Saturday May 25, 2024: Let the children…go take a nap!!

Today’s Readings

“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” Then he embraced the children and blessed them, placing his hands on them. (Mk 10: 14-16)

OK. So I am in Senegal, West Africa while writing this reflection. Elise and I got here 2 weeks ago visiting my daughter, son-in-law and three grandchildren. They are 5 and 2 (the grandkids…not my daughter and son-in-law). They are all boys and the younger ones are twins. Did I mention that for the first week we were here, my daughter was in Mauritania on a business trip?! And that her husband was off most of the day working. They do have a housekeeper/nanny but she only speaks French and Wolof (local tribal language). Me? I barely speak English. So communicating with her involved a series of grunts, body language and poor attempts at Google Translator. I once asked her if there was bread in the house and she interpreted that as me asking her to go a few blocks to the local grocery stand to go buy some. I am now hoping Elise learns Wolof. Think how much I can get her to do for me just through poor translation!

On the day I am writing this reflection, we have finished an “action packed” morning of breakfast, building a fort with chairs and a blanket, reading…sort of, putting stickers on paper, playing catch and putting together a wooden train set. Did I mention that Elise was ill and sleeping most of the morning? Guess who got left in charge? Yup. Little ‘ol me. Now you have to understand that when my kids were little, and one of them did not make up their room as instructed for the 435th time, my response was to dump all their stuff out on the driveway. And when the litterbox was not cleaned? You got it…put that sucker right in their bed. Patience and right judgement have never been my strong suits.

By the end of the morning, pieces of train track were being taken apart (after I had painstakingly built a beautiful, if I say so myself, circuit) and being launched between the twins at each other (BTW. I can’t tell them apart, so I refer to them only as “The Twins”. I am sure they will become mafia hit men as they are older and will go free because no one can positively identify which one did the dirty deed). My reaction to this peppering with railroad rockets? Jumped off the couch and tore the rest of the track apart myself, yelled out disciplinary diatribes, put the train set away and begged for the nanny to out them all down for a nap!

Let the children come to me!? I don’t think so!! It was more like, “get these rugrats outta here! I need to check my email!” We see this patient, welcoming picture of Jesus as he calls the children to Him and envision them all sitting on His lap and gathering around Him. After this week my view of this scene would likely also include nasal mucus and diapers in desperate need of being changed. I think the disciples had it right when they turned to rebuking them. I did a little rebuking myself.

But Jesus made it very clear to His followers, and to us, that we need to approach the Kingdom of God as children. In a childlike way. Not childish, as I am so good at reproducing, but childlike. What exactly does that mean. What I found in one of the sermons I read researching this passage was that childlike faith and Christian practice is highlighted by two characteristics:

  1. Helplessness – It means that we do not have the notion that we can do it all on our own. That we need God…and my wife, it seems, as well. We in no way are always compassionate, merciful and holy. We have many, many weak moments where we sometimes need to just stop and say, “God, I cannot do this alone. I give up being the hero. Help!” Think of being so overwhelmed by something as a child, having no idea how to get out of a bad situation. Only to have one or both of your parents come along and fix everything. That is the helplessness I think God asks of us. To not be afraid to throw our hands in the air and say, “I am done”
  2. Dependence – A natural outgrowth of helplessness is dependence. If we recognize our inability to handle all situations ourselves, and need to rely on God to jump in, then we also recognize our dependence on God. Not our independence or individualism. We NEED God as a child needs their parents. We cannot be saved on our own. We need the strength and graces that God provides.

And if we acknowledge our helplessness and our dependence on God then our identities become wrapped up with and are one with God. As children, who are we. Really. We are the offspring of our parents. Our parents gave us our identity. When we were out playing in the neighborhood, people would label me as Joseph and Mary’s kid (no, not THAT Joseph and Mary!). In the same way, when people see us as descendants of Jesus, as His followers, that is who we become.

I recently had a friend call me “preacher” when referring to my Facebook posts. I asked him what he meant. He said most of the things I post on FB are religious in nature. And he was right. I like to repost things I read. Meditations, verses, video reflections. Things I think are valuable for people to understand. Some will see Jesus in these posts. Most will not. But it felt good to be identified as “preacher” to my friend. Because it likewise identifies me as a follower…as a child…of Christ. And that is an identity that will ultimately get me Home.

I gotta go. The kids are up from their nap. Now, where is that duct tape?

About the Author

Hello! My name is John Ciribassi. I live in Carol Stream, IL in the USA. My wife Elise and I are parishioners at Corpus Christi Catholic Church. We have two adult daughters. One lives in Senegal, West Africa with her husband and her 3 sons. The other teaches Anthropology at the University of Oslo, Norway. We also have a home in Mainesburg, Pa in the North Central part of Pennsylvania. My wife and I are both retired veterinarians, and my specialty is in animal behavior. I attended college and veterinary school in Illinois, where I met my wife who is from the Chicago area, and the rest is history! My hobbies include Racquetball, Pickleball, Off Road Motorcycle Riding, Hiking and Camping. I continue to enjoy the opportunity to offer what little insight I have on the scriptures. But I have always felt that the scriptures can speak for themselves. My job is just to shine a little light on them for people who maybe don't have the time to look into the readings deeply. I hope you enjoy and find value in my writings. I continue to be grateful for this opportunity.

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  1. John, Another great job. I really appreciate your humorous take on Faithfulness. 🙂 Can I assume that Elise does not read ACM? or at least yours? L.O.L. 🙂
    Simplicity to me is the way of the saints. God said, “This is my Son listen to him.” That is a pretty simple instruction! I believe St. Francis of Assisi had it right when he exclaimed to the Bishop, the village and his dad, “I will no longer call anyone father, but my Father in Heaven.” Thank You John

  2. You are correct Anonymous. She does not read ACM…unless I read them to her. And I pick and choose which ones I share with her. For obvious reasons. 🙂

  3. Thank you for this entertaining but wise reflection John.I can’t imagine my life without our Loving Father to lean on for guidance and support.
    Enjoy your time with your daughter and her family.

  4. So funny Dr. John. Grand kiddos are an amazing gift but a lot of work when babysitting. We will have ours for week this summer. Thank you the insight on being child like. Hope Elise feels better. Traveling mercies be upon you.

  5. I totally enjoyed your reflection. It was so well described that I thought I was there playing with the kids..but not doing the cleaning up part. Thank you. Great description of how we need to be dependent on God and then we become united. Continue having fun and making good memories with your family!

  6. Good morning, John,
    You certainly gave me several very good laughs. My husband is nearly 900 miles away babysitting anywhere from 1-5 of our grandkids. They all speak English and he is still overrun at times. It’s probably bc ALL children are given “special powers” to create as much terror as possible. It is fun, funny and amazing to now see the little ones as reincarnates of my children.
    In addition to ACM each morning I also read Bishop Barron’s reflection. This is a snippet…

    “children haven’t yet learned how to look at themselves. Why can a child immerse himself so eagerly and thoroughly in what he is doing? Because he can lose himself; because he is not looking at himself, conscious of the reactions, expectations, and approval of those around him. The best moments in life are when we lose ourselves in the world and just are as God wants us to be.”

    I’m rooting for you, John. Enjoy the magic and ALWAYS carry one, two 15 tissues in your pockets!!

    A blessed holiday weekend to all and gratitude and thanks to all of our men and woman who protect us. God Bless America 🇺🇸!

  7. Thank you John! I love the humor in this reflection–it’s very relatable with the kids! I hope Elise feels better too. Have a blessed vacation with your family.

  8. Hi John ! I’m exhausted just reading about your grandchildren. I’m praying for you and your wife for strength and patience. Have a Blessed visit 🙏

  9. What a super great reflection ! And you are hilarious today !! Prayers for Elise to feel better. What a joy to be with your family !!! I try to picture Jesus babysitting your grands today !!!

  10. Entertaining reflection with sound doctrines. The characteristics of Children. Thanks for your reflection, and warm regards to Elise. Enjoy your holidays!

  11. Thank you Dr John.! I’m reflecting and reading 2 days late bc I had my almost 9 y.o. Grandaughter for 3 days straight 🤪 then swimming with the grown one with an almost 2 year old…wonderful time, for real but I knew my patience wouldn’t hold out when the almost 9 y.o. wanted to stay another day 😇 Great reflection…Jesus help me🤗

    I thought of you and your animal behavior degree🤷‍♀️ aren’t humans animals 🤗
    As my German Shepherd was terrified of a storm last night.⛈

    Have a Splendid vacation and my best to Elise. Let those little children wreck your peace..they are precious😇

  12. Mark,
    Thank you for Thursday’s reflection.
    Pure Faith – not over educated – just pure faith… I love it!

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