Saturday March 16, 2019: Love THEM?! Really?!

I recently watched the documentary, “Unplanned”. The feature film version of this story will be premiering March 29th. I urge you all to go see it. If it is true to the original story, you will experience something very powerful.

If you are not familiar with this story, I will give you a little background. It is the tale of Abby Johnson. Abby found herself as a volunteer for Planned Parenthood in the town of College Station, Texas while she was a student at Texas A&M University. She had had an abortion and she had come to the belief that she was helping women by working at Planned Parenthood. Over a period of time, she rose through the ranks of the organization until she was made director of the clinic in College Station.

Her position put her at odds with her parents and her fiance’ but her commitment to PP persisted. One day she was asked to help out with an abortion using ultrasound guidance. For the first time, she saw what was actually happening during an abortion procedure. And it changed everything. She left her position at PP and walked across the street to where the fledgling organization, 40 Days for Life, had its offices. 40 Days was in its infancy then but now it has grown into a worldwide pro-life force that organizes volunteers to pray outside abortion clinics. With Abby’s help as a spokesperson, the effort has resulted in thousands of saved lives and the closing of hundreds of abortion clinics.

But the part of the story that is amazing is how the groundwork was laid for Abby’s conversion. You see it was not demonstrators screaming at her, or calling her baby killer as she went to work at PP every day. It was not someone reciting the facts about when life begins or how soon baby’s develop in the womb.

It was the action of one prayer volunteer. It was a young woman who said hello to Abby every morning. How she told her to have a good day. And it was how, one day, she laid a bouquet of flowers in the driveway in front of where Abby drove in each day. And it was how a small card was placed within the bouquet that had a verse from Psalms about life written on it.

When Abby was at her lowest point, grief stricken over the thousands of lost lives that she had a hand in, she saw the card from those flowers and then knew how much God loved her…in spite of what she had done. She walked out of that clinic that day seeking the prayer volunteer who had shown her friendship and love…even at the time when Abby was the “enemy”. If anyone deserved to be hated for what they had done, it was Abby. If there was ever someone who had earned to have anger directed her way, it was Abby.

But it was not to be. It was love and kindness that won the day. It was the caring, especially of that one person, that brought Abby back from the brink. And, yes, the result was a soldier for the Pro-Life cause. But, more importantly, it helped Abby turn her back on sin. On Satan. It won back her soul. And that is everything.

So when Jesus tells us to love our enemies, and we think, “No way can I love that person. They are rude, irritating, they don’t support the right candidate, they have the wrong religion, they lie, they drink, they….” Well, I am sure we can all fill in that blank fairly easily. But if the Lord can love an Abby Johnson and bring her home. I am guessing we can too. With a little help from Him.

About the Author

Hello! My name is John Ciribassi. I live in Carol Stream, IL in the USA. My wife Elise and I are parishioners at Corpus Christi Catholic Church. We have two adult daughters. One lives in Senegal, West Africa with her husband and her 3 sons. The other teaches Anthropology at the University of Oslo, Norway. We also have a home in Mainesburg, Pa in the North Central part of Pennsylvania. My wife and I are both retired veterinarians, and my specialty is in animal behavior. I attended college and veterinary school in Illinois, where I met my wife who is from the Chicago area, and the rest is history! My hobbies include Racquetball, Pickleball, Off Road Motorcycle Riding, Hiking and Camping. I continue to enjoy the opportunity to offer what little insight I have on the scriptures. But I have always felt that the scriptures can speak for themselves. My job is just to shine a little light on them for people who maybe don't have the time to look into the readings deeply. I hope you enjoy and find value in my writings. I continue to be grateful for this opportunity.

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  1. Tks John for your reflections. It’s simple and to the point. It’s very practical. I read it and I knew it was quite different from the others since I’m used to their style of writing, then I realized you were new, it was your first time. I liked it

  2. Thank you Jon.Your reflection reminds us that it is never too late to turn away from our sinful ways.That God loves each one of us unconditionally and that he waits patiently for us to turn our hearts toward him.All we have to do is say yes.

  3. Does this mean those that had an abortion or committed adultery are forgiven by God of their sins through the sacrament of confession?
    Thank you for your reflection.
    I look forward to the movie!

  4. In answer to Anonymous, March-16-2019: Yes, of course those sins are forgiven by God through confession, just like any sin if we are sorry for it. That’s a fundamental part of our Catholic belief: if we repent of our sin, and ask God for forgiveness, it will be forgiven.

  5. Thank you, John. I had not heard of the story. I don’t think I’ve heard a better example for loving your enemy. I see a lot of parallel between Abby’s story and the conversion of St. Paul. Both are instruments of the Lord having a great impact on the world.

  6. Thank you Jon for the reflection and insight into repentance and forgiveness. God bless you and your family too .

  7. John, I really liked the way you wove a poignant story into your reflection. I personally struggle every day with the issue of loving my enemy but God loved Amy Johnson even when sinning so who am I to discard anyone? Thanks again for taking the time to write this reflection.

  8. I begin my morning most days reading Catholic Moment . The reflections inspire and help me begin my day with hope that I may carrying out the message of God. This is a powerful reminder of God’s love for us all, inspite of our defects, this love is a beacon bringing us home. I can’t wait to see the movie and while I joined and thought about volunteering for 40 Days in my city, I have procrastinated from taking action. I will now take action and carry out his message of love and hope. Thank you John.

  9. Anonymous. Yes God is love and mercy. There is nothing we can do that God won’t forgive…nothing. As long as we sincerely ask and are determined to avoid the sin. Remember, Christ came for the sick, not the healthy. The Church has been described as a hospital for souls.

  10. Thanks, John. Your insight made the gospel relevant in our time. By God’s grace, anything is possible.

  11. Thank you for the movie information John. How many of us look in the mirror and realize that we may be someone’s enemy? I pray that my enemies will forgive me and pray for me. I also pray that the Lord will help me see the things I may be saying or doing that would make me an enemy of one of my brothers and sisters in the Lord.

  12. Thank you for your powerful reflection. It reminds us how important it is to love those who we consider enemies.

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