Thursday 6th October 2022

 tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves
because of their friendship,
he will get up to give him whatever he needs
because of his persistence.

This is my life s mantra! I have and always will be a persistent person, of course, I will whine and complain about my problems to the world but I will ensure I do everything in my power to get the job done or goal achieved! This however is yet to translate in my prayer life!

I am lazy and have bursts of enthusiasm to pray especially when I watch or read something that touches my heart. At times I do it as a compulsion and it seems meaningless or when I am in deep stress I pray for everything to follow plan!

This passage always makes me smile , how Jesus encourages us to keep asking and seeking and search for answers ! As an extremely eager student I would always ask questions and still do, some silly some smart, but I always kept at it till I got my break through!! However I feel I havent utilised this in my personal prayer. Often I feel the spurts of love and then my consistency wanes and it all goes downhill.

I hope this year I can make a change and be a better person with respect to including God in my life, channelising His teachings in managing my frustrations and anger when things dont fall in place! It is very hard but like Jesus said – we must persist! and eventually the doors of heaven will open!


Let me be persistence Lord in my seeking of your love and blessings

Guide me with your Holy Spirit to people and events which need your help and love!

help me to pray without ceasing!


About the Author

Hello! I’m Dr Analise Maria D’ Mello, (MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB) from the beautiful state of Goa in India. I was born and raised in a Roman Catholic family, learning my prayers, catechism and Catholic values from my parents and grandmothers. I am currently practicing as an obstetrician and gynecologist for 3 years since my residency. I often speak on anti-abortion to college students and married couples, and counsel distressed pregnant women with appropriate medical advice. I am part of the St Luke's Medical Guild of Catholic Doctors in my state providing services in prisons, and Lenten and advent retreats for medical professionals and their families.

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  1. Thank you Dr. Analise for your sharing your life patterns. Your transparency and honesty is relatable. Bless you. May we all continue to be persistent in prayer to our heavenly Father.

  2. Thank you Analise. You bring us a Catholic Moment that we can relate to. Persistence in prayer takes time and discipline. Many of us are not so good at it. Too busy, too compulsive, too many distractions. Knock on the door to the inner room. He will open. Peace and prayers with you my sister.

  3. Thank you, Analise. I also sometimes get discouraged when I pray.
    But then I remind myself that God always listens to prayers, and always answers them, in His time, and His way, which is always better than mine.

  4. “Help me to pray without ceasing.”
    Beautifully stated. May God hear your humble prayer and continue to guide you in your journey as a wounded healer.
    God bless

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