Thursday 21st October 2021

From now on a household of five will be divided,
three against two and two against three;
a father will be divided against his son
and a son against his father, 
a mother against her daughter
and a daughter against her mother,
a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law
and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

I have to be honest and upfront, this reading always puzzled me as a catholic. Even when I heard it at church I never understood what exactly was Jesus trying to decipher talking about division and pitting family against each other.(I still dont. Sorry!)

From my experience, family is an extremely important institution that none of us have much choice but to accept, so when I refused some situations and questioned and argued about the same with my parents, I was explained about how being together is the family strength but the same sentiment was not followed in my home during prayers. hypocrisy ? irony? or let the elephant in the room never be addressed…. We all are part of a family of faithful to Christ , the Church is like the bride of the Christ. Often there are divisions because of our own understanding and conflict of opinion, but in the end we all believe that the Lord is supreme and HE is our ultimate goal. Often we have issues and questions and like me, would be dissatisfied with the answers provided, and want is to know what will happen tomorrow or a proof that the Lord likes me enough as I try to search for my own individual identity in the multitude… the relationship we have and try to forge with Lord is way more important then the ones we are thrust upon here on earth. I do thank Jesus for my family but I do know not everyone is in my position… so let us set our eyes on the prize on an everlasting one with Jesus.

Today as I thank God for another year in my life and embark on a new one from tomorrow, I hope and pray my relationship with the Lord is much more deeper that I can interpret with wisdom the meaning of the Gospel and live in this fire blazing for His love and not be bogged down my earthly relationships and desires.


Guide me oh Lord to your light and help me live with the desire to love and serve you. Forgive me for all my temptations and human behavior , but help me to walk my journey to you slowly and steadily in faith!


As I turn 33 tomorrow, please include me in your prayers! Thank you!