“I have told you this so that
my joy might be in you and
your joy might be complete.”
As a doctor, every patient enters my clinic has to follow a set of rules , or we call it an implied consent.. the woman will cooperate with the nursing staff as she is set up for examination or an ultrasonography scan or any minor procedure. The patient will undress and done the outfit and lie down in the position comfortable for examination all with implied consent that she is willing for the same! She will follow the doctors prescription after the exam – which may include tests and medications! However if we do not follow the same instructions at home or take medications, no amount of doctor visits can sort our issues !
The doctor for our soul is Jesus, we visit Him every day or mostly every Sunday like me, take His body and blood there and leave to get back on with our lives — BUSY! yes .. my last week was overwhelming after a very long time! I even forgot to publish my reflection and realised it late thursday morning as I sat beside my dads chemotherapy bed ! too late , I apologise!
I often let life get the better of me , I stress over my patients results and somedays worry if I will get called at night when I have cozied up my bed for a nice tuck in after a tiring day! Im trying to prepare for exams which havent been announced and adjusting my appointments and work around them. I always feel I have not done enough and regret the time I relaxed months ago when I should have been hustling at my work! I often regret my choices only to realise life is coming to a full circle to exactly where I am!
Often in this chaos I dont pray with effort, I just switch off the lights, walk to my bed as I sign the cross and lay in bed wondering .. wow the day just flew by God! Life is really fast! And as I fall asleep counting things I wish i could have accomplished , I never really feel satisfied !
Today the Gospel made me think, why am I hustling so much if I dont find the joy in what I do? Why am I running ahead of my thinking and time when I have not lived every minute today with the Joy my Lord brings to me? Maybe I need to re adjust and focus my life and make decisions which benefit my soul not just monetary and egoistic reasons! Often I wonder why everyone promotes hustle culture and when I ask refuse a job when I am exhausted or not ready , I feel so guilty!
Joy is complete not in our daily tasks or the results of an exam or the management of a patients issues! It is in finding the Lord in my daily routine – as a prayer in my car at the traffic signal or the minutes I get before I let my first patient in my office or the fact that I am trying my best with the commandments at my daily life!
I just hope we find Joy more often then we perceive …
Thank you Lord for accepting us the way we are, with good and bad! Guide me to seek the eternal Joy in you and not earthly issues and not fret and be anxious when things dont go my way! Bless me with the joy in my heart for your love!