he then said to the paralytic,
“Rise, pick up your stretcher, and go home.”
He rose and went home.
The last 2 weeks have been extremely busy with work and travel. I missed Sunday mass two Sundays in a row and was going to be a third – but- my flight was cancelled and I had the chance to attend a wonderful catholic mass in London. I have been traveling to meet family, part of a holiday and to attend the graduation ceremony of my MRCOG ( membership of Royal college of obstetricians and gynecologists) degree in London, UK.
The trip was full of every thing I dreamed of, adventure, new places, catching up with family after the pandemic and above all feeling so blessed to receive my degree, for which I have toiled for the past 3 years through various parts of the exam.
As I read todays Gospel, I thought to myself , how caught up I have been in worldly pleasures and happiness- I never had time to say a prayer but I sat on a cruise on the Thames alone, I was mesmerized by the man made beautiful structures, I was awestruck and I realised how much more with love has Jesus created us and helped us be !
My faith was on a turbulent ride and after I was suddenly stuck for 2 extra days in London, I crashed with an old friend who walked to church sunday morning and there I stood in the most happy and calm place! I was at peace!
I knew I would get back home at my own pace and I would be fine! My faith kept me calm.. Every time I read the lines, I remember the image of The Chosen, it made my heart stir, the faith needs to be constant. My heart needs to be in His heart and I need to surrender! I am that paralytic- limping in my faith, hobbling on and off the path. I needed this reality check and above all I know I need to believe in Him more!
Thank you Lord for watching over me even, when I am unable to follow you with my entire heart! Guide me and help me to build my faith and walk and run when you ask of me!