For the days are coming upon you
when your enemies will raise a palisade against you;
they will encircle you and hem you in on all sides.
They will smash you to the ground and your children within you,
and they will not leave one stone upon another within you
because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.
The last week as I stopped at a traffic light, I was suprised to see a woman holding an asleep child in her arms knock at my car window. Not an uncommon feature in my country, but my state was immune to it until recently. Knowing about the nexus of begging women and children in tow, I decided to turn away and ignore her. Soon she moved on to another car!
Often I wonder when I see this, am I privileged that I have the opportunities I have to education, a home, faith and just everything! Often it pricks me , have I ignored Jesus, I will be burning in hell over this lady!!!!!!!! I am being extremely honest, I am no saint, I am learning to say no and give people a mouthful of information of what needs to be heard especially when they assume it is my duty to be good and honest! I am just learning to say no and avoid people who drain me — it is hard when I am brought up by the most generous parents and family while I feel like a grump wondering why I have to be helping everyone all the time and no one ever makes efforts the opposite way anymore especially professionally!!!!!
I was reading about Saint Elizabeth of Hungary who we celebrate today and realised she was one such generous saint with the sick and needy especially when she was so young and been through so much ! I am not the most ideal doctor with a comforting face and I know sometime or more often then I want I mite have said something not nice to say especially when I have a bad day or lack of sleep or mostly just hangry but the genetic generosity crops up and I either make up for it later or apologise ! However I do realise most often I end up being taken for granted instead for being niceand then there is a constant conflict on ” did I just tell Jesus to do the job himself? Will I be in hell for this?”
I know we all have our flaws and no one is perfect at all times, I am working on counting to 10 when I am annoyed at something, small adversities which may appear inconvenient and annoying but often or not it works out for the best! Let us not skip Jesus during our daily decisions but also let us learn to stand and defend ourselves when we know we can be
Lord, I surrender all the times I feel uncomfortable and taken for granted , help me to find that spark of generosity and see you in those moments and be the best of myself!