And behold, Elizabeth, your relative,
has also conceived a son in her old age,
and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren;
for nothing will be impossible for God.”
Well, as an obstetrician and gynecologist, I have at least one to two women walk in my clinic with the “desire to conceive”. Fertility is and has always been a sign of complete womanhood while for me as a professional it is a mystery but attempts have been made at demystifying it. While I personally am not a fan of these attempts, I did train in learning more about the science behind it… and it is fascinating how a sperm and ova can give rise to a life with a mind and opinion of its own, a body of flesh and bones and a guardian angel who is assigned to the task of helping us navigate this life with a sense of right or wrong in human form of parents or teachers.
While I reside in a hospital and live on the floor with a lab full of embryos forming in a machine, I cant help imagine how with one breathe in dust , God brought to life this human body of flesh with life, while here we use all forms of culture medium, expensive equipment and trained personnel and doctors to help make a human life in an incubator. It baffles me how we can refuse to believe in the existence of a higher power which guides the growth of it all.
While all textbooks on fertility repeatedly speak on how maternal age is the single most important criteria for determination of the fertility and chances of spontaneous conception with declining ovarian reserve along with increasing age in a woman, I do see a number of young women vying for a child. In todays reading, God sorted Elizabeth for a plan of His own, St John the Baptist, to welcome the ministry of Jesus… it makes me rethink how each birth and child has a reason and place in this world, is born with a purpose under God. While the birth rate at the best test tube baby center ( IVF lab) will be 60%, the rest of the 40% have a better plan for their lives ..may not be as parents but as a couple or a single human with a purpose for their life!
When Mary was told by an Angel of a near impossible feat of getting pregnant without any male intervention, she was not shocked or questioned the wonders of the Lord, she bowed her head and prayed and accepted the responsibility. In my life, when I see near impossible tasks ahead of me or it happen, I question the logic, the physics and worse the entire situation and if it was truthful at all? How little is my faith? Why cannot we as humans be more trusting of situations in our daily lives? Why do we question every event good or bad ( mostly bad) and instead of experience Gods power of grace and mercy and accept the situation but fight it with negativity and hate.
Of the 40% couples who do not conceive despite all treatments and prayers, I find the acceptance of such a situation very less. The constant worry and stress puts a strain on marital relationships and causes a lot of mental health issues to both partners. Social media, extended family and the society at large pressurizing women into believing they are incomplete when not able to conceive adds to the situation. Let us keep in our prayers today the numerous couples especially women around the world who wish to be a mother someday as nothing is impossible with the LORD!
Dear Lord, Bless us with faith Like Mother Mary and hope in you for the plans for our life. As we stress about our future Lord, guide me to move forward each day with you as my help and surrender any anxiety or worry to you. Bless all the women who are seeking help for fertility issues with faith and hope and bless them with gift of a new life if it is your will and forgive those who abuse this gift via abortion.