Thursday May 2, 2019 – The first apostles and apologetics

The month of May has finally arrived and that means baseball season has begun here in the U.S., a spring-time of renewal and hope that my favorite team or your favorite team will win the World Series in October.

Baseball is biblical, of course. Just look at the first words of Genesis: “In the Big Inning” … (A little Old Testament humor there.)

This is the time of year when many of my friends spend hours looking at team rosters, batting averages, pitching statistics … they compare players, compare teams and then they look forward to gathering with others to discuss the upcoming season.

Most importantly, they are eager to tell me – to tell anyone willing to listen – who has the best team, who are the best players and who they believe will be the big winners of the upcoming season.

As they debate and try to convince others of the merits of their arguments, you can see the excitement in their eyes and hear the sense of urgency in their voices.

The apostles of Jesus must have felt a little bit like this in the days and weeks after the Resurrection of our Lord. Armed with the knowledge they had, the events they witnessed and – finally – the wisdom they were given by the Holy Spirit, this band of brothers set out to convince the world of the good news of the Gospel.

They were the first to master the art of apologetics.

I hate that word, by the way … apologetics.

By definition, apologetics is “the branch of theology that is concerned with defending or proving the truth of Christian doctrine.”

But given its root word, it sounds more like “we are sorry that we are Christian, but here is why we are.”

Embracing the work of apologetics, however, is nothing to be sorry about. On the contrary, when we are asked to explain our faith and the reason we do what we do, we should be prepared to answer with much conviction. That’s not to say we should be loud or obnoxious or say things that are harmful. But even in the spirit of humility and love, we must be convincing.

During this Easter season, we have been reading a lot from the Acts of the Apostles, which means we’ve been reliving what it was like to be among the first to share the good news of the Gospel.

Today’s first reading concerns a challenge by the Sanhedrin, who were not happy with the preaching that had been taking place. Eventually, all of the apostles would end up paying dearly for their faith, but not before they began the process of spreading the gospel across the lands.

As they learned rather quickly, being brave and firm while doing the work of apologetics is not going to make you the most popular person. You will be rejected by many, shunned by some … but, by the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit, you will be helpful to others who are searching and open to your words.

Are you a defender of your faith? Can you help others understand what it means to be a Catholic? Or are you one who shies away from this because you are unsure yourself how to explain what it means? Perhaps you hope the subject never comes up … and maybe that leads you to keep your faith in a box, only to be let out on Sunday morning.

Fulton Sheen once said this: “There are not 100 people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church, but there are millions that hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.”

I pray today that we all accept the challenge to help others understand why our faith is first and foremost in our lives. Study the scriptures. Listen to the teachings. Read the Church Fathers. Take a class.

Above all, be not afraid. When the time comes for you to be like those first apostles, the Holy Spirit will help you say the right words and do the right things to convince others of the good news that we are called to share each day.

About the Author

Dan McFeely is a Carmel, Indiana, writer, communications business owner, book editor and a former professional journalist. Dan also works as an Adult Faith Formation Minister, currently serving as a spiritual director for the men's and women's Christ Renews His Parish program at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Carmel. He is a graduate of the Ecclesial Lay Ministry program offered by the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana and has studied theology at Marian University.

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  1. Thanks for the reminder Daniel. May the Holy Spirit fill each of us so that through the example of the apostles we can all be the shining beacons Christ wanted us to be.

  2. The power of the Holy Spirit…brave, bold, and courageous. Its ours to share with others. “Acts” and deeds. Thank you Dan

  3. Yes, I love that anticipation-whether Baseball or The Apostles! What a way to start the day!

  4. Thank you Dan.I often struggle to explain to others what my Catholic faith means to me.I tend to keep it to myself, especially in today’s world that seems so politically correct and anti Christian.I pray for just a little of the apostles courage and zeal.It’s never too late to start.

  5. As for hating the Catholic Church, I’m Catholic, and there are elements that I hate about the Church.

    Anti-homosexual attitudes and propaganda (and I’m not the only one who disagrees with this aspect, as witnessed by the reactions to John Ciribassi’s post a few days ago), encouraging people to procreate beyond their means, women being shut out of leadership roles (and yet so many complaints about how there are no priests), and, of course, the sexual abuse.

    I’m Catholic, because of the spiritual aspects of the faith, e.g. transubstantiation. But I do not believe in the backwards, patriarchal, oppressive social policies of the Church. And those are the Chirch’s calling cards to the public. And I’m not the only Catholic who thinks this way.

    I refused to get confirmed, because I don’t believe in some of the social mores espoused by the Church. I’m glad that the Church is now taking a positive stance on immigration, refugees, and the environment. But again, those are not the Church’s calling cards to the public. So no wonder people hate the Catholic Church.

  6. In today’s Gospel, John says “He does not ration his gift of the Spirit”. You can see that fully alive in the Apostles in the first reading. How does the Christian of the 21st century achieve this fully alive feeling? Yes, we received the Holy Spirit in Baptism which is sealed at Confirmation, yet so many Christians, not just Catholics are drifting away from the faith. Contemplating the readings today, I ask myself, what must it feel like to experience what the Apostles experienced after the Holy Spirit descended on them at Pentecost.

  7. Dan, thank you for the time and your fellow writers spend to write these reflections. They are a good start to the day.

    This site needs not be a place to rip on the Church. As the Church, we are the body of Christ and he is the head. Consider those implications.

  8. Jim! I totally agree with You. Let’s use our blessings constructively! Peace to All?

  9. Dan, thank you for this great reflection. I start each morning with the scripture of the day, followed by the reflection from one of the perceptive writers for A Catholic Moment. Thank you to each writer on staff for sharing your faith, time, and insight.
    I personally find value if something in a reflection gives me a ‘hiccup’ – it challenges my thinking and beliefs, and helps me sort through my feelings, and helps my faith to grow.

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