Wednesday, 3/15/17 — What Do We Want, And Why?

One year shortly before I began my “teen” years – I was probably around 11 or 12 – I started wanting to fit in with my peers more. One meager step I took to try doing this was by jumping on the bandwagon of what was the hottest fad at the time: parachute pants. For those who don’t remember, parachute pants were a (mercifully) short-lived phenomenon in the early 1980s; they were made of a nylon of the sort used in parachutes (hence the name) and generally had lots of zippers . . . most of which weren’t functional. They were designed for breakdancers, another ’80s phenomenon that’s tough to summarize. Anyway, I’m guessing I jumped on the bandwagon toward the tail end, because my pants, while still having the prerequisite too many nonfunctional zippers, were made of a more sensible material – probably cotton.

Anyway, proud as I was of my back-to-school purchase, I quickly discovered that my peers were not as keen with my foray into coolness. Suffice it to say that I was not cool, but was mocked rather badly. That was a long day to wait for the bus trip home, and I never wore those pants again.

How much have you modeled your life to please or impress the world around you? How much have you striven for things that you may not have necessarily wanted, because it’s what others have insisted would make you more complete or acceptable in their eyes?

It’s a question that came to mind as I reflected on today’s readings. In the Gospel Selection from Matthew, Jesus addresses the two sons of Zebedee who were his disciples, explaining that the request that they sit on Christ’s left and right sides in Heaven was not his to grant, but belonged to his Father. Jesus then points out something fundamental to understand Christianity: “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and the great ones make their authority over them felt. But it shall not be so among you. Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave. Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

But what I find interesting about this story is that the request of the two brothers didn’t come from them. Rather, it came from their mother. It’s curious to consider what their mindset was. Were they merely going along with their mother’s wishes, or were they eager at the opportunity? They clearly go along with it to some extent – they respond in the affirmative when Jesus asks if they can “drink the chalice that I am going to drink” – but, again, we can’t say if they were eager for this or just acquiescing to a beloved parent.

In a way, it doesn’t matter. If we attempt to sate our earthly desire for wealth, power, or status because of our own innate drive, that’s still about the same as if you covet those things due to pressure from family, spouse, or peers.

The Lenten season is a good opportunity to remind ourselves of how different the path that Christ taught is from what the world expects. Pretty much every element that the world teaches as vital is of lesser – or even no – importance to Christ. Money, authority, fame, prestige – at best, these items are tools to help bring about the Kingdom on Earth. Authors like C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien used their authorial gifts – and the prestige it granted – to give insight to Christian ideals to millions in a secular world. Catholic business leaders have used their acumen to keep people employed, give to charity, and provide positive role models to the community.

But, even for those people, they must fight the temptation to think of the secular world as an ending, rather than a waypoint on an unfathomably longer spiritual journey.

And for the rest of us, we need to remember that Christ’s words spell hope and reassurance for those the secular world would call failures. As the beatitudes remind us, those of this world who have the worst of it are the most blessed, as theirs is the Kingdom of God.

I was a social pariah through most of my childhood up until my next-to-last year of high school. That’s the year I just stopped caring what other people thought of me, doing what I could be authentic to myself. At that point, ironically, I became popular. Of course, by that point, I didn’t really care. Being true to myself and my beliefs was more important than what the physical world tried to convince me was important.

It’s a lesson that Jesus taught millennia ago, and it’s one that’s vital for us to internalize if we’re to get closer to God, to Heaven, and to being the people who Christ calls us to be. This Lent is a great time to reflect on that lesson, and to internalize what we would ask of Christ if we had an opportunity to do so . . . or, as the case may be, what we would want our mothers to ask of Christ.

Today’s Reading’s: Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14, 15-16; Mt 20:17-28

About the Author

Despite being a professional writer and editor for over 15 years, Steven Marsh is more-or-less winging it when it comes to writing about matters of faith. Steven entered the church in 2005, and since then he's been involved with various ministries, including Pre-Cana marriage prep for engaged couples, religious education for kindergarteners, and Stephen Ministry's one-on-one caregiving. Steven lives in Indiana with his wife and son. Despite having read the entirety of the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, he's still surprised at elements he rediscovers or reflects upon in new ways. The more Steven learns about the faith, the less he feels he knows; he's keen to emphasize that any mistakes are his own.

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  1. Hi I was also struck by the fact that it was the mother of the sons of Zebedee who was asking our Lord for the favour. My prayer as a mother is to always ask for spiritual gifts for our children, who are daily confronted by a materialistic environment.

  2. Hello, Stephen.

    A very insightful reflection which has concrete application in our world now.

    Thank you for sharing

    God bless

  3. Thank you, Steve. Your reflection has reinforced my thoughts on a situation last night that I could have handled differently. As you said, the path of Christ is so different from what our world, and sometimes our closest family members expect. It continues to impress upon me how I must seek Christ to help me with every decision I make-big or small.

  4. Hey Steven,

    Very good of you to pick up on where “The Request of James and John” came from. Obviously their mother realized who Jesus was, she was very observant and intelligent. She also wanted what is best for her sons. Nothing wrong with that.

    It reminds me of what is arguably the best advice ever given by a mother, Mary the Mother of God. At the Wedding at Cana, Mary observed that the wine ran out and realizing who her Son was, told the server, “Do whatever he tells you.”

    Follow that advice and it will answer your questions in the title.


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