behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves.
Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals;
and greet no one along the way.
29 days ago this is exactly how I felt the need to move across the country to a new hospital to work. Yes the money was good and I always envisioned my self helping the poor and needy being the only hospital in an town bordering the mighty hills and forests.
So I packed just one suitcase of clothes and few books and flew across with hope and dreams in my eyes to do good work for the Lord and selfishly earn some money to save for my further life.
Little did I know , while I managed to get myself immersed into the drama and issues of the daily life here, the local crowd has no sense of orderliness and has been screaming and yelling at me for their complaints while I struggle to listen and sort them. I was just getting a hang of adjusting when there was a chaos cause some one felt disrespected and more complaints flew across the hospital management and chief and so on and forth.
I was constantly paged for issues with patients and I ensured I attended to everyone day or night. So as I settle in my new role, someone leaked my personal phone number and address to the local villagers and I was flooded with calls some threatening, some not, there was an invasion of my privacy at my residence by patients. Repeatedly I was told I have to adhere to the old set ways of place and break laws for the hospital. Everyday I was listening to women taking abortifacients and attended to complications of the same, some threatened me for medications for abortion while some just were disgusted why I refused to comply
When I finally stood my ground and refused to comply with the cheating, lies and illegal activities in the name of healthcare , my boss calls me and explains to me how I can get to “cut so many patients and should not get affected by the situation ” While the law abiding catholic in me cringed, I never have worked for just the money and operated on a patient cause I wanted to, I always had a sound medical reason for either. It broke my heart to realise the healthcare system of my country was being abused not by just patients in getting their own way but by doctors too.
Todays Gospel struck me like a bolt of lightening
Whatever town you enter and they welcome you,
eat what is set before you,
cure the sick in it and say to them,
‘The Kingdom of God is at hand for you.’
Whatever town you enter and they do not receive you,
go out into the streets and say,
‘The dust of your town that clings to our feet,
even that we shake off against you.’
I am quick to react to situations but when I read this , I knew the Lord spoke to me and asks me to uphold my dignity and leave. Which I hopefully will.
Everyday when we face situations which are beyond our control, we should look for the solution with our Lord and in His word, whether at work or home or otherwise. While I fear for my safety on a daily basis and kept wondering if I had been to hasty to judge the people here for their beliefs and practices, I realised I am not recieved here – neither as a christian nor as a medical professional.
Pray, hope and focus your worries and situations unto the Lord and remember the LORD will guide us as we shake off the dust off our feet and hearts.
P.S. Kindly pray I am safe and sane till I get home from this current work place. I have never felt the need to ask for more prayers than today for all the humans and doctors here. And I request every one who reads the reflections to dedicate a daily rosary for every aborted fetus and their mother in the month of October.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, as I kneel today before you hopeful and fearful for the situations in my life, I surrender them, the people hurting me, my emotions and the sins I have committed to you. Protect me Mother Mary and let me cling to you for help and safety. Amen.