easter. Fred

  19. Lynn,
    I had the same experience with the Holy Ghost, and then Spirit, but sadly I wasn’t taught, or I chose not to learn about the Fruit and Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and like you the Holy Spirit enables me to get positively through life’s struggles. Have a Joy-filled Easter. Thank you for your comment. Fred

  20. Jonathan,
    Thank you for your comment, I know you will really enjoy Tim, you might also subscribe (free) to Center for Action and Contemplation fr. Richard Rohr. He has opened my eyes to new thoughts about God, Love, and Jesus. I don’t always agree, but he makes me think and look at things from a different direction. Have a joy-filled Easter. Fred

  21. Anonymous,
    Celebrate the Joy, so few can say that in this day and time. Have a Joy filled Easter. Fred

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