For the love of God is this,
that we keep his commandments.
And his commandments are not burdensome,
for whoever is begotten by God conquers the world.
And the victory that conquers the world is our faith
Today I am sitting in my room, at the crack of dawn in freezing cold, ready to get another day of learning about artificial reproductive technology. While the course has been exhaustive and in detail and I watched a human make babies under a microscope or ” in test tube”, I was so swamped that I forgot to even pray daily.. rosary seems a stretch!!!
Yes! my new years resolution has been has gone for a six and so also the stress of travelling and working for 14 hours a day in a subject that constantly reminds me how we humans can act like we are God… Some where along the week I just let go. Until I remembered I have to post and I got a beautiful text from my catholic friend at my sunday youth convention about the same..and as I whined about me having no time …she texted “just pray”
I realised how I had not kept the Lords commandments and that I even ended up missing my online sunday mass.. While life is getting hectic I have pushed my strongest source of energy aside and complain I have non! So when I read the reading to reflect , I felt a pang of guilt that I am not begotten by the God but by the world.. I am just whining about petty issues like the weather or the long hours of training and even my hostel. Today as I sat to type this, I listened to a wonderful video by Bobby Angel on youtube talking about how we give up when we cant be perfect and that was just describing me…So today instead of telling all the readers about my reflection about the reading .. I am going to take the time to pray and dump my worries of perfectionism at his feet and hope all of you who missed their new year resolutions also do the same!
LOrd, I am sinful and irrational in my behaviour this new year. I have missed my time with you and have disobeyed your commandments. Forgive me Lord for being so overbearing and whiny about everything so far and help me try every day as a new day with you at the centre of my life!!
Mother Mary help me to be a better person and help me forgive those who lead me to temptation and do not let me be better.