The Shroud of Turin have been purported to be the image of Jesus generated at the moment of His Resurrection. There are many controversies surrounding it.
My wife, Anna, and I attended a lecture, over 5 years-ago given by a Clearwater, Florida dentist whose hobby was the study of the Shroud and it was absolutely fascinating. He discussed various scientific disciplines that were used to either support or deny the authenticity of the Shroud. Even the pollen in the embedded in the fabric could have only come from the Holy Land. The image is anatomically correct based on computer assessments. There is a separate face cloth which supports the same image as the Shroud. He concluded by saying that it all comes down to faith if you believe that the Shroud is real or not. At the very end of his two-hour lecture, he showed a forensic picture of what the face of Jesus could have looked like. It is was remarkable.
At the Vigil mass tonight that most churches celebrate starting at about 8pm, we experience the promise of Old Testament prophets. Lent is over and the Easter celebration begins. Satan is fuming at all the souls that will be Baptized this evening, the Confirmations, and the Marriages reconsecrated to the Lord. We, as mere humans, have no power against this “creep” but we do have a Savior.
My wife and I have experience the Easter Vigil many times. We do not go every year but it is a beautiful liturgy even if you do not personally know someone going through the process. It is an extremely spiritual and emotional event when you consider the glory that is happening in heaven and in your presence here on earth at the same time.
In Reading 7 for this evening comes from the prophet Ezekiel who I really admire ( I examine my conscience every time I read him).
Ezekiel 36:27-28 “I will put my spirit within you and make you live by my statutes, careful to observe my decrees. You shall live in the land I gave your fathers; you shall be my people, and I will be your God.”
For Anna and myself tomorrow will be a family event. Next year it will also be a family event with a different twist. God willing, my daughter and granddaughter will be one of the catechumens and inter into full communion with the Church. We are praying.
God bless you and Happy Easter!
Bob Burford
PS: Today is my mother’s birthday. If she were still alive she would be 108 years-old. Happy Birthday mom!