Whatever town or village you enter, look for a worthy person in it,
As an unmarried woman, in Indian culture at my age of 35 years it is a rarity. I am constantly asked about why I didn’t marry as yet or why I choose not to divulge any such plans.
I haven’t found any worthy man is the appropriate answer however.
As Jesus commanded his disciples to search in every place for a worthy man to stay with and spread the good word, so do we as humans in our daily interactions need to find that good person. Often it is quoted , we are the company we keep, while I have had the same bunch of friends growing up and never felt the need to make new … I am struggling with work place friendships to be kept strictly professional. Often I am at cross roads with my inner competitive self and my faith filled honest joyous one … The competition always wins !!
As Christians we are often talked about as groups of faithful and where ever 2 or 3 gather we can be assured Jesus is listening to us! As a co unity s3ns3 builds jn me every Sunday as I m used to the crowd who sits in the church pews and we have a shot greeting after the service. I realised my faith is notmeant to be in isolation. However , as easy as it is to type it out,I get most annoyed with the parking lot issues.
Let us find that good person in our family, friends or even workplace who we can entrust our faith and if we cantfind it, we can search online for communities however thebesf would be the church group …
Let us learn toseek our faith in a team of Jesus lovers and spread this message of faith and unity to others. Let us cut down the competition to who is the best …. at our faithand try to lead everyone with us !!!!