As a woman walks into my clinic I judge her, from her walk to her attitude everything gives me clues about her situation, her orientation to my clinic and the expectation she has from me as a healthcare worker!! I Judge !!!!
It is part of my job and I do pick unspoken clues and the fact that a lady who wears clothing to one religion has certain beliefs about childbirth and contraception. I have to judge a nervous newly wed or a tired mother of 5, I have to let the patient speak for herself as a dominating mother in law watches over every word.. I judge !!
Stop judging and you will not be judged.
Stop condemning and you will not be condemned.
It is no cake walk for me when I am trained to judging everyone around me and in new surroundings to perceive everyone as a threat from a stranger. My knowledge makes me perceive what is true and what is not.. I am trying not to judge and its very hard to keep an open mind in our present day and age.
But let us pause for a moment and remember , in this world so harsh if we can do one thing… let us be kind!
Prayer: Lord , I apologise for being judgemental about situations and humans around me. Help me to push back my prejudices and give my love and work a good effort and be kind to all I acknowledge stranger and foe!!