Yes. I am weary. I am stressed. I even fell asleep at the computer while typing last weeks reflection and delayed the posting of the same. Work has been hectic and on call duties are filled with laboring women crying and writhing in pain…
As a woman about to give birth
writhes and cries out in her pains,
so were we in your presence, O LORD.
We conceived and writhed in pain,
giving birth to wind;
Salvation we have not achieved for the earth,
Labor is the culmination of the process of life and birth. while some people believe that it doesnt need intervention and will occur spontaneously ( like it does ) but there are exceptions where we as the treating doctors are trained to pick up warning signs and make appropriate and timely interventions hence leading to a healthy mother and baby.Often times , we misinterpret subtle signs in the patients or delay the management for various reasons or sometimes do all the steps correctly yet end up with a mishap.
These days I have been having the same hard time to find my faith and when my plans fail instead of looking up to Jesus or Mary , I search for a human to give me solace and agree to my venting. I am missing the subtle signs of dry spells in my own faith , and eventually will move away from God. For me the excuse is work stress and upcoming exams and while I am struggling , writhing in pain with my relationship with God shattering on a daily basis, I do realise identifying the issue is the FIRST step to reconciliation.
So many readers have been riddled with worries about the future, the worry of job, income, family, health are slowly pushing the faith in a corner. While we may not recognise the symptoms, let us acknowldege the weariness we experience with this sudden change of schedule and system thanks to the pandemic and learn to put forth our worries at His feet.
PRAYER: DEar Lord JEsus, I apologise for being so absent and laid back in my faith. Help me to push forth my weariness and demand from you the attention I seek as your faithful. Help me Lord to love you more.