Saturday June 29, 2024: The friends you keep

Today’s Readings

Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. Mass during the day readings

I am a fan of Tim Allen. His two shows, Home Improvement and Last Man Standing, were awesome in my book. Galaxy Quest was a very funny series as well. But even the best lay a dud sometimes. The 2010 film, “Crazy on the Outside” qualifies as such for the most part. But, believe it or not, its plot line came to mind when reading the Gospel for today. Yes, I know, I can make some bizarre connections sometimes. But bear with me on this one.

So the story with “Crazy on the Outside” is that Tommy Zelda (Tim Allen) is just getting out of prison after 3 years for movie pirating (back in the day people made copies of VHS tapes and sold them on the black market. You remember VHS , right?) Once back on the street he has a decision to make. Does he go straight or fall back into the gig that got him arrested in the first place? Ray Liotta plays Gray, the guy Tommy worked for, and covered for, when he was arrested. Gray wants Tommy back working for him with the promise of millions of dollars to be had. Tommy’s sister, Viki (Sigourney Weaver), is Tommy’s advocate to remain on the straight and narrow. Push and pull between Tommy’s Angel and devil occurs as he struggles working in the fast food industry and trying to get a pain business off the ground. Versus the “easy money” that awaits in his old life. Viki, Tommy’s love interest parole office and son on one side. Gray on the other. In the end, spoiler alert (assuming you have ignored my warnings about the film and actually decide to watch it), Tommy through his sister’s manipulations, aligns with the “good guys” and sends Gray packing.

In today’s Gospel from Matthew we have the familiar story of Jesus asking His apostles who the people say that The Son of Man is. Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah and others one of the prophets. And we know how Jesus refocuses the question. “Who do YOU say that I am?” Peter responds with his proclamation of Jesus as the Son of the Living God. The Messiah.

When I taught Religious Education at Corpus Christi in Carol Stream, Illinois I recall asking one of my classes this rhetorical question as well. Who do YOU say that Jesus is. Why is this important? Because the answer shapes the rest of your life. It determines how you approach others. What becomes most important to you. Where you will spend your time, treasure and talents. But it will also determine who you hang with.

Now, I don’t believe that Jesus wanted us to merely associate with “Church People”. While we are not meant to be “of” the world, we are meant to be “in” the world. So, as Jesus associated with sinners (which describes all of us), we are called to meet all people where they live. Believers non-believers. Sinners and saints. As Pope Francis said, we are to acquire the smell of the sheep. However, remember that old wives tales become old for a reason. Usually because they hold a measure of truth. One of the old wives tales that apply here is the statement that “you are the friends you keep” We gain the character of those that we place our trust in. Those of whom we invest our time and attention.

And our identities go along with the crowds that we associate with. While identifying Jesus as a prophet is no small thing, His identify as the Son of God carries a bit more responsibility on our part. It requires us to make a choice as to how we will lead our lives and what our associations are. The choice to follow Jesus as God requires a fundamental change on the inside as to who we are. This choice may make us appear “Crazy on the Outside” to some. Bible study on a Friday night? Are you crazy? We are going to the bars tonight. You gotta come with us. Church Sunday morning? We have 18 holes reserved at the Country Club. You gotta come with us! Confession? For Gossiping? Come on. Everyone does it!

So while we may appear to be Crazy on the Outside to the rest of the world for our choices of who to spend our time with, to the Son of the Living God we are in good company.

About the Author

Hello! My name is John Ciribassi. I live in Carol Stream, IL in the USA. My wife Elise and I are parishioners at Corpus Christi Catholic Church. We have two adult daughters. One lives in Senegal, West Africa with her husband and her 3 sons. The other teaches Anthropology at the University of Oslo, Norway. We also have a home in Mainesburg, Pa in the North Central part of Pennsylvania. My wife and I are both retired veterinarians, and my specialty is in animal behavior. I attended college and veterinary school in Illinois, where I met my wife who is from the Chicago area, and the rest is history! My hobbies include Racquetball, Pickleball, Off Road Motorcycle Riding, Hiking and Camping. I continue to enjoy the opportunity to offer what little insight I have on the scriptures. But I have always felt that the scriptures can speak for themselves. My job is just to shine a little light on them for people who maybe don't have the time to look into the readings deeply. I hope you enjoy and find value in my writings. I continue to be grateful for this opportunity.

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  1. Thank you John. The company we keep typically shapes our world. Hanging with the good sheep…that’s the company I’d like to keep. Peace with you my brother.

  2. … and yet another reason to spend time in Eucharistic Adoration. Thank you John. P.s. I enjoyed Crazy on the Outside. Am I crazy????

  3. …to the Son of the Living God we are in good company.
    Thank you, John. ALWAYS a reflection from you.

  4. Yes we are the company we keep! You write well John. I want to challenge some of the company YOU keep. Periodically you mention being persecuted during Covid at being unable to attend Church in person! I find that utter nonsense! Ignoring science and good medical practice instead of joining the selfish clamor of the right wing both in the church and in the society? And after you mentioned Relevant Radio I was wary and for good reason. I listened to several shows and the host presented as slick apologist for the right wing in POLITICS not religion! And denied racism
    as an issue now and in the past! These are not bed-fellows I would keep as they cater to a white, privileged, audience and ignore completely TRUTH historically and what Jesus actually taught

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