The Best Protection Against Demons and Evil Spirits

Jesus Exorcism of a DemonIn the gospel reading today, Jesus was preaching in the synagogue while a man with an unclean spirit was listening.  The demons inside the man recognized that Jesus was the son of God, and cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?  Have you come to destroy us?  I know who you are – the Holy One of God!”  This man may have for all appearances sake, seemed as normal as you and I, but underneath his external appearances, a demon lay hidden inside of him.

If you speak with any official exorcist in the Catholic church, they will tell you that demons do not usually take possession of a person without their permission.  Involuntary demonic possessions can occur, but most of the time a person has done something to encourage the evil spirits.

No one should ever play with Ouija board games, because this is a well-known way that demons are invited into the world.  Ask an exorcist about this.  It isn’t just a game.  Tarot cards, mediums, fortune tellers, voodoo, Wicca, witchcraft, the occult, or any other fascination with the spirit world, or the dead, can attract and encourage evil spirits.

Even if a person did these things out of fun when they were a child or a teenager many years ago, a demon can lie hidden inside a person, undetected for a long time.  This is probably what happened with the man who had the unclean spirit in the synagogue, that Jesus cured in today’s gospel.

Demons can not stand the name of Jesus, let alone be in his presence.  In fact, the name of Jesus is an effective way to cope with the presence of demons.  But, the best way to cope with demonic attacks or harassment, is to grow in holiness yourself.

The best protection against demons and evil spirits is to attend mass regularly, go to confession and have a regular, consistent prayer life. We receive grace from Jesus, through the sacraments and prayer, and by genuinely living by God’s commandments.

It can happen though, that the closer a person grows to Jesus, the more the demons or evil spirits will harass them.  This is ordinarily in the form of temptations.  The demons will size you up and look for your weakest area and then go for the juggler, so to speak.  Bait, distraction and division are also some of the main tactics they use to draw you away from the Lord.  If you ever experience a genuine demonic attack, or feel like you are being harassed by an evil spirit, the best way to cope with it is to go to confession, attend some extra masses, and then spend a little more time than usual praying before a tabernacle or at adoration.

Jesus is always stronger than the demons, or even Satan himself.  They can’t stand his presence, but they are attracted to him, and to holy things and holy places, but they keep at a distance, like in the synagogue in today’s gospel.  The church building itself is not a barrier to the demons, but the Eucharist, holy water, and confession is  – they can’t touch them or come near.

Holy water and blessed salt can be used in a home, especially in doorways and windows.  People often wear a Saint Benedict medal that has been blessed too, for extra protection from the evil spirits.  Praying the rosary often helps, because if you remember, our Lady crushed the head of Satan beneath her feet.  And of course, the Saint Michael prayer is very well-known too.

There are many people who believe that demonic influences are simply a form of mental illness though.  Sometimes a person does have a mental illness.  Sometimes they are being genuinely harassed or possessed by a demon.  And, sometimes it’s both.  It’s not an either or situation.  Genuine demonic harassment can put so much stress on a person that they develop mental problems.  Who wouldn’t have some emotional or mental issues if a real demon was harassing you?

If you, a family member or a friend ever experience a demonic attack that you can’t handle, don’t be shy about talking to the exorcist in your diocese.  The priests who serve as an exorcist can help in many ways, and that is what they are there for.  Actually, many protestants and non-believers contact Catholic exorcists too.  There are many people in our modern society that quit believing the devil is real, and therefore, not many members of the clergy have been trained to be exorcists.  However, there is usually at least one official exorcist in every diocese.

The Catholic church has also been actively increasing the number of trained exorcists, because Satan’s influence on our world has increased in recent decades, especially because of the increase in satanism and involvement in the occult, especially among our young.  Satan worship is a formally recognized religion in many countries of the world now. In the US, it is a legally protected religion.

We shouldn’t be too concerned about the demons and evil spirits though. They can’t do anything without Christ’s permission, which is very evident in today’s gospel.

About the Author

Hello! My name is Laura Kazlas. As a child, I was raised in an atheist family, but came to believe in God when I was 12 years old. I was baptized because of the words that I read in the bible. I later became a Catholic because of the Mass. The first time my husband brought me to Mass, I thought it was the most holy, beautiful sense of worshiping God that I had ever experienced. I still do! My husband John and I have been married for 37 years. We have a son, a daughter, and two granddaughters. We are in the process of adopting a three year old little girl. We live in Salem, Oregon in the United States. I currently serve as the program coordinator for Catholic ministry at a local maximum security men's prison. I‘m also a supervisor for Mount Angel Seminary’s field education program, in Oregon.

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  1. Hi Laura, I am a trained, registered, Ordained Spiritual Warfare Minister. Your article is very good. Keep up the good work! My wife Sharon is a Sensitive/ Intuitive and we have been working cases together since we met and married 15 plus years ago. I am 55 years old now and have been a ghost buster (For Real), since the age of 10. Believe me when I tell you that this just scratches the surface! I have assisted in exorcisms where the one taking control of the rights has varied from Catholic priests to exorcists from all branches of faith, Lutheran, Christain, Baptist, etc. I am a devout Catholic and my wife is strong in her Lutheran faith. I too have taken control of the rights for an exorcism and stepped in and taken over the rights when the priest has fallen ill or been harmed and cannot continue! The one common denominator we all have which allows some of us to be successful in Spiritual Warfare is FAITH, HUMILITY and LOVE for the victim! (Hate The Sin, Love The Sinner)!! In addition, we all know that we hold NO POWER over the situation. It is the belief we have and the ability we have to allow the Holy Spirit to work through us! In closing I will just add that EVERYONE has been given the power through Jesus Christ to rebuke and banish demons! “If You Resist, He must Flee”. There is no rhyme or reason for demonic infestation, oppression and possession. We are all at risk and we are all targets simply because we are human beings and created in Gods image. Demons are repulsed by us and regard us as a disease to eradicate. Good Luck and God Bless. Rev. Shawn.

  2. How can I get someone to come expel many demons and spirits in my home. I’m exhausted from them and I hear them and I know boards have been used multiple times in my home and my father died here. There is a lot of spiritual activity happening and I need peace. I feel constantly being judged in a negative way and negativity is so strong. Please ! I feel like something is haunting me and wants me to kill myself yet there is the sweet ones that bring peace. I need real help !

  3. Dear Trish. Please go see a priest. Do not feel self conscious or nervous about it. An exorcist can come to your home, if needed. So, the first thing to do is contact a priest and ask to be referred to the exorcist in the archdiocese. Until you can see him, go to Mass, confession, pray the Saint Michael prayer and a daily rosary. Eucharistic adoration also strengthens you. Many people wear a specially blessed Saint Benedict medal while they are being harassed. Sprinkle holy water throughout your home, especially in the doorways and Windows. Good luck, and don’t listen to anything the devil tries to lead you to believe or do. He is a Liar and is not telling you the truth about yourself, and Jesus is stronger than he is.

  4. My name is Jennifer. I am 40 years old and have been dealing with evil presences since I was a child. I am a very faithful Christian and am a daily Bible reader and prayer. I love the Lord with all my heart, with all my soul, & with all my strength. That being said…evil is drawn to me like moths to a flame. The mental anguish I can deal with somewhat although stressful; coping with being talked to by invisible things that even make non-believers skin crawl…in foreign languages (that after researching are often biblical in nature and I’ve decifered, with the help of the internet, in Hebrew, Latin, Greek & on rare occasions…Aramaic; but its the physical attacks (especially when I’m asleep) that are starting to “take its toll” on me. I wake up with large bruises on various parts of my body often…as well as large welts that are red and inflamed that feel like my skin is on fire and are hot to the touch and both vary from hand prints (larger than my own (with or without claw indentations), fist prints like I’ve been punched, and in fewer cases but it does occur, bite marks. Most often they occur when I sleep (which I sleep an average of 3-5 hours a night) but I have had many instances where I have been in a fully conscious state when assaulted. The majority of incidents happen while I am alone but there have been a number of times where others have been present to witness these events. (Needless to say it is traumatizing for those present…especially when in long-term relationships. Even when I dated a minister…when they can’t help be it also creates a sense of hopelessness in them.) I’ve been to confession (no help), I have drank holy water and have been blessed with it by multiple priests as well as being blessed and annointed with oil, I’ve had my house blessed, I pray and read my Bible daily and I BELIEVE FULLY in the power and strength of the Lord and His son Jesus Christ dying for my sins. And I have checked into getting an exorcism done but I’m not possessed and its a whole lot more difficult to get the catholic church to agree to do one these days than your site suggests. So I’m at a bit of an impass and I’m trying to figure out what to do before I am permanently injured or just don’t wake up. These demons are extremely powerful and this morning I woke up with large swollen bruise on the back of my hand, a bite with clearly defined teeth marks on the back of my calf, and the folded blanket that I sit next to my pillow on my bed reeked of sulfur (and I have witnesses to confirm all these). So if you have any suggestions that I haven’t tried I would greatly appreciate hearing them…I know that the Lord doesn’t allow us more trials than we can handle and if it is beyond what we can bear then we are provided a means to escape ( 1 Cor 10:13) But I have been unable to find my escape route so please advise (preferably sooner than later). Thank you and Praise Be To God.

  5. Thank you so much for your prayers and advice Laura. I appreciate it very much. I will try to get ahold of the Vatican trained exorcist as soon as possible. In answer to your question, yes the assaults have happened in multiple other locations. Unfortunately I honestly think these things are drawn to me and not focused on a location. Incidents have occurred at the homes of friends of mine, in my parents homes (this has been occurring as far back as I can remember and my father (adopted) was in the military so we moved every few years), in Indiana, Arizona, Montana, Pennsylvania and even in Germany. (We were stationed at a base in Germany for 3 years 1986-1989). I have been assaulted in my car (if not for the Grace of God, that one would have killed me), I have been attacked in public in front of strangers (terrifying, embarrassing & difficult to explain when paramedics are called) and I was even followed into a Catholic Church once by two of the stronger spirits (a very surprising experience).

    I know they like to try to wear me down physically, mentally and spiritually…to try to keep me in a weakened state. Even at my weakest I always bring up to them that through my weakness, God will be my strength as He was for Paul in 2 Cor chapter 12. I do my best to battle them with the Word. I’m just tired and if there is a way to lessen the pain and frustration, I would like to know how. (And I know that just giving in to evil is NOT the way to fix things even though some have tried to convince me otherwise). Thank you again for your caring and for your prompt response Laura. Praise Be To God.

  6. Hi Laura, I was thinking of the girl who commented named Jennifer.I wanted to give her advice to get olive oil and bless it in the name of the father the son and Holy Spirit.Find a powerful prayer to pray over it and tell God what she wants done. She needs to annoint herself daily, annoint her everything in her home, annoint her bed and pillows. Even her food.She also need to be reading poweful bible sciptures out loud daily.God said his word is like a hammer that breaks the rocks into pieces.He also said when you speak his word he will make it fire and make your enemies wood.When you don’t have no preist or pastor to help you what do you do? You have to become your own priest.Tell her to get the bible on cd and play in her house on repeat.She needs to learn to cover her life and everything in it in the blood of Jesus.Sje needs to take authority in Jesus name and command those entities out of her body and house.Also get the book prayerer that route demons by John Ekhardt. Please get this advice to Jennifer.I wanted to give her this message but your site did not allow it. The more you take authority in christ the mire piwerful you become.She akso need to add fasting weekly to cut the demonic strongholds.She hast to fast alot.I am talking from experience.My story is heart breaking but it made me stronger.I feel compassion on people like Jennifer.I know what it feels like to feel all alone with no one to help.I don’t know what open these domonic doors in her life but when she begin fasting God will reveal them to her and what she needs to get rid of.Do not keep statues in your house of any kind.God hates them.She needs spiritual house cleansing.Please get this to her.Thank you

  7. I have had a demon attacking and harassing me every night for the past 5 months. Our priest came out and did Deliverance prayers and blessed the house, and although we could clearly feel the Holy Spirit fill our home, the demon did not leave. It backed off for a couple of days, but then was back attacking me and my cat nightly and sometimes during the day. These are physical attacks. I have a very involved story which I am too weak and tired to write about, but I would like to know if there is an exorcist priest that I can contact. My diocese does not have an exorcist. The next diocese closest to my city does not have an exorcist. Both of these dioceses are in large metro areas with populations of at least 1 million. I can’t believe that neither has an exorcist. I really need one. I know that to participate in the sacraments, go to adoration and truly strive to grow in holiness will help, but what if I’m the only one in the home doing this? Will it start attacking the others instead? I don’t want that. I’d rather it attack me than anyone else. Right now, it only attacks me and the cat. The others in the house have seen it. It seems to be attached to the house, and in particular, one area and not any one person, though I am the only one that it attacks physically, the depression and illness in this household and the continuous ongoing misfortune has been experienced by all of us. I’ve always felt an oppression here and it has escalated from that to harassment and attacks. I think occult activity may have happened in the house before our family owned it. This demon is not phased by holy water, the name of Jesus, Mary, the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chapet, any of the Saints I petition for intercession, like Padre Pio, St. Benedict, St.. Gemma, St. Theresa of Avila, St. John Vianney, and several more who all have experienced demonic attacks.It will attack me when I’m praying a rosary aloud. It will attack harder if I play EWTN recordings of the Divine Mercy Chaplet or recordings of the Rosary. I am going to set up a prayer altar in my area of the house, but I’ve been so challenged by the attacks that I can barely get anything done. It keeps me up all night, so I sleep all day now. Then if I need to get up, I cannot. I simply cannot physically or mentally wake up and get out of bed (not normal, it’s almost like I’m drugged). I’ll sleep from 8-14 hours a day. I’m concerned about being exposed to this thing so much. I’m always on the verge of vomiting. It feels like it is draining the life out of all of us. Me, in particular, and it has caused some problems between myself, and those who don’t know the faith or how debilitating this can be and on top of chronic physical illness. I really need help. Can you recommend a Catholic exorcist who is in line with Rome and the Magesterium?

  8. I am a Catholic who has been persecuted by demons since age one, at least, and have but one piece of advice for the people who are being persecuted by them. Surrender to God. The goal of these demons is to make you so wound up that you can no longer surrender to anyone-even God.
    Jesus wants for you to abide in Him and trust in Him too. Love God, trust Him, and talk with Him. Talking with someone means listening too, which means you must surrender yourself to Him. “When I am weak, I am strong.” That is what Jesus said. God be with you.

  9. i think when im alone im constantly watched by someone,i see dreadful dreams at night also im likely to get angry constantly argue with my parents,stay away from holy objects most times, AM I REALLY POSSESSED? BY A SPIRIT OR GHOST please reply me im a school going child i need HELP , IF IM POSSESSED BY CHANCE AM I GOING TO DIE ? IM SCARED PLZZ HELP ME OUT

  10. My armour was rosary three times a day, St. Philomena’s oil and holy mass three times a week. (I wanted more but I couldn’t go). Meditation three times a day too and divine office prayers. These things didn’t free me completely, just helped to lead quite a normal life. Gregorian chants and especially Stabat Mater helped to sleep. Sleeping tablets didn’t work. Finally I was encouraged to go to Medjugorje. Afterwards I met the diocese egzorcist – he doesn’t believe that a possessed person can take communion. So I am insane, according to him 🙂

  11. I found fr. Ripperger’s lectures very useful. He confirms that even very holy people can be possessed. I don’t claim to be holy because I know my sins and weaknesses. The feeling was like the evil and the good were very close to me. At that time I could pray but not much, just listened to Gregorian chants and watched a video of crucifixion from a film. Later on it was a partial possession. A few weeks with just one mass a week before going to Medjugorje made it clare where I would be now if it hadn’t been for Medjugorje. Even frequent humiliating confessions didn’t free me. It was just bearable with the help of prayers and sacraments.

  12. I have seen devils laugh at jesus in thf tulsa ok eucharistic chapel. How? @ 1888 pope leo xiii one day saying mass saw/heard satan challenge jesus that he could destroy the church if given more power and time. Jesus granted this but said satan would be severely punished when he failed. This is why there is more and worse demonic now than ever before. Ripperger was banned from tulsa diocese by new bishop for unknown reasons and ripperger told us not to protest. Many feel/are abandoned. Many traditional latin mass catholics such as and st vincent ferrer foundation of texas, believe that since collegial consecration of russia to mary’s immac heart askd for in 1917 has not yet been done correctly, it may be that satan ‘will give his great power and authority to the beast’ soon aka the reign of antichrist. This is not alarmism but a guess at the big picture. Read fr. Arminjon’s and josef pieper’s books on the end of the age. Pcp publishes good new book on pope leo’s vision and his resulting st michael prayer, which is a minor exorcism u can pray w/o permission. Email ripperger 4 his ‘binding’ and spiritual combat prayers. Also google auxilium christianorum. Please! Go 2 extraordinary/latin mass as it has many more graces as per ripperger, fr michael rodriguez etc. Ask monks and cloistered nuns 2 pray 4 your deliverance. Fast, pray, put fear and 7 deadly sins out of your life, and beg 4 humility and pure agape love into your life. Do acts of charity/caritas/love 4 others. Laugh if u can, satan’s pride can’t abide happiness. Pray 4 unfailing ‘tough trust’ and total confidence in jesus and mary’ and ‘put on the armor of god. These can help u before and after exorcist. We may all have 2 suffer some until christ’s victory over satan and antichrist. And remember, ‘the night is darkest right before the sunrise’! Pls pray 4 me as one also long and badly attacked in many ways.

  13. Thank you to each and everyone of you sharing your experiences! I have been watching Fr.Corapi’s Immortal Combat series on Youtube, as well as all of Fr.Chad Ripperger’s stuff online. I cannot say enough about these two priest’s. The war is real. We have weapons at our disposal, to help us fight the good fight. I pray for each person that finds this website comes out victorious in their personal battles. United we stand!! God bless

  14. thanks laura for this forum.My name is Bancy and I come from Kenya.May God bless those going through spiritual bondage and may Jesus flee you.Remember that demons may not be welcomed by you but neighbours around you can,through witchcraft acts and abominations like gayism,beastiality,having genies to make people rich….I believe praying together with many people is much more helpful because you weaken other people’s satanic acts.God bless

  15. I used to ride a very tall unicycle in a troupe of street artists, alongside a clown, twoguys on stilts, and an extremely competent juggler. One day we were at a circus convention with people from all over, including a clairvoyant tarot card reader who set up her caravan near to our spot. She summoned a demon which emerged from her caravan and it headed our way. Needless to say, it went straight for the juggler.

  16. Hi! As I am writing this my cell sceen is flashing on and off. I don’t normally wrote but I don’t know where to turn. I can see and hear both good and bad things. I can sense things before they happen. My grandmother was the same way and it drove her mad. She died in a specialized hospital. I don’t want to see, hear or talk to these things. Yet the good spirits have kept us safe. I know I sound crazy but I am not. I am a Christian and I know mediums are an against God’s will. I don’t want to do that. I hate what I can do because of what happened to my grandmother. I don’t know what to do with this gift or curse. It has helped me as an EMT. I was able to find two separate children that wondered away from home. I could see where they were and lead the search team to them. In that way it helps but I hate the dark spirits. That is my story. What should I do? Thank you.

  17. Try reading the Bible what Jesus said is written in red and one verse talks about how prayer and fasting is the only way to get rid of a certain demon. He also talks about eternal life so demons and people can be in denial all they want but that’s not going to help them. They should listen to the word. In a homily at church the priest said fast with thanks so don’t get mad or sad about it! Jesus gives us so much mercy so I think as long as people try to be holy and call out his name and repent anyone can be saved. I had a dream a bunch of snakes turned into cats and the other snakes disappeared I’m pretty sure some spirits know deep down eternal life is real. God bless you guys and spread the word and try super hard not to be a hypocrite.

  18. Try reading the Bible what Jesus said is written in red and one verse talks about how prayer and fasting is the only way to get rid of a certain demon. He also talks about eternal life so demons and people can be in denial all they want but that’s not going to help them. They should listen to the word. In a homily at church the priest said fast with thanks so don’t get mad or sad about it! Jesus gives us so much mercy so I think as long as people try to be holy and call out his name and repent anyone can be saved. I had a dream a bunch of snakes turned into cats and the other snakes disappeared I’m pretty sure some spirits know deep down eternal life is real. God bless you guys and spread the word and try super hard not to be a hypocrite. the craziest thing is the end of age/last day could be any day so I hope some spirits & people who don’t follow God ask for mercy and eternal life.

  19. this may sound crazy, but it’s true. Me my fiancée and especially my poor cat where being attacked by something evil, i could not sleep and woke up, and saw my cat very frightened and with blood on his belly and paws, then i got attacked by feeling something on my back, we prayed all night and now my woman went to work and i am still praying but very exhausted, i am scared to go to sleep but i believe god will protect us.

  20. Our elder brother got a piece of book that contains a latin words from my uncle then he and his wife used it they did it to me way back 2016. i had a lot of pains during that time .we go to different doctors but no all results of many test is no findings i think almost 6 mos. I spend time on bed but all of the sudden im good. I found out they lifted what they did to me. Then they did it to our dad he had a cough that cant be cure with any meds but no findings and his lungs is good. Then he died.Then my mother also sufferef from their evil works shes healthy but after she celebrated her b-day last oct. With a the wife of her son who got the small book. From that night till now my mom is ill.. and what ways to get rid of this unseen entity that i felt thats bothered me. I can feel heat near at me. And this is because of what they’ve done.

  21. Hello…
    I am.a catholic woman who loves being a Catholic very much because I understand praying and living like one. That said I come from a family where almost all the people are pentecostal and sometimes it’s a challenge for me to keep going. The biggest question is are their spiritual husbands and children? Is it true if I breast feed in a dream or dream that I am pregnant I will not be able to bare children? My sister always tells me I can’t break through because I am a Catholic and I know it’s not true, my lord jesus is in the holy sacrament of eucharist. But if any of these spiritual things is true can you help me know what’s the best way to pray? To set my self free in jesus name…
    Any novena? Any particular saint? And prayer that can actually get rid of these spirits if they exist?
    Thank you very much.

  22. My name is Ernest Stephens, i have a sister that is having problem with spirits in her home, that keep her awake at night. I have contacted people that supposing could get rid of these tormenting spirits. Nothing has worked, can somebody help her? She really need help. Could some one tell me the name of a priest, and how to get in touch with them, thank you very much. Sincerely Ernest

  23. I have been reading everyone’s experiences and understand what all of you are going through. I have always been very sensitive to the spiritual realm ever sense I was a child but as an adult now I can see and hear demons. When this first started happening to me I was I was told by many fellow christians of all denominations that this was happening to me because I did something to invite at and lost Gods favor and needed to repent my sins and ask for Gods forgiveness. Of course being scared to death and not understanding what I did so bad that God would allow me to come under attack and not someone who did way worse things. I know now that none of that was true. This is a gift given from God from the Holy Spirit and it is intended to be used to help others and that’s what I intend to do. Sence receiving this gift of the Holly spirit I have been attacked physically, spirituality, sexually and relentlessly stalked by demons. The thing that I tell people that helps me cope and live a somewhat normal life is to not fear them (I know easier said then done) but having faith knowing that God is for us not against us and whatever God allows to happens to us is to build us up and make us stronger in the fight against the enemy. God never promised to take us out of the fire but he will walk in the fire along side us and never leave our side and in knowing that alone will help you loose your fear and gain power over the enemy. What I do when they really get out of hand is speak out in Gods Authority (always specifie GOD’s AUTHORITY to them) that they are to let you and your loved ones alone Make sure when speaking in Gods authority that you cover all bases. Meaning don’t leave them any loopholes because they will use them if left uncovered in speaking in the authoritie of the Lord.

  24. Hi I always feel that I have been cursed because nothing works out for me and never has really I find it hard to pray as I feel that I am a hypocrite I have never had any proper friends I was unable to bring up my child who says he sees evil spirits when I was a child my friend stumbled upon a few people have a seance with Ouija board and I didn’t want to have anything to do with it but my friend at the time wanted to know more about it so we sat down with these people and the board apparently spelt out my friends and my name on the board and said that he had died in a fire and was going to hurt us my friend died at a very young age I told my mum and she immediately sent me to confession I am scared even to mention this or to think about it and I have been bullied and beaten and abused all of my life I wonder if it is because of this I know I need help but don’t really know what to do even now in my 50s I am still being abused and bullied even in work the bosses tell me to shut my mouth when I try to tell them and they listen only to the person who is bulling me with her friend I am so tired of all of this sometimes I feel that I can’t possibly take any more and have terrible thoughts if you know what I mean but I am a coward really Can you help me with this and tell me if I am right

  25. I am one who’s read about the Best Protection against demons, Jesus Christ is awesome! I’ve been a catholic all my life, I have learned a lot in life and need all of your prayers. I’ve tried to walk an up right life and too can only hope to be a decent human being, I have a huge family and have made mistakes. I have believed in God and Jesus Christ his only begotten son, I love the holy spirit and pray myself quite often. I apologize to all whom I have hurt. I seek to be forgiven and first of all to forgive. I have coped with stress most of my life and know what it’s like to not have… I look for hope and have to pray. I too believe Jesus Christ God is big! I seek Jesus Christ and I want to follow the guiding of the Holy Spirit. I’m sorry God of all of my sacrilege completely and consistently. I pray for you all too. I need to show mercy and I can’t break it feels. I have tried to stop being one to think up excuses now. I say I can’t tempt Our Lord. I am always trying to find a way to pray and am quit close to Jesus Christ. I forgive my brother and seek to be forgiven, I have a big cross to bare and this is why I need your prayers. thanks

  26. The ouija board thing is really overblown, and even the worst mediums like Kim the Long Island Lolita medium go on and on blaming the ouija board for everything. If you’ll notice, you join in league with the evil people when you blame that board for so much. You can get a bigger dose of evil just coming in contact with evil people everyday than you can with that board. And making people feel like if they played with the Hasbro board when they were ten and that’s what’s ruined their life thus far…stupid.

  27. Look at the poor lady Geraldine White who posted above. She’s obsessing over something that happened to her when she was little and stumbling upon people playing with a ouija board – which they may or may not have been doing. She’s been scared so much she might even not have known what was going on – it could have been Monopoly! It is just wrong to scare the crap out of people the way so many Catholics do, though some Protestants do it too.

  28. hi my name is Doris have been and i have been dealing with or should i say trying to get rid of these evil spirits that have been following me around for a long time and i recently found a pair that can for sure help me and other people here that is going through the same thing i to hear them and they touch me on my vagina and every where else i very calm about it tho cause i always knew i would fine some one that will help me get rid of them at first i thought it was good then i was soon found out that it was bad very bad one of the evil spirits thinks he have been have sex with me and now that i have been taking my spiritual bath with Epsom salt they seem to be fadeing away i have talked to about 5 psychic mediums and they all say the same thing that these evil spirit are trying to run me crazy and yea they have been trying to get me to kill myself but that is not going to happen i have to much to live for and that is the love from JESUS feel every day.

  29. What brought me to this site is that I have had some trouble for myself. (no way near as bad as everyone else) So I guess I should start from the begining.
    When I was in primary school I was a good kid no connection to evil really. I had a strong passion for drawing and I would draw anything and everything. During class one day however I got bored and I started to lazily draw a monster. When the teacher came around she stopped and stared at my drawing. I asked her if she liked it (I thought she must be impressed if she’s staring) and she didn’t directly answer me but instead she asked me why I drew it and what I copied it off. I replied that it was just something from my imagination. And she told me that it looked liked the devil. I still remember that day, what my drawing looked like. A few years passed and I was watching youtube about weird ancient books and I remember heard about the codex gigas also known as the devil’s bible and in it was a picture of the devil – same as the drawing I drew years before.
    The same year I drew the devil (without knowing) I also drew an ouija board (without knowing as well) the teacher put the drawing in the bin and I was horrified that she did without an explanation – but that’s why i remember. I actually tried to use it. (hadn’t the slightest clue of what I was doing and i was also ignorant of demons and all that stuff). It didn’t work however because I used my hand to point instead of a piece of paper or an object. I also think it didn’t work because I added other stuff to it too like a drawing of a unicorn or lion and made them options too. But I would just decide the answers for myself and point at the answer I wanted. Only asked two questions though before the teacher put it into the bin though and I can’t remember those questions.
    I know that I’ve drawn other things to do with the devil and stuff as well like illuminati symbol and other stuff but I the thing is that when I drew those things I didn’t know that I was drawing something bad. Am I still in danger even though I had genuine ignorance of what i was drawing?
    Another incident happened when I was 8 years old I was a happy kid during the day and in the afternoon. However as soon as I would go to bed I had this overwhelming urge to kill myself but i didn’t know why. It honestly felt stronger than anything I’ve ever felt before – stronger than any emotion i’ve ever felt. I endured it for a few weeks crying about it not understanding why i felt this. Then one night i had had enough. I walked to the kitchen, pulled out a knife and held it to my stomach. I stared at the knife for a few minutes feeling the urge to kill myself and imagining what it would feel like. Then, I don’t really know how to explain it, but something just clicked inside me and for the first time in the few minutes did i actually realise what i was about to do. I was horrified by my actions (at the time I didn’t think it had anything to do with demons, nor did i know anything about demons). I dropped the knife back into the draw, ran to my room and went to bed that knight without feeling the urge to kill myself. After that I stopped feeling the urge to kill myself, but something else has been troubling me since then and i never thought anything of it because i thought it was normal.
    These days (I promise I’m not bipolar) I’ll go for a few weeks being a lively person full of energy, but then i slowly start to lose energy until I don’t even have the energy to think (literally – it’s like I’ve been cut off from my thoughts). I’ll draw close to God and my energy will return but with the restored energy I seem to get really busy and slowly stop praying to God each night – but I do think about God and ponder over stuff every day. But this energy thing isn’t normal – I’m doing every thing I can; eating healthy, getting a good 8 hours sleep every night etc. but I can’t stop this energy cycle I have.
    I thought this was normal for a very long time – years, but only recently have I found out it’s not normal because it’s getting worse and seriously starting to take it’s toll.

  30. I’m wondering if Trish ever got the help she was looking for. Can anyone answer to that?

    Susan Harris, some people are truly harassed by dark energies and unless you’ve experienced it personally it can appear to be a farce or psychological problem.

    The problem with Ouija boards is not necessarily the board unless it’s been in contact with dark energy. The real issue is that people don’t understand that when they give permission for spirits to use them to communicate that it’s like opening a door to your personal space that you may not be able to close.

    Lastly, and I didn’t read all the comments in entirety, are there any success stories? I’m curious what sort of things have worked for others. Also, any advice on how to get a home exorcised?

  31. My name is Aaron and a devout Catholic. My wife and I have personally experienced demonic infestations and opressions in our own home. After 54 days of constant battling the demon – Through God’s mercy and Grace, my wife saw with her eyes, as I prayed the rosary – Jesus, Mary, Four Arch Angels, and several Choirs of Angels appear and physically remove the demon who was tormenting my family. I now through the Holy Spirit, try to help others who are entangled with the demonic. Please call anytime… 575-491-0458

  32. Ive been haveing probs all my life its really hard to talk about but when i was a teenager i was angry and upset at the world and i did something i regret with my whole life i betrayed god i think i did neways i have so much anxiety from it and worry my eyes over the years have been getting worse i guess they can be described as scary i can hardly work nemore cause of this situation i dunno where to turn ive keep praying and going to church every sunday i just dont know what to do:(

  33. What would you suggest to a person who died when they were a child [6 years of age], and woke up… different?
    When I awoke some days later, nobody could ever tell me how long, the world looked entirely different but the same at the same time. I felt something inside of me that was not there before, or maybe it was there the whole time and my death woke it up? Ever since, I see things I cannot explain. Mostly spirits of the dead, most of them harmless, shadows of people, and other more… sinister things.

    I’m more curious of whatever is inside of me. You spoke of possession, but it’s not making me do anything that I’m aware of. I was young when it started, so I can’t really say what a difference in my behavior would have been if it never showed up. It often reminds me to curb my wrathful nature, although not entirely… It seems to be using me to bide its time, waiting for something.

    Got any ideas?

  34. Hello Laura:…

    How do i know if my severely impairing OCD is a demon? Should i talk to the exorcist. Because many would insist its just a mental illness.. But maybe there is more? Specially since i now started treatment, my OCD is telling me that the treatment is against God’s will that God wants me to suffer. I believe that my ocd has a mind of its own , how in the world can it tell me to stop the treatment? And sometimes I believe it thinking that im doing something bad by getting treatment. My uncle told me that the devil was attacking me and that gave me freedom, this was yesterday, today again the thought comes and its like My ocd wants to sabotage me into not getting treatment. Thats why i say it might be a demon. Though i don’t know if I need an actual exorcist.

  35. Francisco,
    I’m not an exorcist or anything, but I wouldn’t consider your OCD a demon.
    Your OCD is just a part of yourself that has gotten used to living a certain way for, I’m guessing, a very long time. That side of you is looking at the treatment as a death bed and you’re signing its life away; betrayal of self is real. When it starts acting out, convince it that the treatment isn’t the end and will be beneficial for both of you. The treatment won’t get rid of the OCD 100%, but it’ll be easier to live life.
    If you require religious overtones to help; somewhere in the Bible it says to find salvation you must kill yourself to yourself. You have to deny yourself to attain something that is much grander. You can be your own exorcist if you will it. There will be many challenges ahead of you, but God will see you and you will be blessed for your effort. Keep at it!

  36. Hi I’m Kevin 33 years old from South Africa..for the last 2 years + there something that shakes my bed it holds me the whole day and at night try’s to see with me’s as drain me out and I cnt work sleep or even eat ..I been to so many people for help but every one just took money from me..I’m so lost and so scared if there any one in Johannesburg South Africa midrand that can help me plz do I’m begging for help +27 817084224

  37. Can you go see a Catholic priest? If necessary, talk to him in confession and explain what is going on. Ask him to refer you to a catholic priest designated as a trained exorcist. If he is legitimate, they do not charge you for anything. Go to adoration chapel as often as possible to pray, go to mass as often as possible and especially frequent the sacrament of confession. This is too strong, too powerful for you to deal with alone. You need the strength of sanctifying grace, for Jesus to be strong for you. In the meantime, have you tried sprinkling holy water underneath and around your bed? Do you have a blessed crufcifix above your bed? Do you speak to this presence and command it to leave you alone in the name of Jesus Christ? Demons hate the name of Jesus, but they obey him and they hate blessed sacramental and crucifixes. You could also ask a priest to come to your home for a house blessing. Go to confession frequently and don’t be afraid. Jesus Christ is stronger than any demon, including Satan himself.

  38. There is a well known exorcist priest called Padre Fortea. He is from Spain, you guys can find him on line. I believe he speaks English.

  39. my name is Emma..there is an evil spirit hunting me every time especially when i sleep,i pray so much with faith that God will set me free,attending mars,repenting ,using holy water and praying,,,what else can i do to chase this evil spirit

  40. iam mar bachmeier my name is my email to trisha i might be way to late but if you need help i believe iam strong enough to hold it since i was seven years old ive been learning to hide fear from them its there weekness but anyway i would be more then happy to help violent spirits are easyer its free of course god gave it to me for free my name is my email at gmail

  41. so once again would be more then happy to help must be somewhat violent or means to harm for me to deal with it i was successfull 4times unsecessfull 1 thanks godbless marbachmeier at gmail

  42. Dear Laura, my mother in law practise black magic and each time she visited us my son will have nightmares of black tall black figure of woman disturbing him. He prayed then the figure this disappeared but recently it becomes more agressive and refused to leave when he prayed in his dreamed.I splashed holy water in each room after she left.What should l do to stop her demonic disturbances on my home and kids,l can’t stop her from visiting us since she is close to my husband.

  43. Jennifer,
    has your problem been resolved,i am Catholic my problems started when my father died a local priest did try but the trouble came back home with me [270 miles away] over 4 years later had gotten worse,i asked another medium who got 2 people from a Spritual Church who had the issues resolved in 20 minutes.I myself have trained as a medium but my energy had got very low as there where so many dark souls, and a witch i would see every day i can hear some of their talking,i’d cleared house only whats called a bully dark soul and his family arrived instead and i knew they planned to attack me .Try a Spiritual Church they have people deal with theses dark ones.The Catholic Church is struggling to get men to become priests and older men with the know how are mostly gone.they did attack but i heard them coming.
    Ask for Jesus to send his pure white light through all of your home,lofts,rooms everyday and ask for Saint Michael for psychic protection

  44. I have a question? If you have someone who is seeing things. Evil Loki g fish or snakes and they feel like they are constantly being touched or poked and you save them, and they get sick to their stomach and feel so down and sad and have no choice but to go to bed. They tell you never safe around them again. Could this be a possession? They are always sad, mad angry and hateful and have nothing but negative to say. Could this be a possession or an evil spirit attachement?

  45. If you believe in Jesus Christ and that he was crucified on the cross for all the sins of mankind our sins your sin my sins that he paid the debt of all sins with his Blood his life so we can repent on a daily basic and receive our name written in the book of life then you have the power to rebuke all spirits that are not of Christ no demon no evil spirit can stay in the presence of Jesus Christ just saying the name of Jesus will cause spirits to flee start thanking and praising Jesus Christ right there in your home or where ever you are and any spirit not of Christ Jesus or God will flee will move as fast as possible to get away from the presence of Christ Jesus
    just as the bible says so in John 14:11-13
    11Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me—or at least believe because of the works themselves. 12Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I am doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.…All the works of Jesus & greater works we can do an example of the power we have because of Jesus Christ died and ascended into heaven is proved in Matthew 8:28-34.
    says, “When he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way. ‘What do you want with us, Son of God?’ they shouted. ‘Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?’ Some distance from them a large herd of pigs was feeding. The demons begged Jesus, ‘If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.’ He said to them, ‘Go!’ So they came out and went into the pigs, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and died in the water. Those tending the pigs ran off, went into the town and reported all this, including what had happened to the demon-possessed men. Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region…See just Jesus Christ presence placed fear in these demons that possessed these two men all you got to do is get Jesus Christ near you by calling on him getting his presence in your home near you say to the demons I rebuke you I command you to leave in the name of Jesus Christ…
    Place salt throughout your home over the thresh hold of your doors in Jesus Christ Holy Name place it around your windows if you feel you must put salt all over your home if its what it takes to feel safe comfort demon free…
    In Christ Jesus Holy Name I Rebuke Any Evil Presence And Demons From You And Cast Back Into Hell Where They Belong By The Strength The Power The Anointing Of The Holy Ghost Jesus Name Amen

  46. Is someone able to fight against a demon possession if they have a strong spirit because theres a demon that is trying to get hold of me and force me to do awfull things and he is trying to get to me through my dad since my dad has bundled up anger in his heart and that causes it were the demon takes control but when the demon try’s to get me i always feel pain in my heart and i wont be able to move for a few but i still have control of what happens to me and i wanted to know is it by strong spirit or a spirit that is close or a old victim of the demon or is it my sisters spirit or does god or someone have an interest in helping me, and i hear some of the demons name but not completely but i think its name is close to arladon or arlagon or something like that i dont know i keep hearing its name and nothing is getting it to leave us. and please let me know if you know what the demons true name is i need to know. One more thing Never let the demon possess you he is not a weakling he will make you feel more pain than you have ever feet in your whole lifetime and he will make you do anything he wants and you cannot get him out as easily as any demon can

  47. Dear friends in Christ, I am writing to 1) give hope and share what I have learned 2) ask for advice. My story: I have been Catholic for about 12 years. About a year ago, I tried to help a long time family friend (let’s call her C.) who claimed she needed help to escape an abusive relationship. Given what I know now, I have no idea what was truth or lie. C. lived with me for about a month. Although a baptized Catholic, she had not been practicing her faith. Initially, she wanted to go to confession and Mass. This changed dramatically within a week. She claimed that I went to church too much and refused to go herself. Likewise, she and I argued over her hatred of people. She was disrespectful and wouldn’t stop watching programs (psychics/ghost hunters) that I told her I didn’t approve of. I was trying to help with her doctors appointments, etc. With God’s grace, I realized that something else was at work. It was not just physical/mental illness. I placed St. Benedict’s medals on the property. Less than a week later, we had a major fight and she left. I felt instant relief. Before she left, she told me that she doesn’t get mad, but gets even. She bad-mouthed me to our common friend, her step-mother and my brother. They didn’t buy it. All of us had sacrificed to try to help C. Currently, her step-mother will not talk to her; our mutual friend (on advice of her Pastor) will not talk to her. I have no contact. I have suffered with PTSD for awhile, but recently completed therapy. I was feeling much better but somehow, after a short time, felt dragged down again. I couldn’t get motivated, brain fog returned, and, despite prescribed meds, I would have anxiety and insomnia. I prayed God on it, thinking I might need meds changed or more therapy. I just didn’t understand it. I was struggling with prayers and felt lethargic and, sometimes very cold during the day though I knew I had things to do. It just never has been in my nature to be so apathetic and depressed. Then, I talked to our mutual friend. The conversation turned to how demons can be attached to objects, locations and people. Next, I had reason to talk to the step-mother. She asked me if I had experienced anything. She confided in me that she had some weird depressive episodes that “just weren’t her.” The light bulb went off. I realized that I had to get rid of anything that C. had left behind as well as “gifts.” As soon as I gathered the items, sprinkled holy water on them and trashed them, I felt better. For the first time in months, I was able to pray without distraction and with great peace. I advised the step-mother (whom I had sent some items left behind by C.) to do the same. I had thought C. might contact her to retrieve these items and, originally, wanted to save them for her. Currently, I am trying to schedule a house blessing. While my depression/apathy/anxiety have lifted, I still have some wicked awful days where they seem to return with a vengeance (spiritual backlash?) I still don’t feel that everything is finished yet. You see, I recently learned that this person has a history of playing with the occult. She also has a friend who practices Wicca. The other things that come to mind: she had wanted revenge on her ex; early on in her stay with me, she had given me his hairbrush which she had taken – I can only guess what for. As I have continued to pray for her, I have had to struggle with anger. Mostly, I have prayed for the grace of forgiving her and not willing evil on her. I pray for her salvation. You see, I believe that she, out of hatred for me, is playing with the occult. As soon as this idea came to me, and I started acting to protect myself, I had a period of relief/peace again. My dog, who also had been acting strangely and not eating, started returning to her normal behavior. My question is this: is there anything else that I should do? Do I need my house cleansed? Also, for those of you who are suffering — do not give up hope. For me, I know that my suffering/experience will help others. Continue to go to Mass, confession, adoration. You may want to consider adding a devotion (this has helped me). Also, when it may seem hard to pray, pray rosary daily. Do not be concerned if you feel anger or are distracted. Try saying each Hail Mary and Our Father slowly, even with the distractions. The Chaplet of St. Michael is also a help. Lastly, you can also try wearing a St. Benedict medal/protecting your home with them. One more thing: know that great suffering precedes a great blessing/victory. It is by trials that we grow. I have stumbled during my own trial…we only need to keep standing up again. God bless

  48. A few other notes: I am very active at my church — I believe this helps (lector, choir, resurrection choir). Playing music/listening to stations like K-LOVE, will also help. If you have not been confirmed, please consider it. Also, if I wasn’t clear in my story, it’s possible that you may have angered someone who has either cursed you or is obstinate in persisting in occult activities. Pray for their salvation, do not let anger become hatred, and cut ties with them. Also, check out the Padre Pio Center for Deliverance Counseling for hedge prayers (protection) and counseling. This has helped me in the past

    God bless

  49. I am not Catholic. I feel like I’ve had something evil around me all my life. I’ve done stupid things in my teens and twenties. I used tarot cards. I dabbled in the occult. I felt a presence once and told it to show itself. I once even said that I love Satan. Needless to say, things have been much worse. I feel it constantly. I started questioning everything I’ve ever been taught about faith and Christianity. I grew up in the church, but have completely given up on it. I went out on a street ministry once, and that night I was attacked in my sleep. Since I’ve left the church, things have been really bad. I’m constantly tempted to do stupid, sometimes horrible things. I hate when anyone talks about God or Jesus. I want to believe. I want to have faith. I desperately want peace. My mind is just chaos all the time. Something powerful is keeping me from God. I don’t know what to do. I don’t even know anyone who is Catholic. My former pastor doesn’t think I’m possessed, but something evil is here. I don’t know how to make this stop. I found this site on accident, but I’m really hoping there was a reason for it. Please help.

  50. My neighbor used a Ouija board which always scared me but I never participated whatsoever. She committed suicide in her apartment and I believe her spirit is evil in that apartment. I am a caretaker of this complex and I have to go into that apartment eventually to clean and I am scared. Plus I’m cleaning the apartment next to her today and I heard a bang on the wall and I know nobody is in that place so I spoke out keep you evil spirit over there and not intrude on me. As I went up the stairs light in the bathroom flew off and hit the ground. I turned and ran came home and started praying. I would like to know can I go in to a Catholic church and receive some holy water so I can bring it back to this place for the lady died and sprinkle it there for my protection. I do wear a cross on my neck and I do pray but knowing what she has done and how mean and vindictive she has been to not only me but to others around her plus her using the Ouija board it makes me scared. Thank you I need God strength right now

  51. Yes, you can go to a Catholic Church and fill a small bottle with
    Holy water. I highly recommend speaking with the priest there too. He can come to the apartment and pray for the evil spirit to leave. Good luck. Keep praying and have complete trust in Jesus. He is more powerful than this spirit.

  52. I feel like there is someone holding my future back. I have tried to study in many colleges but i only end up half way .i don’t really complete my studies anymre. Please help

  53. Hi I’ve been searching for help for over 10 years now my boyfriend was murders 2days after playing with queegi board we done it for fun but I new it would work because I have done couple of times when I was younger !! His best friend stabbed him to death in front of me and my son who was almost 2years old for no reason.. I did it again to contact my boyfriend that’s when things started happening shadows on walls faces on walls and floors every were I went id have nightmares also something would attack me in my sleep it was big and I would try fight it of me it rape me I’m struggling even now I try not look to see any thing instead I hear it whispering to me I can’t have friends it gets worse I’m weak and I’ll all time my house is always trashed my heart start to hurt when I try clean my home and sometimes I’m sick or black out please help me I’m scared for my life has I write this message I can hear voices and pain in my chest I’m very truthful and honest this is very frighting

  54. I am troubled by this for many years now. Here is the problem.

    I believe that my son, who is now 36, is possessed by evil spirits. We are a practicing Catholic family. My husband and I, and children while they lived at home, attended Mass and received communion every Sunday and on Holy Days. My children were Baptized and received all necessary Sacraments – Communion and Confirmation (I also have a younger daughter who is turning 30 this year). While growing up my son was an exemplary student, talented and gifted, with natural ease to acquire languages, from a tiny tot he spoke three languages fluently. All seemed to be well until he went off to high school. We live in NYC, he was admitted to the best public school by passing a specialized exam. His attendance in this school required a daily travel on a subway. The first year he finished in flying colors, teachers at parent-teacher nights could not praise him enough. Starting with the second year some problems began to creep. He made friends with an older student who seemed to like him a lot. Often they would come home together. However, the very first time I met this boy, I felt a very strange sensation. I felt as if I was meeting a Devil himself. I brushed these thoughts off as a sheer stupidity on my part. As time progressed, more and more problems developed with my son. He would not come home on time. One time this friend of his asked if he could say in my son’s room for the night. We said “no”. Our son started staying out until 1, 2, or even 3 am, claiming he was involved with school activities. One day out of the blue he told me that he went somewhere after school to a dungeon where there was an ongoing cult of the devil. I was petrified and felt helpless. Our pleas for him to come home were met with more and more resistance. This whole thing just got more and more out of hand. Meanwhile, to create even more distraction, my husband was getting involved in internet relationships that eventually lead to him moving out. Needless to say, there was nothing but torment at home.
    I thought once my son graduated and went on to a local college, still living at home, things would change. He was always a very friendly person, his friends would often come over, and gather out in the backyard. I did everything possible to make sure they are comfortable, often made food for them, we gathered at the table together. I thought it would help my son get pass his erratic behavior as he continued to stay out late event till morning hours. Now, I would like to mention, that his friends were not troublemakers. Many became doctors, lawyers, IT professionals. I respected that they were good kids. On one occasion when I confronted my son saying that your friends must have a bad influence on you to behave this way, he said: “I am the bad influence on them”. He would never accept “No” to anything he wanted to do. Stubbornness ruled his choices. I thought after he finished college and got a very well paying job he would change. No change in sight. he moved to Boston, then to CA, and more and more I heard him say – “He’s your God. I don’t subscribe to your beliefs.”
    He has grown to be very impulsive, volatile, on several occasions his behavior scared me. Nothing has worked in his life, not his girlfriends, not his jobs, not his career, nothing. In fact, the last girlfriend he had in CA introduced him to S&M, and volatility of this relationship landed him in a county jail. He came out with charges dropped, but now he was a totally changed man. Having been fired from a startup company he joined when he moved to CA, he decided to go travel to South America to “find himself”. After two months of these travels, he came back to the US and announced that he will now go and travel in India on a bicycle. It’s been over a year not that he has been travelling. He turned to be a Buddist. Attended many meditation workshops in India and while still in CA before he left his job. Any mention of God, church, praying infuriates him. For a while he decided to work at Mother Theresa’s home in Calcutta which pleased me thinking he is finally changing. After a month or two of that work he went on to Bengladesh and decided to work with refugees. Did a lot of good there. That pleased me. I thought he changed. However, it’s been now three months since he left the refugee camp and went on to travel in Laos, and now Vietnam, in most recent conversation I here new signs of trouble. He is even more defiant against God, cursing, F.. at the name of Jesus, and telling me he has no intentions of coming back any time soon. A rebellious behavior you might think. I think worse.
    I’d like to go back in history to the time before I married. I met my husband to be in college. I was always a God-fearing girl. Went to a Catholic school, and then on to a small private college. I never thought I would have sex before marriage. When that happened, I was petrified. I lived in emotional horror from month to month. Once, about 4 months before we got married, I thought for sure I got pregnant. I prayed to God for it not be so. And it turned out it was a “false alarm”. We got married and went on the honeymoon, on about the third night, we had some minor disagreement and did not want to have sex. My husband forced himself on me, and at that time, I felt as if it was the devil himself. A month or so after we came back from our honeymoon, I missed my period and found out I was in fact pregnant. Shortly after the pregnancy was established I begun to hear voices, even in the church at Masses. I heard the devil say “I will take your son away from you”. These incidences lasted throughout my pregnancy. Then they stopped. My son was born exactly 9 months after we married. I always remembered that voice. Never spoke to anyone about it. However, now, ss my son is drifting away farther and farther, and his life is in such shambles, I remember the voice, and I am so very scared. What can be done long distance? How could I help? How could anyone help? Please advise.

  55. My story is a living nightmare. I was always a ‘good Catholic girl.’ I loved God, Mother Mary and I went to church every Sunday. I had a really good, blessed life. I was spiritual, physically beautiful, educated, had a lot of great friends, and a very successful career that I loved. That all changed when I was approached by a psychic at a shopping mall one beautiful May day three years ago. She talked about God and how she was meant to meet me to give me a message. She knew about personal dreams that I had that no one else could have known about and I was wowed by her. I thought this girl really has a gift from God, so I decided to go to her for a formal reading. I paid her for the reading and she gave me a crystal to take home with me, telling me that the crystal would soak up any negative energy in my home. Healing and protecting yourself with crystals is a big thing nowadays..there are many books written about it…so I didn’t think much more of it. A few nights later I actually saw a demon come out of the crystal and attack me. I had never seen a demon before and it was horrific. I grabbed my rosary beads and prayed. It disappeared, but I could still feel it around me. I could smell it, it felt like death. I contacted the psychic who basically wanted money to get rid of the demon. There was a lot of back and forth with her. At first she pretended to be concerned. She wanted to come to my house to bless it and remove any objects that she said could have brought in the demon. Then that all changed when she wanted money and then started sending more demons to attack me. I sat in prayer and they were literally throwing themselves at me one after another. One actually knocked me off of my sofa. I went to my catholic church for help and they weren’t much help. I had a priest come and bless the house. It did nothing. I even had mass said in my house, it did nothing. Holy water, Holy oil, blessed salt, sage, frankincense, copal, crosses, black tourmaline, sleeping with the bible over me, playing worship music, playing recorded bible mediations at night when I slept, I even drank a jug of holy water…no help. nothing. I started going to mass everyday, joined a prayer group, and started praying the rosary for hours everyday. I would feel God’s energy come but it wasn’t enough to push them away. I could actually feel God’s love energy mixing with the negative energy around me. That’s when they started mounting onto my back and clinging to me. I started to telepathically hear confusing thoughts against Jesus, God, Mary, the Angels. Every time I started to pray I would hear these confusing thoughts as to why they weren’t real, prove it and so on. I had never in my life had thoughts like that against God. My mind started to get fuzzy. I became dizzy and saw flashes of a pentagram in my head spinning and I knew this girl was doing witchcraft on me. I started having terrifying dreams and visions of what I can only describe as hell. I had several friends call me that I hadn’t spoken to in a while but they were dear to me concerned because that they had terrifying dreams about me that I was murdered. One night I was lying on my sofa praying and I felt one of the demons get on top of me. It actually pinned me down and stabbed me with what felt like a sword over and over straight into the center of my chest. I was on the floor screaming out to God. I felt it come into my chest and wrap around me on the inside of me like a snake and squeeze me. I slowly over the course of a few weeks lost my ability to feel human feelings or love. During this time thoughts against Jesus in my mind were so confusing it was hard to reach out to him in prayer. I turned to Mother Mary instead and just kept praying and praying to her for hours. I would hear bad thoughts against her, but I fought them over and over. As I prayed to Mary energy built up all around me and inside of me, at one point the love energy pierced the side of my neck and wooshed inside of me, went down through my body and out through the soles of my feet. I felt something being pulled out of me and I immediately felt release from the pressure and pain in my stomach area. This is when I realized that I had several demons that were now inside of me. The one in my chest was still there and there was one mounted to my back and another trying to wrap itself around my head. I continued to pray to Mother Mary and later that week I actually had a visitation from her. She appeared to me, it was very quick and she said, ‘Angela, you must believe in my son or you are going to go to hell, this is what one prayer of faith will do,’ and she stuck me in that moment with what I could only describe as the purest love I have ever felt through my entire body. It was like nothing of this world. I was terrified that I could go to hell. I started praying to Jesus again, reading my bible, but the thoughts from the demon would fight every single thing I read telling me why it wasn’t true..I was actually hearing well thought out arguments in my head against Jesus. Mother Mary appeared to me so I knew Jesus was real, but the arguments never stopped. I fought them hard over and over for hours everyday praying, pleading the blood of Jesus. I even had a whiteboard of reasons why I believed in Jesus and I would read them out loud against every thought that I had against him. I fought and fought and could bring down massive amounts of God energy. I would bring down Jesus and feel love energy shoot out of my chest and push this thing out of my chest. After months I was finally approved for Catholic exorcism, but it was the same thing. The priest would pray, but nothing would happen unless I was actively involved in the prayer. There were times when we were all praying when what I can only describe to be what felt like an angel of pure love enter my body and fight with this thing. The two energies fighting each other inside of my body made me convulse and at one point I was even thrown across the room down to the floor. I continued prayer everyday for hours and started reaching out to arch angel michael. The thoughts against him were just as bad ,I fought them hard. Michael’s energy would come through the front of me like a ball of lightening and literally push the demons out of me from the front of my body and out the back. It would stretch the demons out like silly puddy, but the demons would still cling to my body..they are like leeches.. and it felt like the skin was getting ripped off of me. People witnessed this and said it looked like when you are skydiving and the skin is pulled back from your face. The demons would snap back into me and I actually had bruises all over me from doing this over and over. I would call on Michael, his energy would start to come, the thoughts against him would start, i would keep praying to him, ignore the thoughts, then they would become so overwhelming I would be literally cut off in my mind, michaels energy would stop coming and the demon would snap right back into me. It is almost impossible to hold a faithful thought with all of this going on at once. I realized over time that the prayers of other people didn’t help at all. I had many many people pray over me sometimes for hours at a time. It was only my faith and mind focus that could get Michael or Jesus to come. Over time despite my prayers I watched and felt more demons enter me. My mind now has become filled with so many confusing hateful thoughts against God, Jesus, Michael I can no longer pray. My mind is actually black and I have lost the ability to visualize. No matter what I do I can’t believe to get their energy to come back to help me. I am living in constant torment and pain. I no longer have human feelings. I can’t feel compassion or love, happiness. I can not physically laugh. My former personality..who i was as a person is completely gone..everything that God gave me in my soul is now gone. As I was getting possessed over time I could actually feel parts of my spirit leaving my body. They’ve stopped doing exorcisms on me because they no longer work. I am constantly being squeezed inside my body and the demons themselves feel like pain. I am just in constant never ending pain. I scream out to jesus everyday to just give me a little bit of love energy to soothe some of the pain but because I can no longer connect to him with my mind nothing works. I went to many protestant deliverances, i can’t tell you the number of times I confessed my sins invited Jesus to be my savior, did pages of renouncing nonsense. Out of desperation I went to healers who claimed to have real powers to remove demons, internet people who claim to talk to the angels, even a few shamans..nothing they did worked at all. I felt nothing. The only thing that ever worked at all is when I could believe in Mary, jesus, or michael and pray from my heart in faith…that is when real things happened. Now that I don’t have my mind or my heart I can’t pray anymore..nothing happens. I am stuck living in hell and since I am not saved and can’t believe in Jesus anymore, Mary told me what was going to happen. I’ve already had visions of real hell and it is horrific. i have lost my career, my friends, my mind, my heart, my faith, my looks, and my home. I would do anything to get out of my situation, but I can’t. All this because I brought a crystal into my house. My best friend at the time went to see the same psychic and nothing happened to her. She was also given a crystal to take home. Not to judge but she was much more promiscuous than me..I loved her but she had a very selfish personality, I was much more of a kind, giving, naive ‘good girl’ always trying to do the right thing type of person..that was just my personality. People would always tell me that I was too good. I was just that person that cared about everyone else. I didn’t even like to throw out food. I would go out every night and feed the animals who I loved so much. So when people say that they are being stalked by demons for their sins I find that ridiculous. Why was I targeted and not my friend? I honestly believe that the psychic did her black magic for money, she saw me as successful, wearing expensive clothes and driving a fancy car and she targeted me for that sole reason only. In the end that’s all it came down to, I lost my soul over someone else’s greed. It’s disgusting. I would have been more fortunate if she just robbed me and shot me in the head. That would have been a blessing. Since this has happened to me I have read so many stories, books on this subject and I have met many many other people who have had demonic problems. The worst cases like mine are because of black magic…people like us rarely get delivered and fight for years. I know a woman who was cursed like me and has been possessed for 18 years. She still has her faith, the demons didn’t take over her mind like me, but even with her faith and constant prayer she can’t get them out of her. When a black magic practioner knows what they are doing the effects are devastating. For some reason the curse placed on the person keeps the demons coming back over and over even after they are successfully is just temporary. Another woman I know, her ex fiancé hired someone to curse her. She started seeing demons and blacking out. It’s been years now of prayer and getting delivered only to have them come back over and over. Just search online and you will find many many stories. I have met many many people with spiritual problems..some get delivered, some don’t. Black Magic, Witchcraft, Haunted Houses, Ouija Boards, Seances, Deeply Meditating and going into the astral unprepared, and just plain bad luck, having generational stuff…. that all sums up ways people get possessed or attacked. Faith in a higher power and prayer is the only thing that helps. Good luck everyone.

  56. I need help. No one in the Catholic diocese here will help. I have been cursed and my life has been horrible. It seems to be a demonic attachment. The priest in our town here just laughs at it. My ex wife’s ex husband claimed a curse on me and ever since, my life has been horrible. I live a very straight life and pray and go to confession and attend church. It goes away for a time but always comes back in a horrific way. Please help. me.

  57. Hi
    My name is Ahmed and I am Muslim and thank God
    I do not speak English. I wrote this message by translation, and I am sorry for some errors
    I will help those who are attacked by devils and evil spirits
    We Muslims like the rest of humans are subjected to harassment and strong assault of the devil,
    In truth, we have very powerful signs to drive demons out of the body or home.
    Please read (Ayat al-Kursi)
    It is strong, deadly and destructive to every demon
    I will write it to you here, and I hope you echo it a lot and in a voice, it must be repeated to benefit
    I swear by God I will expel every demon in your body or at home Read it out loud and repeat it a lot
    It will save you from demons
    We in Islam keep this verse as it expels demons from our homes and bodies and purifies the place of evil spirits,
    Repeat it a lot and you will not need help from someone else, immediately God will intervene to protect you and defend you
    These words written below are devastating to demons. I love you and take my advice
    ((( “There is no god but He – the Living, The Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him Nor Sleep. His are all things In the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede In His presence except As he permitteth? He knoweth What (appeareth to His creatures As) Before or After or Behind them. Nor shall they encompass Aught of his knowledge Except as He willeth. His throne doth extend Over the heavens And on earth, and He feeleth No fatigue in guarding And preserving them, For He is the Most High. The Supreme (in glory).” )))

  58. When I was boy I remember I would always daydream and would fall that age my imagination was big and very advance. There came a time when I would be happy at first then things would end up bad.i remember having the power to wake up whenever I got exiting at first and all I ever wanted was to sleep.i would do it in class in church and at my dads barbershop. It got to the point where something was after me. I would feel it’s presences and would know it was time to wake up. I would be able to escape until it caught it to me. It warned me never to daydream again never to use this gift again or it would have me locked up forever. I didn’t lisent and defied it. It fallowed me to my regular sleep. Once I closed my eyes I would be terrified and couldn’t closed my eyes. I was getting bad and sick at first my mom and dad thought I wanted attention and would punish me. Until one day my mother asked me to sleep that she would take care of me I fell asleep and rested so well that when I woke up she was crying and praying calling the pastor. The pastor came to the house and next thing I knew he was spooked. Then a priest came and asked me the same. This kept going on for a long time. I loved the attention and soon saw there exhaustion. They gave up and one day a man showed up to the house. Sitting in a chair we had. That man reminded me of a detective. Told me to never again daydream. That it was a gift and was amazed on how a kid had broke the boundiers of “the gates ” he then said I was the key. U see that’s a memory I had in the pit of my memory. And well life has been very difficult and I’ve been through so much that if I tell u no one would ever believe me. I struggle everyday with myself and people. I can’t function in society and always have a hard time on jobs relationships and society. I can’t tell from real and non real I’m at verge where I’m giving up. I have faith in God and ask him daily what’s he’s will or plan. I really do give up

  59. Hang in there and don’t give up . He is the vine we are the branches.
    Stay connected to the Lord Jesus Christ. You must constantly build yourself up
    spirtually and resist evil. Strive to live a holy life. Far greater he that is in us than he
    that is in the world. You can not lose if you do not give up..

  60. Nice job Laura! Also the info is nice in that it deals mainly with Catholics! Many here are being attacked and really in pain. I was attacked nitely for 4 years! Like they say in Ghostbusters, really RATH type stuff, with Cats and Dogs living together. It attacked my wife, was documented on Camera, and also by the priest. It got worse before it got better: As I got used to the idea of a supernatural (I was a nonpracticing Catholic), as I cried/fought off the sleeplessness, as I bravely confronted it, as I increased my Catholic religion, and as I put on My armor. Some of these people are right, some things don’t work very well – for demons are strong and will come back. Fallen Angels challenged God for Heaven and demons challenge God (for our souls) on earth every day. Remember, even Jesus and the Apostles (late in the bibles talked about Ghosts). The Apostles, even after seeing Jesus doing miracles still feared Ghosts.
    But I learned some pretty effective techniques and stood up to the evilness, rather than him wearing me down. I still expect him to come back once in a while but let it come! You must stay strong in your faith. One hint, none of that magic/spells (including Sage) stuff to fight demons! Too many people go to those type of sites.

  61. Someone please help me. I’ve been dealing with evil spirits for over a year now. It has gotten the best of me. I moved and they came with and are harming my cat. I have had a preacher in my home, he was in nd our quick and told me I have more then just ghost but evil. I’ve had someone in that cleansed the place, me and my cat. She said she’s done all she could do and I was in my own. I don’t know what else to do but it’s taking over my life and I want it back now along with my cats. I have really no money as I’m disabled. Please help me with what steps can be taking next? Preferably ones that I can do myself and cheap. Help please!


  62. No divining rods,I was watching utube,this fellow was showing the art of finding lost I not thinking seriously,bent two ordinary pieces of wire , and they immediately went crazy, whirling around like they were looking for somethhing,then they began to talk and answer questions, they seemed as one person but they were two witches ie wishing rods.they show you psychic as beautiful women but they are incubus. They act as your best friend’s giving their names but not their whole name,so you have two pieces of wire that allowed witches to enter the material world.a few days later,while sitting in my recliner, something began to knaw at the bottoms of my feet,so I asked the witches what it was, they said d it was a flesh eating demon,that was opening up the soul portal through the bottom of my feet,I said to them how can I stop this,you can’t, they also became vampires.this is their objective, not to drink blood but feed from our spirit,and they come mainly when you are so exhausted and weak you can’t fight back.all the kicking you do only wears you out,and as soon as you pass out from aexhaustion and they get what they now about a week into this thing,my prayers don’t seem to be heard, but I have seen visions of lord jesus walking in a wheat field and we were talking,he said we were going to flight, and to stay strong,but I am always giving in to these devil’s. God have mercy,lord Michael fight for us who are afflicted os our own stupidity. Keep up the good fight all of you who know what I’m saying. Don’t stop praying even if they take you. The saw me ,and we walked in the wheat field, I immediately fell to my knees, and he rose me up,and said you must fight the good fight,you are a warrior, and you will represent me,so all of you afflicted, keep fighting our time death nigh, God is good, thank you Lord.

  63. I hear people talk. Videos online bruises okay. Has anyone ever figured out yet that we’re on a spiritual warfare every single person on this Earth it’s called depression if you can’t get rid of it it’s cuz it’s the Witchcraft it was predicted at the end of times black magic and Witchcraft was predicted that’s the sit-ins cohorts he came to Holy Spirit a fake Holy Spirit to these people that were deceived the children between 14 and 30 + 40 and gave them powers and says they were of God in order to harm us okay Satan has them fuhing us as horrible terrible monsters they’re delusional and if they want ever checks up on this here every single person before an exorcism must go. Have to go see a psychiatrist okay cuz not everything is demonic possession something is mental illness but however schizophrenia is the highest demonic possession is cuz a person’s mindless fun is split and fragmented over a long. Of time in order to take on the demon that’s all I’m going to talk about it Case closed take it for what it’s worth okay nobody’s going to walk on water nobody’s going to turn water into wine oppression but if you don’t get rid of depression you can’t get possessed if you can’t get rid of it it’s cuz it’s a pressure not a possession all right

  64. I need some assistance please. I lived with my nephew and I had the whole basement, first day I walked in that basement, I knew something was there with me. My cat started following something I didn’t see then the other cat of my nephew’s started coming down nd that cat as well followed thing’s naked to the human eye. Crazy stuff was happening and nobody believed me even after taking pictures nd recording what I could get on video.
    It started getting really bad so I called in a priest and needless to say he blessed the house and when he got to the basement, he went into where I slept and said his prayer nd it was so quick nd he shut the door fast and told me that I had more then ghost but evil and I have not saw or heard from this priest since.
    It started to take its toll not only in me but my old car who was so scared by now that I called in a Medium. I explained to her where they were the most, where the main one was etc etc so she did what she had to nd it got a little better so I called and told asked her to come back out that there was some still there so she did nd u was right so she came back out and did what she had to.
    I was scared by now that I started sleeping upstairs but one morning when I went down in the basement, I was attacked so I called the Medium and she tells me she cannot come back out cuz she to was attacked and they were trying to attach themselves to her. She then tells me I need to leave now because I was gifted that’s how I was able to tell her everything about what was going on. I asked if they’d follow and she said it’s a possibility but I needed to go because they was trying to hurt me. Packed up my stuff nd I took both cats ( one being my nephew’s) and went to a hotel. I knew they followed and the cats proved it.
    I then got an apt and hour away from where I lived, I knew they followed and my elderly cat proved it as well. So I started staying in hotels bouncing around. You got it everyone I went to, they followed.
    It has taken its toll not only on me but my elderly cat. I have failed my college classes when I have been an honor student has caused problems in relationships but my poor cat is do frightened. They mess with her really bad. She will be in the cat litter box and takes off running, always following something I cant see, meows alot and stays right by me. She is so scared. At all places I have saved, said prayers over and over, done the rice, salt and even holy water amongst other things with nothing working. I have contacted the same Medium to be told that she no longer can help us. My elderly cat all she does is sleep and lay there likes she’s dead besides to eat. She’s gained so much weight so fast that I’m scared it’s gonna kill her and I’m really worried about her. She has severe anxiety now that she just licks and bites herself. I feel them and exactly where they are at. I do not know what else to do but I cannot take it anymore and my poor cat cannot either. Please, please, please, I’m begging someone help us before it is to late. Please help us.

  65. Thru my personal experience and search for information, I have to believe two things. First, is that generational spirits are true; and therefore we must learn to identify them if we want to win this war. Second, all humans r like vessels and can contain spirits. We must constantly search for the HOLY SPIRIT to come to us. Unfortunately because Adam ate the forbidden fruit of knowledge of Good and evil. We are now divided and we all have those inclinations to do good or evil. These r the internal subtle voices or thoughts that push us to do good or evil actions. My story began at the age of four: I used to have vivid dreams that looked more like memories than dreams. In one dream, I am inside this white room and on top of a sort of ramp. To my right there’s this naked woman laying down with a snake coiled around her. Both inside this glass container. To my left, there’s this triangular Virgin. About a yard high. She introduces herself and talks to me for so long. She seems to be giving me advices or warnings. Unfortunately I can’t remember any of that excerpt that her name rhymes with possible two words. Before I continue, I must add that my catholic family was not practicing our faith at all. We had no Bible, didn’t know how to pray and only went to church for weddings and baptisms. Soon after this dream I was molested and struggled with lust and fornication for most of my life. As an adult, I came to learn my father was introduced to sex by an older woman when he was still a child and my his mom (my grandma) was raped as a teen. Since I was lost and away from my faith. I didn’t think much about it. About 10 years, I began my conversion back to God thanks to the rosary and oh boy. Demons made their appearance. Strange they never did when I was sining right and left. The first nightmares were scary, but then they switch to fights. I was literally fighting with them in my sleep. In one dream, I was laying on my bed sleeping, the room was dark, and suddenly I sense a dark evil entity entering the bedroom. I felt how started touching me and felt this sense of sadness and repugnance. I grabbed him from me and threw him against the wall. That’s when I saw it. It looked like a black goo in shape of an octopus or spider. It mentally said, “since I can’t do it with you, I’ll go after your children”. That made me so mad and I rushed to get up and said, oh no, you won’t! By this that nasty thing crawled out really fast out of the bedroom and the dream ended. Years later I was scheduled for a surgery. I didn’t want to eat fats or anything that could prompt the surgery sooner. So I only ate fruits and veggies for about 5 weeks. I also used to pray my rosary everyday. At the end of these 5 weeks, I felt this incredible internal peace, but my husband told me that he had very disturbing sexual dreams. I was shocked to hear this because I used to have them too once in a while. I suspected that whatever was in me got out thanks to the fasting I was doing and the prayer; however, this thing now jumped onto my husband. Also after my conversion, I found in a book about angels, an illustration of the naked woman with the serpent wrapped around her under the title of ”lilith”. This was an ancient Sumerian demon! I also searched for the name of the Virgin and I found out she was the first Virgin to arrive to America by Cortez. She’s not a very well known Virgin (Virgen de los Remedios) and her shape is triangular! I searched and wanted to know why I knew these two entities at such an early age. Could it be that these were known prior to my own birth? Could it be that lilith was the demon behind my sexual problems and also behind my generational tree? The closest and interesting info I found was in a book of the Dead Sea scrolls and more specifically “the manual of discipline”. In it, there’s a paragraph which explains how humans r hosts to two spirits, one good and one evil. During this life is when we get to choose who we want to walk with. This is the reason we are all “fallen” and must constantly search GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT. I don’t know how accurate is this, but I must admit this gives me a better understanding of how I can defeat my enemy. All the graces of the HOLY SPIRIT and complete surrender to GOD can help us win this battle and whoever perseveres till the end, wins.

  66. Hmmm!

    Spiritual things are very real. I have been molested in my dreams for a long time and I contacted a priest recently.

    I believe God for our deliverances

  67. My greatest joy now is that he actually came back to me and fell on his knees begging for forgiveness, and today we are happy. Do you have any problem with your loved one? you don’t know what to do? worry no more because Dr. Okiti can provide you with a love spell to get him or her back just the way he helped me. So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can contact Dr Okiti for help email:Okitilovespelltample@gmail. com Thanks once again Dr Okiti

  68. Hi my name is Sharon Lynn Cole from El Paso Texas and go to Day Hab People Care on Tuesday and Friday also go to church of Mostly Holy Trinity and I’m Catholic & have bad dreams of jealousy of this stupid lesbian woman named Ana Marquez needs to stopped putting evil voodoos cures spells on females and males also their parents are getting complaints by. Getting upset at her and they said we,re tired of her putting evil voodoos cures spells please do something about it & the only who could do something about it that is Ms. Lizet Sonora is the only one director of People Care

  69. Hi what is the difference with pentcostal deliverance and catholic I have had a few excorsisms but I dont feel it is powerfull enough I see people in Pentecostal church’s and they say it is powerfull I dont want to dabble anymore but really need directions

  70. Right and someone who gets smacked in the head with a baseball bat and survives is now imposed by the demon of epilepsy? They must be all around waiting to rush into that brain when the skull is cracked open which somehow provides protection from demons even though all of these other holes in the skull naturally exist. Be careful, the belief in word-for-word theology can lead to further sin. Those same words and expressions thousands of years ago might not have the same meaning in today’s culture or a may reflect very limited understanding of what was really going on in the world. Someone who accepts the authority of the bible alone could imagine his brother is demon possessed, decide to neglect, ignore, him or at an extreme break the law, put him on shackles and beat the demons out him. It’s your choice but if you ignore modern science your behavior could be quite neglectful, physically abusive, or even emotionally abusive. You may think you will be doing right but you might hurt the poor guy who is rejected by the Bible for being demon possessed. Just remember that the culture more than 2000 years ago had no understanding of medical science, had a limited education, did terrible things to women, and blamed the victim for every problem they could not explain.

  71. Why, How sleep paralysis and my infirmities. They isolated me from my family. Is codependency abuse or from abuse. gaslighting

  72. Hi, Laura, I’m John & I’m a freshman at Greater Nanticoke Area High, & I fear I might be possessed by a demon or other spirit. Ever since my first sleep paralysis, I’ve been experiencing weird things. It may have started when I was a child, playing with a Ouigi Board as a joke to my siblings. I thought it was fake, but now, I’m very afraid of even looking in my mirror. I get light-headed multiple times a day, I hear deep voices in my head, & I overall feel terrified. I’m coming up with ways to stop it on my own, but none of my ideas are working. I need you to help me. PLEASE. I’ve been baptized, I pray often, but I’m not Catholic, my parents think I’m lying, & I don’t know any churches near-by.

  73. I was taking pictures on my computer with my cellphone of a hairdressing video, I didn’t use a flash, I have no cat. I checked to see if anything around me could have caused this, but it was there on the photograph, the screen in the photo had gone black and there were it was these huge large yellow evil looking cat eyes. I didn’t see it while photographing. I reviewed my photos and found the last one was all dark with clearly seen huge yellow evil looking cat eyes staring at me on the screen, on the cellphones photograph, could you offer you explanation of what that was. I read it could be that of a demon. How do I protect myself. I am very close to God and pray everyday, though I live with someone who does not have any faith in God and is hateful and has done many cruel things to me, I have been trying to leave him and soon will be out of there. I wanted to know I have seen his eyes turn black 3 times in the last year. The entire eye including the whites of his brown eyes. Can you explain this paranormal presense, I have a photo of it, and it isn’t made up. I want to understand this, I feel safe that God will protect me, but I feel that my being entrapped at present with him and his fury and what he has done are not of a good person connected with God.

  74. I live in a small town in southern east corner British Columbia Canada. I’ll try to make this as short as I can. I had some issues with entities or spirits about just over a .onth ago or so. The bottom line is that there is something that is giving me trouble. Whatever it is keeps following me and keeps moving at my feet 24-7. It wont let me sleep because it keeps bitting my toes and it has even got to be a problem with my vehicle. I would be driving and it would start messing around with the gas peddle. Pushing on it pulling on it. I was wondering if you have ever came the same thing or know of anyone who has. If so do you know what I’m dealing with and how to get it to go on it’s way.

  75. Hi me and my cats are being bother by evil spirits please help us out my beloved cats are being possessed by evil spirits please help us out so that they dont get my soul ok thank u for your time

  76. I’m a child’of God I believe in Jesus Christ.. love yes been down that path seem that even if those are still happening I am protested I feel bad energy around I’m going with my good energy of good sprits with god I pray every day try n believe you can beat it .God wants that for you .don’t let it hunt you music of God beautiful music of God helps me .let God handle what’s good .pray don’t be around things you are drawn too .temptations will try to wheel you in .. positive heart..God loves you

  77. The thing all you have in common is fear confusion chaos unexplained events and so forth all stemming from the devil. The Lord created the devil and has all power over the devil. Jesus also told his disciples that they had all power over the devil. If you give more faith to the devil and not to God what is happening to all of you will continue to happen. If you reverse everything and fill your life with love and not fear and put your faith in Jesus and not the devil or evil spirits and put your faith in the holy spirit and not evil touching your bodies or bothering you guys then the evil will flee from you it says in the bible if you seek the Lord the devil will flee from you. There are prayer lines that you guys can call many of them are open 24/7 tell the people there your problems and worries and have them pray for you , there is also a lot of advice that was posted. Also google what the bible says about psychics and mediums and wizards and necromancy and drugs and it will tell you not to play with tarot cards , horoscopes , ouji boards and all that mess all evil is very real just like Jesus is real but Jesus said ” Be of good cheer for I have over come the world “

  78. My Husband broke up with me after 9years of relationship. It started from small misunderstandings after which he told me that it would be good to take a break, which I think turned into a breakup. He no longer looks for me, he blocked my number and people said they saw him with another woman, this brought tears to my eyes because we are about to marry, I searched for help when i came across this spiritual man called PRIEST OSAS who have helped many people having relationship problem, I talked with him about my situation and he describe to me the process to get back with my lover, I followed his instructions and today I’m happy because my man came back after 5 months of breakup and we are happily married now. If you need the help of a spell caster for any kind of relationship problem contact PRIEST OSAS for a lasting solution. 
    WhatsApp : +1(419)359 4367

  79. I have been experiencing an EVIL spirit for a 2 months now and it’s getting stronger and stronger!! It stings my entire body. My toes mostly. It pulls on my feet, mattress and couch. Whatever I sit or lay on its like big wave from top to bottom and it’s very hot. For weeks I got no sleep because when i try to lay down, it feels like it starts to run from the bottom of the bed onto my legs to the top of my body. It blows HOT air onto different parts of my body plus the private areas. It stays on the bottom of my feet which stings like no other. It also stays on my behind. Sometimes when it touches me and I jumped while grabbing where it touched me, I sometimes feels it. It feels like a hard gushy finger if this makes sense. It follows me everywhere I go, even to church. I can feel it moving inside my body while pulling on my clothes. My faith is what keeps me sane but I am scared to the point where I don’t want to be around others because it also jumps into their bodies when I’m around. I Know because they experience the fast heart rate and the blowing of the hot air what I think to be, breath. Sometimes parts of my body feels wet in the areas that it touches. It causes my back to hurt and the bones and muscles in my body. I’ve prayed, chanted, saged, repented, confess my sins to GOD and asked for forgiveness and NOTHING. I know I’m supposed to stay calm with good positive energy but it’s hard when you don’t know how to get it to leave. Can someone PLEASE HELP

  80. I have been experiencing an EVIL spirit for a 2 months now and it’s getting stronger and stronger!! It stings my entire body. My toes mostly. It pulls on my feet, mattress and couch. Whatever I sit or lay on its like big wave from top to bottom and it’s very hot. For weeks I got no sleep because when i try to lay down, it feels like it starts to run from the bottom of the bed onto my legs to the top of my body. It blows HOT air onto different parts of my body plus the private areas. It stays on the bottom of my feet which stings like no other. It also stays on my behind. Sometimes when it touches me and I jumped while grabbing where it touched me, I sometimes feels it. It feels like a hard gushy finger if this makes sense. It follows me everywhere I go, even to church. I can feel it moving inside my body while pulling on my clothes. My faith is what keeps me sane but I am scared to the point where I don’t want to be around others because it also jumps into their bodies when I’m around. I Know because they experience the fast heart rate and the blowing of the hot air what I think to be, breath. Sometimes parts of my body feels wet in the areas that it touches. It causes my back to hurt and the bones and muscles in my body. I’ve prayed, chanted, saged, repented, confess my sins to GOD and asked for forgiveness and NOTHING. I know I’m supposed to stay calm with good positive energy but it’s hard when you don’t know how to get it to leave. Can someone PLEASE HELP

  81. I have been experiencing an EVIL spirit for a 2 months now and it’s getting stronger and stronger!! It stings my entire body. My toes mostly. It pulls on my feet, mattress and couch. Whatever I sit or lay on its like big wave from top to bottom and it’s very hot. For weeks I got no sleep because when i try to lay down, it feels like it starts to run from the bottom of the bed onto my legs to the top of my body. It blows HOT air onto different parts of my body plus the private areas. It stays on the bottom of my feet which stings like no other. It also stays on my behind. Sometimes when it touches me and I jumped while grabbing where it touched me, which causes me to feel to feel it. It feels like a hard gushy wet finger or something if this makes sense. It follows me everywhere I go, even to church. I can feel it moving inside my body while pulling on my clothes. My faith is what keeps me sane but I am scared to the point where I don’t want to be around others because it also jumps into their bodies when I’m around. I Know because they experience the fast heart rate and the blowing of the hot air what I think to be, breath. Sometimes parts of my body feels wet in the areas that it touches. It causes my back to hurt and the bones and muscles in my body. I’ve prayed, chanted, saged, repented, confess my sins to GOD and asked for forgiveness and NOTHING. I know I’m supposed to stay calm with good positive energy but it’s hard when you don’t know how to get it to leave. Can someone PLEASE HELP

  82. Hello. My name is Salamon, but this is not my real name, and for some reasons I cannot tell my real name. I have been fighting demons, spells and dark forces for years and have destroyed many of them. I can destroy any evil force with any power. What I do is a completely enlightened method and it is done through God. But it is much stronger than the fights that the priests do.
    No evil power can resist me because of what God has given me, and I will either kill him or force him to obey me.
    I don’t need to be physically present to do my work and destroy demons or spells. The cost of the job depends on the rank and power of the demon or spell you are afflicted with.
    My work steps:
    1- Identifying the type of devil or spell
    2- Taskhiri to destroy them
    3- Creating a protection to prevent evil creatures from invading again
    Just try it once to believe the truth of what I said.

  83. Hello. My name is Salamon, but this is not my real name, and for some reasons I cannot tell my real name. I have been fighting demons, spells and dark forces for years and have destroyed many of them. I can destroy any evil force with any power. What I do is a completely enlightened method and it is done through God. But it is much stronger than the fights that the priests do.
    No evil power can resist me because of what God has given me, and I will either kill him or force him to obey me.
    I don’t need to be physically present to do my work and destroy demons or spells. The cost of the job depends on the rank and power of the demon or spell you are afflicted with.
    My work steps:
    1- Identifying the type of devil or spell
    2- Taskhiri to destroy them
    3- Creating a protection to prevent evil creatures from invading again
    Just try it once to believe the truth of what I said.
    search my name on Facebook; ( Solomon Brightway )

  84. I have noticed this article has been up for some time. Unless you experience these things personally, most people have no idea what it is like or what your are going through, or if you are possessed yourself, or if you are crazy. In response to the woman who wrote on Sept 18, 2022 and for the people who experience the needles or gnawing at the feet, this is what worked for me….crazy as it seems. For almost three years I have been enduring these things where intruders come into me, but they just do not appear, they enter in through my feet or some thin part of my skin. I have also experienced some major other things happening to myself that are very painful. I know without a doubt that none of this was caused by any sin that I may have done. Rather, I believe that I just pissed a bunch of practitioners of the occult off and they have come after me. But all in all, I have learned how to defend myself pretty well, and have made some very valuable friendships with the Saints of Heaven that I would not trade. It really is true, that Jesus does not allow any of this to happen to you without sufficient grace to see you through. As for protections, there are practical and spiritual, both of which must be applied.
    Physically, have you noticed that when the burns come or the pings come in through the ears, or the burning comes through the scalp, or the tingling on the couch or chair happens, that it seems to have an electrical charge to it? The woman above wrote about the finger on the body, and I also awoke one night to actually grab a person’s hand feeling for the top of my head, and it had on a glove. Shortly after I had an enlightenment with my soul as I was sleeping where I saw my hand, and I raised it up to look at it. It had a rubber glove upon it. And then I understood…insulation.
    These things…people who do these things to me…attack me at home and at work,. and yes, at church as well. What I did was to put a hat upon my head. But before I put it on, I took some of that plastic packaging tape that is two inches wide and lined the inside completely. When I went to work that night, I could hear it as pings and rain drops striking. But it stopped them. When I went home in the morning to sleep (they always search out my feet), I put plastic bags upon my feet. I could feel them, but again they did not penetrate through the plastic. I cut myself a piece and wherever they would attack me, I would must move the plastic to that location and it would break the connection. Weird, but it actually did work for me and still does. I built a little plastic tent with bags for over my face when I sleep, and whatever it is that they pour over my head is blocked as well. But as for the smoke and hot air, I am afraid that I have not quite figured out a stop for that as yet. The smoke coming into the lungs.
    As for spiritual protection, I thought about people in my past that I made angry, and I knew they were involved in the occult or practiced that sort of evil. First of all, as you notice on this posting, there are many who give themselves over to that sort of thing as a remedy to fight against it. Any practicing of spells or witchcraft is to rely upon the devil. Do not do it. Use your God given Faith and call upon the Holy Name of Jesus. “In the Most Holy Name of Jesus, I hereby forbid (state name…first is all that is necessary) from entering into my house at (such and such an address), or coming into my bedroom or any other room in my house, including any closet spaces or bathroom, or any other room.” And you just keep knocking off the places they attack you in one after the other.
    But then Jesus showed to me another thing as well. You can block these, but that is not the same as overcoming them. And in your/our suffering, we are definitely united to Him in His sufferings upon the Cross. The graces received by just enduring, and the purification of my soul has allowed for Him to give me some very nice spiritual gifts of comfort that I believe have more than made up for the suffering.

  85. Good evening Solomon brightest. I can’t find you on Facebook. But please kill/destroy these demons (Albina rose mackay, Melissa kandis rose, ratrice, Imani Missouri, Roseanne John , Ricky nolly, doneer Jamal Missouri in all their shape sizes and forms.& their spells.

  86. Hi, i have been suffering now for 9-10 years, i’m currently 29, i’m not going to lie when i was around 20 years old a woman introduced me to tarot cards, and i messed around with them for a couple years and i think she was doing spells and black magic without me knowing, but i was engaged without fully understanding what i was doing or what was going on, and shortly after i’ve been suffering with awful thoughts and hallucinations and the most horrific feelings and i (think) it’s basically ruined my life, i’m being told is schizophrenia but the things that i think and feel i am convinced i am partly possessed by a demon, or many demons, my throat constantly has like a lump in it and every time i swallow it my hairs on my whole body stand up and i get shivers, i see spiders constantly and my mind is obsessed around spiders/tarantulas and insects, i feel them crawling on my face i feel them all over my body, and when i feel these things i feel so much fear it’s surreal and so scary, i see portals in front of me in my minds eye and things passing through, ugly things creatures, human formed demons, all sorts, i know it sound’s like mental illness but i know the difference between mental illness and demonic possession (Well at least i think i do) and i just need some help, i’ve managed to re gain some structure in my life recently but for the whole of my 20’s it has literally tortured me and my lifestyle, and i just want some guidance and direction on how to take away these demons, there’s so much more that happens to me that i haven’t included in this as it would take me a very long time and i feel i’ve said enough, but if you could help me somehow or anybody can i would massively appreciate it, i know i’m a good positive soul and i’ve come entangled with something i wasn’t fully aware of till afterwards, please help me.

  87. Its been almost 2 years since i have been attacked by demonic attacks on my body and evil spirits and i dont know how to be free of them everytime i say in the name of jesus, ive tried everything even got mad mad to where ive cussed them out so many times. am i not to cuss at them? my body is so much in heavyness i feel all these attacks and forces of evil on my head. one time it was so heavy all around my head and it trying to swirl its force around my body and when i wear braclets around my ankles and around my neck and on my body i feel this force on my body that weighs me down. what do i do? help i am helpless. i surrender to god everyday am i not doing things right in my the spiritual warfare battle?????

  88. and so much pressure is on my privite parts i feel like some just scaped my vigina skin and my stomach hurts,

  89. Advice for brothers in Christ

    1 don’t be afraid, if you believe in negative things, feed these things with your fear, fear is lack of faith, the world is plagued by evil entities incarnate and non-incarnate, you have to be superior to them and don’t play their game, protect yourself with the armor of faith imagine it and imagine wearing it with faith
    Job said all my fears fall upon me
    my people die through ignorance says the Word

    2 search within you not outside and you will find the kingdom of God. within us is the holy grail, the secret of secrets, your soul, reflection of god you are, discover by igniting emotions of love within you enlighten yourself of this energy you aware you possess it and you will find the Holy Spirit, use it as Jesus did to heal to the point of doing great miracles, he who has faith will do greater things than me says the Lord Jesus Christ

    3 learn ausare love on dite like you use medicine or any product to heal yourself, love and energy learn to generate it and use it on yourself and your loved ones
    love yourself says jesus

    4 talk to your body in a positive way and it will listen to you, your body is made up of miles of interconnected cells and your spirit, learn to thank your body and say positive words instead of complaining.

    5 learn to pray and meditate
    people don’t know how to pray the words you say have power in the world you live in, they can transform matter if you believe if you have faith.
    don’t sayJesus heal my loved ones.
    Of Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for healing my loved ones.
    the first is a request without faith ask your father if he gives you something
    the second you assume that Jesus Christ did what you asked for.
    faith is believing in things you can’t see, as if you can see says the Word

    6 everything is energy, if you change the word faith to energy everything is clearer. you have to generate energy, you have to have energy but what is this energy, love, love is the most powerful energy in creation, love connects you directly with God who manifests within you and outside you, learn to use love

    7 learn how to pray and meditate through visualizations and imagination, if you imagine with your eyes closed, visualize a healthy loved one and thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the healing that has taken place, God according to his will can grant this prayer and if you have energy love faith you will get what you ask for, because the secret of secrets and what you believe in becomes reality

    these are just some tips that I felt to share with you, nothing and perchance in life we all came into this world voluntarily, we just don’t remember it, may the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit give you peace and everything you ask for with love.

  90. For the past 3 years of my life I have been tormented physically and mentally by demons I go to priests in my area and they pretty much ignore me or don’t believe me I don’t have anywhere to go I live completely alone everybody has turned their backs on me and on to the point where I can’t take it much longer please somebody help me!!!

  91. I let a homeless woman into my house 11 months ago. She had been in a convent for 6 years but was asked to leave. We had mutual friends so I was not too concerned about condition. First two months, no problem. But for the last 9 months she has been showing the presence of some evil force in her life. Screaming and cursing. Un-controllable laughter. Throwing and breaking things. Threating me. Her face contorts when in a rage. I have started eviction proceedings but that may take several weeks.
    How would you advise me on dealing with this till she is gone? Thank you.

  92. Ive. Tried everything that everyone had to say and all it did was make the demon more stronger where I feel it put its hands in my chest amd squeeze my lungs while im almost passing out I hear it laughing then lets go and does it all over again

  93. I was being attacked by a demon who wants me to hate family members for know reason, heip me iam in troubled by satanic demonic

  94. Well I can tell you and everyone else that the demons and evil spirits do not need any kind of permission from Jesus or god at this time and I can tell you that I has been spoken that at the end of days that hell will be empty because all the evil sports and demons will be in the people and I also can tell you that I have not seen any other person that does not have a demon in them and I have been fighting them for years and I would like to see about maybe getting some training to help me out

  95. My father is possessed by a demon that was given to him by his father my grandfather. During the day it becomes an evil spirit while night a person that goes around the house and it allows bad luck to come to my family. When I was young my father did many ritual to me and my siblings and that time grandfather was still alive. Everywhere we go the evil spirit follow us, destroying our relationships and close doors for job opportunities. We do pray a lot, kindly help my family to help my father to destroy the demon so that our lives and that of our future generations will be saved too.

  96. I have been harrassed by spirits the last year and a half. I got caught up in their games by fighting them using knives, spraying them with peroxide, anything. They inflict
    harm by taking the objects and cutting or hurting me. I have been thrown off of a ladder by them, been in three car accidents I feel them in my there presence. I feel cords attached to me by them on my head, mouth, genitals, and they molest me a male now and a female spirit. They tell me I have to have sex with my neighbor or they wont leave. We get in arguments, words said and that just upsets them. I’m doing deliverance prayers and they help me tremendously. I’m still asking anyone out there that has any ideas for more help to rid myself of them.

  97. My son does not believe in God. He is also on the autism spectrum ( what used to be defined as Asperger’s). Over the years he has had many instances of hardship and “bad luck”. He lives independently. He gets aggravated at any mention of God and highly critical. I worry that he is oppressed. I pray for him constantly. Is there anything else that can be done?

  98. dear other catholic peers, i have a dilemma with my daughter. i believe that she has been communicating with the devil, 2 years ago she had discovered the band “my chemical romance” and with its demonic themes involving a black parade that takes you away when you go to hell i believe she is worshiping this band and hoping that she will go to this “Black Parade” when she dies my son is also beginning to become corrupted as well and i hope that they both wont become part of the “black parade” will someone help me! my number is (248)434-5508

  99. i like my chemical romance… 🙁
    i think the devil is inside me you know. like deep in there. too deep maybe. i need god man

  100. i help out in a church in anchorage Alaska and this population is riddles with my chemical romance loving fiends. the type of person that enjoys such demonic music must have Beelzebub deep down inside of them. i have cured serval children of there dark clothed and music tased affliction through the love of the lord.

  101. do any of you know what team fortress 2 is? ? ? ever since my boy started talking about it i can tell that the devil is with him! what can i do?!!

  102. yes my kid started playing it after watching videos online about it and i can tell you that Satan is in these video games, as far as i can tell it is about mercenaries in the desert fighting over drugs (possibly crystal meth) in color corresponding brief cases of the devil. ill tell yall as soon as i found out about it i told my son that i would disown him if he plays more devil games and the devil shot out of him faster than he could shoot a gun in that stupid game

  103. Here I am, seething in my car, my mind consumed with thauts of that accursed My Kemicul Romons. It’s like Satan himself has planted his wickid seeds in our children’s minds, leading them astray with his dark tunes. My home used to be filled with laughter and joy, but now it’s shrouded in darkness, all thanks to that infernal music.

  104. i understand my son started listening to the hades town playlist, its a Broadway play and it is latterly about the devil himself! good thing my daughter isn’t listening to it only Taylor swift with her very good friend in her room after school together for hours praying, if only my son could be liek that.

  105. true my daughter is better than my son in so many ways my son is the litteral devil

  106. what is wrong with you people the men in our lives guide us to salvation the men created us and you are disrupting the order of how things are by unlawfully making the men in your households the subservient ones, shame for the devil is the most hateful as is woman. that is way my son will be advancing thought life untouched by the sinful hands of another woman besides his mother

  107. N-E-V-E-R I-N M-Y Y-E-A-R-S H-A-V-E I M-E-E-T A C-OM-M-E-N-T S-E-C-T-I-O-N S-O H-A-T-E-F-U-L. i hope you r-o-t in the eternal flanmes of the 7 rings of hell yoy demon!!!!! never speak about my son again or else i will call the CIA!!!!!!!

  108. I CAST THEE INFERNAL DEMON! this place is not for you this place is for people with real problems and people that are suffering form the hamds of the devil. so leave and never come back you are not welcome to my plaec of warship nor any place that will decline you so leave i cant take any more deamons today

  109. One of my friends has a demonic attachment but they are atheist so I can’t convince them anything is wrong. The demon has attacked me multiple times and has tried to kill me. What should I do?

  110. I am living proof of what Dr Uwaifo can do. I thank you so much Dr Uwaifo for the wonderful thing you did in my relationship. I am so happy now. With your help I got reunited with my boyfriend, I was totally devastated when my beloved boyfriend left me. It was like my entire world vanishing into sorrow and pain. I know it sounds weird but after I contacted Dr Uwaifo, he was the only one to give me that impression of being so true and trustworthy. More than his words, My boyfriend apologized for the wrongs he did and promised never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I never thought a spell could help a couple before. I am very pleased to contact you, anyone who has a relationship problem can contact Dr Uwaifo. Reach him on

  111. Yes, have been battling demons since last year. Apparently after I sent a remembrance card to a deceased actors family, I don’t know what happened but I seen this dead man’s spirit standing at my bedroom door, than for several months I would hear demonic growls, hissing of a snake, my name called out constantly, and many dreams followed where my soul was with his soul in a dream. And 16 mths later, I’m still battling to get rid of the demons. This one has become attached to me, and everyday I feel as though he gets inside my body through my back. I can feel as though it’s not normal. I don’t know what else to do. I feel as though it’s waiting for me to die so we can be together. This actor committed suicide 17 yrs ago and it’s taken a toll on me. Please pray for me, I am lost and I’m one step closer to hell.

  112. my problem is not demons it angels and they said they are gonna hurt me when i die please tell me what i should do

  113. I appreciate the role that Dr. Salem played in enabling me get my wife back after she has filed for divorce. the reunion love spell is amazing that restored peace back in my marriage with positive results from the holy temple. contact salem manifest lover spell @ g mail. com….

  114. I need help I can barely type this. Entity or negative energy in the house. Please contact me. Phone number 5864777831.

  115. When my ex left me for another woman after three years, I was heartbroken and desperate. I reached out to PRIEST OSAS, who instructed me on what to do and then cast a love spell. Shortly after 24hrs, my ex began texting me, expressing regret and realizing I was the most important person in his life. We moved in together, and our relationship became stronger and more open. Thanks to PRIEST OSAS, my partner is now stable, faithful, and closer to me. I highly recommend PRIEST OSAS to anyone in need of help. You can talk to him on

    WHATSAPP: +1(419)359 4367

    CALL: +1(424) 277 3488

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