Saturday January 21, 2023: Crazy is as crazy does

Today’s Readings

Elise and my favorite two movies are Fiddler on the Roof and Godspell. I may have mentioned this in a previous reflection. The over arching theme of Fiddler is Tradition. How the Jewish community sticks to a set way of doing things and a consistent set of beliefs. It is what gives them stability and that is demonstrated by the image of a fiddler balancing on the peaks of house tops as he plays.

One of the sub plots of the movie is the personality of Perchik (played by Paul Michael Glaser). He is the young Russian revolutionary who develops an attraction for Tevye’s daughter, Hodel. Perchik fights against Jewish tradition and it comes to a head at the wedding of Tevye’s older daughter, Tzeitel. Perchik rips down the rope separating men from women at the reception and shocked guests have their jaws hit the ground when he dances with Hodel. Tevye tries to placate the crowd by using the excuse that Perchik is just a little crazy. Pandemonium is only avoided when Tevye and the town’s Rabbi joins the couple on the dance floor. Here is the scene from YouTube:

Fiddler on the Roof Wedding Scene

Albert Einstein is known famously for his theory of relativity. Essentially that objects with mass warp the space around it thus creating gravitational force. Pretty much a well accepted theory today…but not so much when he proposed it in the early 20th century. At the time, prevailing wisdom stated that the space between objects was occupied by an unidentifiable substance called “ether”. Not the anesthetic agent but, rather, some unseen gas.

When Einstein proposed his theory he was ridiculed in the United States. He was told, among other things, that his theory was impractical and absurd. Partly because the established scientific community had a lot invested in the theory of ether and would stand to lose much prestige if Einstein’s ideas took center stage.

Perchik helped turn the Jewish community to more modern social customs and he also helped ignite the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Einstein? Well, he is Einstein. Not much more has to be said. Two examples of people who were called crazy in a sense but helped reshape the world. Those going against the status quo, and challenging present wisdom, are often labeled as a bit soft in the head. Why? Well, I believe it serves to marginalize the individual and thereby discrediting their claims. While also protecting the establishment.

Which brings us to the Gospel reading today. Jesus is being surrounded on all sides by the large crowds looking to get a piece of Him. Receive healing or to just hear His words. It is so bad that He and His apostles cannot even get food to eat. In the midst of all this chaos, Jesus’ family comes to retrieve him. It almost appears as if they are embarrassed by what is happening. The local boy is making a fool out of Himself. So they say, in a sense, don’t mind Him. He is just a little crazy. It reminded me a little of the 12 year old Jesus teaching in the synagogue in Jerusalem and His parents find Him to return Him back to His “normal” life.

His friends and family, those who He knew since He was a little boy, have a hard time accepting that this carpenter’s son could be the Son of God. It is not until after the resurrection that many finally begin to believe. Often it is those who are closest to us who, in fact, know us the least.

When I graduated high school in New Jersey, I decided to go to college in Illinois. Part of my motivation was that I could never measure up to my older brother in the eyes of my family and friends. I would always be living in his shadow. So instead I forged a new path somewhere where no one really knew me and I could develop a reputation on my own merits. As the old saying goes, “you can only be an expert more than 50 miles from home.”

All of this then brings up the question, where do we get our identity and strength from? Does our self worth depend on the opinion of family or friends? Or even our colleagues or peers? Often these groups will form their view of you based on your talents or your accomplishments. In a way, you have to earn your position with them. Successful in life/business? Then welcome to the group. If not? Well, I am sure you can find some place to go. Athletes are only as good as their last game or play. Actors, their last movie role. Students, their last exam grade.

But not so with God. Our identity has always been, and will always be, as a valued child of God and a brother of Jesus. And therefore, an heir into His inheritance. We have eternal life and friendship with the Lord just by being who we are. We don’t have to win a contest and make a certain amount of money to achieve that status. Just be the person God created and live it to the best of our ability, keeping God at the center. Loving your neighbor. That’s it.

Kinda crazy, huh?

About the Author

Hello! My name is John Ciribassi. I live in Carol Stream, IL in the USA. My wife Elise and I are parishioners at Corpus Christi Catholic Church. We have two adult daughters. One lives in Senegal, West Africa with her husband and her 3 sons. The other teaches Anthropology at the University of Oslo, Norway. We also have a home in Mainesburg, Pa in the North Central part of Pennsylvania. My wife and I are both retired veterinarians, and my specialty is in animal behavior. I attended college and veterinary school in Illinois, where I met my wife who is from the Chicago area, and the rest is history! My hobbies include Racquetball, Pickleball, Off Road Motorcycle Riding, Hiking and Camping. I continue to enjoy the opportunity to offer what little insight I have on the scriptures. But I have always felt that the scriptures can speak for themselves. My job is just to shine a little light on them for people who maybe don't have the time to look into the readings deeply. I hope you enjoy and find value in my writings. I continue to be grateful for this opportunity.

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  1. Thank you John. Sometimes you have to ask the question…why be normal? Normal is passive, uninspired, sometimes downright blah! Let’s be a little crazy…go off the deep end and love our Creator and Savior…we must be out of our minds…no not really. Peace with you my crazy brother.

  2. Thank you John! I love Fiddler on the Roof too and grew up watching it. We are living in times where people think we are “crazy Christians”….but hey, they thought the same of Jesus!

  3. Thanks John…that was interesting. Love Fiddler on the Rof too! Thanks for reminding us that God loves us unconditionally…for who we are, no matter what! Just heard from a homily…definition of happiness as J-O-Y, as in Jesus, Others, then Yourself. But, often our priorities are reverse…we are often told to look after #1(self). Let us not worry sbout what other people think…but on what would Jesus do. God bless everyone.

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