Thursday, September 26, 2019 – Finding time to be with God

Today’s first reading: “Consider your ways … Go up into the hill country.”

Today’s Gospel: “And he kept trying to see him.”

I don’t know about you, but with each working day – each busy, busy day – I find it harder and harder to connect with Christ.

Years ago, I made Jesus my No. 1 priority. But here I am, many years later, struggling to find that balance between the busy life of a working man and the more quiet and measured life of a man who knows his priorities.

Jesus once told his followers, “In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.”

The good monks at Gethsemani in central Kentucky are counting on that as they earnestly pray for the world, while seldom, if ever, leaving the walls of their monastery … a monastery made famous by Thomas Merton who lived and is now buried there.

Here is a familiar tune to anyone who has visited …

“Praise to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit … from now, until the end of the ages …

“The God who is, who was and is to come … both now and forever.”

That’s what the monks sing, before every Psalm they chant. And they chant seven times a day, beginning with the Daily Office at 3:15 a.m.

For the past few decades, my good friends Steve, Brian, Glen and many others from our Indiana parish have ventured to Bardstown, KY, where this little slice of heaven – this monastery of some five dozen monks – sits nestled in the hills of central Kentucky, about a half hour south of Louisville.

Thomas Merton is the man who led me here.

Many years ago, I participated in a “spiritual classics” book club reading of Seven Story Mountain. During this time, both our parish priest and I read Merton’s classic novel of spiritual awakening for the first time.

It was life changing.

I highly recommend this book – still available today online.  Merton’s never-ending quest for a spiritual connection to God mirrors what I have been seeking all my life. And no doubt it mirrors what you are seeking too.

Of course, Gethsemani was more than just Merton … which we found out each time we ventured down for a four-day retreat with at least 2 or 3 new guys every year. They have a guesthouse, like a hotel. But we stay in the monastery wing. Each room has a bed, a desk and a closet for clothes. Nothing else. No air conditioning and the bathroom is down the hall.

We pray with the monks. We chant. We go to Mass, Confession. We spend time in the library. We eat monk food (lots of veggies and oats). And we do a lot of walking in the woods. Lots of woods. Lots of walking. Beautiful. Peaceful. A weekend of renewal … each and every time.

But then I come back to reality.

I can’t become a monk. That’s not my calling. But I can borrow some of their practices.

The Liturgy of the Hours – known as the Prayer of the Church – this is what the monks chant when they gather in their white robes and stand opposite each other in the church. Just imagine their deep chants bouncing back and forth – left and right – not just senseless song, but the words of the Psalms. The poetry of the Psalm writers. The very words that Christ himself memorized as a little boy … singing them along with his family as they walked to the Temple.

The Psalms contain within them our entire faith, our entire history. They were meant to be sung so that the song of God would continually echo in our hearts as we made our way through each day, each week, each month, each year.

So today, I leave you with some advice …

Start or maintain a daily prayer life, a holy hour, Rosary, Eucharist Adoration – or a mix of all. You need that balance – like the monks say: work, pray, study.

Expect to fail … often. There will be days. Maybe weeks, when keeping up with your prayer life will be impossible. The key here is to never lose the desire, always yearn to pray, even when you know you can’t. It will come back.

Do a retreat. Many parishes have Christ Renews His Parish or participate in a regional Cursillo weekend. Or you can pay a visit to a monastery. How about a 40-day silent retreat in the desert? Yeah, they have those, too. Do something once a year to recharge your batteries.

And finally, never stop learning about the faith. Take a class. Watch EWTN. Watch reruns of Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Read a book. Read another book. And then … read another. And don’t forget about the Internet. There are so many great Catholic websites, publications and blogs that offer more than you can handle on a daily basis. Find a few that you like and keep an eye on them.

The more we know Jesus in our hearts and minds, the easier it will become to be with Him always.

About the Author

Dan McFeely is a Carmel, Indiana, writer, communications business owner, book editor and a former professional journalist. Dan also works as an Adult Faith Formation Minister, currently serving as a spiritual director for the men's and women's Christ Renews His Parish program at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Carmel. He is a graduate of the Ecclesial Lay Ministry program offered by the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana and has studied theology at Marian University.

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  1. When I saw the title of this post, I went straight away to read it! But something told me within my spirit to pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy before I did and I felt being in the presence of God and his inexhaustible mercies. Reading this post has put a resolve to pray that chaplet every morning as I spend time with God and think about how Jesus always went away to pray alone so that I can build my Christian life in this fast-paced world!! May the Good Lord bless his words in our hearts. Amen!

  2. Always inspiring and challenging information from Dan M. Thank you for the spiritual encouragement to get out there and “work, pray and study”. The richness of Catholic faith awaits if we stay with it.

  3. Thank you, Dan. I try to begin my morning with the daily readings and the reflections at A Catholic Moment. During lent I try to pray the rosary in the hope that l’ll continue. I did better this year but still didn’t continue after. I keep trying. Advent is coming. Maybe it will be my advent promise. God bless.

  4. So beautifully said. I cannot thank you enough for sharing. May God continue to guide, inspire and bless you in your life and in your work.

  5. Thanks Dan, but I’ve already passed the end of my road. I’m tired of losing, and very tired of being beaten down as well. My back is bent and my neck hurts and the world has finally taken that last little bit out of me. I can’t even find ONE priest I could trust or talk to; I’m being crucified without the wood and nails. I’ve stumbled too many times and can’t get up. But thank you for your words; mostly things I knew and have tried also but it was good to read them again. God bless!

  6. Dan thank you for reminding me to seek retreats, books and other ways to be with God in my very busy life. Currently, I have turned the radio off as I drive to work. The morning sunrise while driving is the perfect setting for prayer.
    Anonymous, if your back is bent you will notice God’s smallest creatures like iridescent beetles, and tiny hyacinth and crocus which nod to His great creation and care of all things. Focus on God’s great love for you. He is with you just look for Him. God bless you.

  7. Dear Anonymous. Your post brings me to tears. My rosary today is dedicated to your intentions. May you find the voice of God telling you to hang on, that HE loves you more than you can imagine. That many others love you. I LOVE you and I have never met you. I pray God will provide someone you trust who you can talk to about your struggles. God has a purpose for you and this world needs you! Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help!!

  8. Anonymous. Dan mentioned Cursillo in his reflection. I can second this. If you have not attended a Cursillo weekend I highly suggest it. If nothing else, it can help connect you with a community that truly cares for each other and, for me at least, helps to refocus on the Lord. Check it out through your parish or diocese. We are praying for you.

  9. Anonymous-We can all relate on some level to the temptation to give in to our fears, loneliness, and isolation, so in this way our prayers help carry your cross. God never abandons us. He will never abandon you. Go to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament-preferably find a Church who has adoration hours that would work for you. Or just go to a Catholic church and sit with Him in the Tabernacle. Today. And just sit. He will be present to you, I promise. I’ve witnessed it and I’ve experienced first-hand the healing through going again and again. My prayers are with you.

  10. Anonymous… I don’t want to minimize your sufferings, I want you to see them for their maximum effect.

    Your sufferings match those of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (God the Father said “no” to His Son’s request to remove the cup from Him), His torment at the hands of Herod and Pilate’s soldiers, His suffering on the way to Calvary while carrying His Cross, and his passion on the Cross, alone and friendless, no one to trust in the religious establishment. The Lord *IS* with you in your suffering, because He experienced it Himself. May He bless you to feel His presence.

  11. Thank you Dan I was drying up with prayers. I feel so much uplifted by your comment on today’s readings. Now I have my rosary in hand. God bless

  12. Thanks so much Dan.for these wonderful reflections and reminders on need to set time for God in this busy Anonymous ..may Jesus the good Shepherd watch over you..You have us here in this forum friends from all over the world.and our very able writers of the Catholic moment.You can talk to us.May be we can be of help.If you could identify and request for contacts then we can help each other.otherwise take heart

  13. Thank you so much Dan for your reinforcing word to reconnect. Anonymous I am praying with and for you today

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