As I was mindlessly scrolling through my phone I come across a post from a friend and fellow doctor , it had a picture of a boy in a wheelchair and the title said.. ” Asked God to heal him from the wheelchair !” and the bottom read .. God answered “NO”. I chuckled at the entire premise of the meme! My friend is an atheist and born into a non catholic background, so yes we do not talk about that elephant in the room! Faith is a system of belief we have as a person – it could be in a higher power like the Eucharist or Jesus or your own self discipline! Often I hear the conversation amongst christians on media, about how we should forgo our owns elf and believe in God but then I wonder , doesnt God help those who help themselves?!
It is the “who came first – the chicken or the egg”.. kinda story! when it comes to religion and faith in our world, I wonder at times, I didntchose or pick to believe in Christ, I did follow what my parents did … what about those who dont? Will they go to hell? I personally believe ( and alot of you may disagree) faith is not just about who one worships, faith is about believing in the power or force that is beyond us humans, a force which brings situations which baffle us till date to fruition! Faith is me switching on the alarm before I hit the sack despite knowing there is a chance I may not wake up the next day!
The idea of faith is sometimes spoken as energies and ancient practices like Yoga or Tai chi, try to evolve the same. I personally get energy when I close my eyes and pray.. a familiar prayer , or watch the transubstantiation of the bread and wine and know that I am in the presence of a living God! That energy makes me work with love and kindness towards everyone I meet !
I do not believe that being a catholic gives me the right to condemn any faith, practise of religion or even the atheist belief.. in fact I need to show them my faith through my actions as a human rather than scream and evangalise across stages and screens!!
As a millenial living in a country with so many religious practises, I am sometimes the only christian person some of the people have ever met in their lifetime, and my every move and word I speak is scrutinized and critiqued!
Today ,when Jesus asks His disciples, who they think HE is ? they mention all the prophets.. If I am ask myself who I think Jesus is … I would say He is in every living being, unborn, human or not, all races, all castes and regions and every time I hurt someone with intent I am hurting Him! Yes I profess my faith by following the practises prescribed by the Church and I think it is wrong on my part as a sinner to throw stones at other sinners and condemn them about acts or deeds despite the Church teachings!
So today as we get along in our daily routine, lets think for a minute who is JEsus to us and if someone doesnt agree with our view, as mere mortals do we have the right to condemn them??
Today oh Lord, I bow my head and apologise to all the humans I have assumed unworthy and condemned or judged in my head. Today I will be a better person more than just a devout catholic . Help me to see your light in every person I encounter and spread the faith!