The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom;
and the favor of God was upon him.
Every child born is to believe to have this as their fate. However more often then other we see children who are tortured, molested and worse starved of the basic needs of love, health, education and nutrition!
Today as we catholic celebrate the Presentation of child Jesus, let us present the children we have in our families and neighborhoods with a life of example to lead in the Christian faith! It is annoying but equally fulfilling when a newborn in brought for mass and they scream and cry through it harassing the already flustered mother! But it gives me hope for our faith and it will be passed on. I know I learnt mine by the example of my parents.
Let us focus on handing down this faith and love for the Lord and His word to our little ones by following the rules. Often it is hard , the parents are atheist or the unable to manage, but it is a matter of time. And if my parents with full time jobs and no help could manage to hop 2 children on a scooter and head for sunday mass without fail or teach them to read the tiniest Bible every night after Rosary, I believe every one can do it!
Let us as adults give our children a chance to be filled with strength and wisdom and favorable to God!
Help me Lord, to show every child and parent love and respect and guide them to believe in the Lord and trust Him especially when times are tough.