Whoever is not with me is against me,
and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”
I want to be with you Lord and as much as I struggle to keep up on a daily basis I fail!
I am only human …
As I sat through the Sunday eucharistic celebration, I realised I was barely paying attention to the readings and homily for the accent is so strong here in southern India , I could barely figure out that Father was reading off the printed page of mass leaflet in English. While as Indians we are multilingual by birth thanks to the 20 odd languages in a single country each with their own script, that moment the only thing uniting me with the other locals of that place was the faith in Christ and the need we have to attend the eucharistic celebration!
This lent I want to focus on my relationship with the Lord , and listen to his commandments — the hardest one to do by far! but is that what God wants ? NO
he wants me to talk to the annoying co worker .. he wants me to not say nasty comebacks … he wants me to accept the lies of the place with a smile……
today as I doze across the keyboard to type this in physical pain, I wish all of you readers a good fruitful left over lenten season! truly!