Thursday 12th September 2024

“Stop judging and you will not be judged.
Stop condemning and you will not be condemned.
Forgive and you will be forgiven.
Give and gifts will be given to you;
a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing,
will be poured into your lap.
For the measure with which you measure
will in return be measured out to you.”

This sums up the entire essence of living the Christian life style. It is far easier said than done. I as a competitive and aggressive human do not like to seek help or give help especially when I know the other is capable , I am a self made and self taught human and thank all my teachers and colleagues but I do not step beyond my routines to be extra helpful cause I never understood why could not they doo it for themselves in the first place.

I am a faithful person and hate the fact that i am ridiculed for being so self sufficient at work. I make the right connections and find the right people to talk to enabling absolutely any thing to be possible and within my professional capacity will help anyone I know but I do have my boundaries especially when it is overstepped by people seeking a side help or counter opinion about illness or trying to skip the line.

I am often reprimanded by my ever so generous parents about my stern ways and strict rules about free advice especially medical but I do know enough that I would not want to endanger my license or the patients life with a half information based decision and advice.

I have learnt to stop people please and say No to events , ideas and deeds which I am not comfortable with – it does come with a lot of its issues when people get offended and called me selfish and mean. I was also told my parents upbringing was poor and they never taught me to share.

I dont understand why should I be sharing something everyone could be doing ( as immature as I may sound). I am trying to lead a life as an example of Christ but being generous to people who just take and take and never want to learn or improve – sorry annoys me a lot.

Today as I sit here and type this from my hospital ward computer , I am surrounded by patients who are with cancer some advanced some lucky and early – I think a lot of them would follow the Christ’s sayings in a jiffy if it could mean a longer or pain free life!

Maybe I will try to focus on being nicer and share more. one day at a time …


About the Author

Hello! I’m Dr Analise Maria D’ Mello, (MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB) from the beautiful state of Goa in India. I was born and raised in a Roman Catholic family, learning my prayers, catechism and Catholic values from my parents and grandmothers. I am currently practicing as an obstetrician and gynecologist for 3 years since my residency. I often speak on anti-abortion to college students and married couples, and counsel distressed pregnant women with appropriate medical advice. I am part of the St Luke's Medical Guild of Catholic Doctors in my state providing services in prisons, and Lenten and advent retreats for medical professionals and their families.

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  1. May God who.knitted us in our mother’s womb,grant us the grace to Love those who hate us.
    Thank you for your beautiful writing from your office computer.

  2. Thanks for an honest examination of conscience. I could use a bit of that myself. Today’s Gospel is a good check to see where we stand in our Christian lives. ✝️ I hope I score ok with the Lord. Peace with you my sister.

  3. Very honest, Analise. I relate to much of what you wrote as I am happy to help those who I see as truly needing the help but struggle to assist those who I feel should be able to help themselves. I pray to have a more generous heart and to put my judgment away.

    Thank you, Analise!

  4. Thank you Analise.It’s easy to read the word of God but much much harder to actually live it.Being aware of our shortcomings and asking the Lord to help overcome them is a good place to start.We appreciate you taking time out of your busy day to write your honest reflections.God Bless you and your patients.

  5. I feel the same way you do. Self-preservation! I’m sure it is not easy to deal with patients who have heard of wild cures. I have been told to take rat poison or dewormer for animals to cure my cancer. Not sure if they are trying to help or want me to die sooner. God Bless you!

  6. Very nice self reflection. I too was of the opinion that my accomplishments were the result of my hard work and drive. However, I failed to realize that they were gifts from the Lord. Your ability to be an accomplished physician is a gift from the Lord for the benefit of his people. You think all those others could have worked hard to be like you but life doesn’t work that way. Everything is carefully orchestrated by God. (Not a single sparrow falls….)

    You have understood your gift; God bless you for your sharing and writing.

  7. Thank you Analise for such an honest self-evaluation. It’s easy to get annoyed with people who don’t do their best, and we need God’s grace to not judge them and to help as much as we can, knowing God will bless such efforts. But please realize it is not mean to say No to something you’re uncomfortable with, nor is it selfish to withhold medical advice outside the office. In fact these responses are wise and can be done with love. God bless you for all you do for your patients and for us at A Catholic Moment.

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