And behold, Elizabeth, your relative,
has also conceived a son in her old age,
and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren;
for nothing will be impossible for God.”
Ahem! This is one controversial statement for me as an OBGYN! While just reading this statement sends alarms ringing in my head about how many complications Elizabeth was at risk – high blood pressure, diabetes, baby growth restriction, preterm birth, in fact the new term for women above 45 years getting pregnant is Very advanced Maternal age ( VAMA) in our medical jargon! And we have a new set of protocols to monitor patients which such age and risks.
That brings me to wonder how did they manage it so many years ago – with no prenatal ultrasound scans and tests or multiple visits to obgyn/ midwife. It all happened smooth and women delivered with elderly trained women – heck, mother of Jesus delivered Him with just St Joseph for assistance and the process is not very pleasant – blood and water and loads of pain ultimately lead to the priceless gift of life!
While we are preparing for the birth of Christ, today is a massive celebration of the Immaculate Conception of Mary ! While my state being a former colony of the Portuguese has an iconic church built in name of same feast – it is a huge event in the calendar ! There are novenas and massive firework and musical displays on the church steps for all the people to celebrate the event. The other churches celebrating it have a fete of vendors of sweets (local) , crafts and numerous stalls as people celebrate the day with a holiday and attend the church Mass and then head for a huge celebratory meal with family!
I always wonder how much faith and planning goes into every step God has for us ! As a young Indian woman, it is a routine for us to be married by 25 years and have children and focus on them . While my own mother pushed the bar to 29 years , she let me off the hook for 34 years so far! But often when I look back as a kid I had a plan for my life and included the targets of achieving marriage and career success at a certain age which I have crossed!
While I am yet to be married or achieve success in my field , I am often reminded when I read about Elizabeth and Abraham – how they had faith and received their gifts at the time God planned for them which may not be in accordance to societal norms. It is hard some days but over the years I realise I have my purpose and I and work to fulfil it as a daughter , a doctor and a human!
Today we all feel things never go as planned – a year ago I was devastated and stressed – my life seemed all turned around cause of a series of events and I remember watching my father surrender everything so calmly to God giving me the courage to follow suit. It is and will take time – adjusting to the situation, accepting reality which is different from the one we have in mind- doing obgyn was never in my plan – I did it , I work for the Pro life movement – even attending one today -I made them think about it and strengthened my own faith in the bargain!
We all have a mission – we all are given a gift – maybe as simple as serving our parents or a neighbor or being a good person! It will happen accordance to His will , let us surrender to God like Mother Mary and Elizabeth and give up our massive egos and plans at His feet.
Thank you Lord for keeping me safe. I know I wonder where my life is leading at times and stressed and anxious but help me to believe in divine intervention and do my part and surrender to you! Praise to you and your works always in my words, thoughts and deeds