Saturday December 23, 2023: Well, bless your heart!

Today’s Readings

Those of you in the Southern USA will recognize the phrase at the top of my reflection. “Bless Your Heart” began as a sincere way of telling someone how caring they are. But it has morphed over the decades as a way to give a sort of back handed swipe at someone when you don’t want to give them the truth straight out. It’s like wanting to remark how someone has gained weight but rather than tell them so directly, you might say something like, “Apparently baggy pants are back in style, bless your heart”. Or maybe a neighbor’s lasagna is a bit on the over-cooked side and you comment how “I just love the way you made crunchy lasagna noodles, bless your heart.”

We sometimes shy away from the truth in order to spare people’s feelings. Or maybe to get in an undercover jab at them. The term “Courtesy Bias” is used in this situation as well. It means the tendency for people to offer an opinion that is more socially acceptable than their true beliefs. In essence, when you fall prey to courtesy bias, you’re telling someone what you think they want to hear.  At the risk of becoming a bit political here, I would like to use Pope Francis’ recent document regarding blessing same sex unions. For those of you who are not aware, the Vatican with the Pope’s support, has Ok’d for priests to bless same-sex couples. There is some verbiage about not making it look like a ceremony but, in the end, the Church has made it OK to put its seal of approval on behaviors expressly forbidden in the Gospels. Why? Well, it seems to me, that the Pope is looking to placate popular culture. To make the Church seem like it is keeping up with the times. Displaying a moral position propagated by the prevailing culture. Rather than guiding the flock in an unpopular, but necessary for salvation, direction. The truth is not always popular and can be downright divisive. Our role as a Church is to stay fixated on what Jesus taught and the truth that the Church has always taught. Pray for the Church and for the Pope. We will weather this storm as the Church has always done.

In today’s first reading from Malachi, the prophet is writing around the time of when Nehemiah has come back to Jerusalem after exile in Babylon to help lead the reconstruction of the temple. What Malachi and Nehemiah find is a people moving away from the teachings of the Father. They are offering sacrifices to God but they are offering inferior items (such as what Cain got in trouble for), adultery, divorcing spouses in order to marry those who worship pagan gods. And employers cheating their workers.

Worse yet are the priests from the tribe of Levi. Rather than speaking the truth to the people to save their eternal souls, they justify these immoral acts in their sermons and teachings. This is not what God wants from His people. In fact He tells His people, through Malachi, of the outcome of their behavior:

“Yes, he is coming, says the LORD of hosts.
But who will endure the day of his coming?
And who can stand when he appears?
For he is like the refiner’s fire,
or like the fuller’s lye.
He will sit refining and purifying silver,
and he will purify the sons of Levi,
Refining them like gold or like silver
that they may offer due sacrifice to the LORD.”

In other words, the day of reckoning will be upon them, without them have foreknowledge of what is to come. We know the story of John the Baptist who is a first rate example of someone who definitely did not practice Culture Bias. King Herod had married his brother’s wife, Herodias. It was against Jewish law to do so. Now, JTB could have said something like, “Well Herod, it looks like you won’t have to get new monograms for the bath towels, bless your heart.” Nope, he came right out and proclaimed publicly the Herod-Herodias show should not be making the rounds at the palace. And he lost his head over it. The truth has a way of doing that sometimes.

Malachi finishes today’s portion by telling the people that God will be sending the prophet Elijah to them to turn the hearts of the Fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their Fathers. In other words, to set straight the word of God in the families. To once again have Fathers, Mothers, Sons and Daughters following God’s commands. “Lest I come and strike the land with doom.”

We know from last week’s readings that Elijah has returned in the form of John the Baptist. That the day of reckoning is upon us now. We are all being tried by fire, being purified like silver. Or under the fuller’s lye making white the clothes of our soul. Will we be able to plainly speak the truth of the Church or try to soften the blow in order to maintain our place with the prevailing culture? Maybe with a line something like, “I just love the way you have summarized the 10 commandments by leaving out those pesky ones like 6, 7, 8 and 9…Bless Your Heart.”

Merry Christmas to all the ACM readers, to Mary, Father Peter, Bob, Fred, Analise and Bob. May you all have a blessed holiday and New Year’s. Looking forward to whatever 2024 brings.

About the Author

Hello! My name is John Ciribassi. I live in Carol Stream, IL in the USA. My wife Elise and I are parishioners at Corpus Christi Catholic Church. We have two adult daughters. One lives in Senegal, West Africa with her husband and her 3 sons. The other teaches Anthropology at the University of Oslo, Norway. We also have a home in Mainesburg, Pa in the North Central part of Pennsylvania. My wife and I are both retired veterinarians, and my specialty is in animal behavior. I attended college and veterinary school in Illinois, where I met my wife who is from the Chicago area, and the rest is history! My hobbies include Racquetball, Pickleball, Off Road Motorcycle Riding, Hiking and Camping. I continue to enjoy the opportunity to offer what little insight I have on the scriptures. But I have always felt that the scriptures can speak for themselves. My job is just to shine a little light on them for people who maybe don't have the time to look into the readings deeply. I hope you enjoy and find value in my writings. I continue to be grateful for this opportunity.

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  1. Thank you, John, for speaking the truth. We need to pray for the Church that it’s teaching will hold to the truth and not pander to popular ideas.

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family, John! Thank you for all of your wonderful and humorous reflections this year!

  3. A blessed Christmas to you and your family John!🎅🎅🎉🎉🎄🎄🎁🎁 Thanks so much for all you do. You sure hit the nail on the head!….bless your heart😊😎😜

  4. Our Pope, duly elected, and guided by the Holy Spirit, has proclaimed, not the Church’s teaching, but that of Jesus Himself – that we should dine with tax collector’s and sinners – be MERCIFUL – yes, especially towards the sinner. God will judge their behaviour – not one of us has the right to do so! I am so disappointed by the way we have become so polarized – based on POLITICAL issues. Mary the prostitute; Matthew the tax collector; among the first LEADERS of our faith – blessed by Jesus Himself. How dare we deny any sinner His blessing?
    Praying that we become more filled with the Spirit of Christmas – a spirit of Love and Compassion!

  5. God’s word is clear to hate the sin, but love the sinner. Unfortunately in our society we condone sin, look around. Thank you John for being a John the Baptist. God bless you and your family, Merry Christmas to all!

  6. Thank you for your reflections. I always wondered where in the Bible Jesus makes a statement on homosexuality. And if so in what context was it made. I have been reading the mass readings ever day for many years and I never came across the lesson which you speak of. Can you or someone please clarify for me. Many thanks and Merry Christmas!

  7. Gerry thanks for your commentary and views which I share. Love the sinners, which we all are, and hate the sins, which we all commit..

    A Merry Christmas and all the best to everyone for a blessed and wonderful 2024!

  8. I agree with Gerry. Pope Francis is following Jesus, not the church. Pope Francis did not condone gay marriage, but if any individual, sinner though they may be, asks for a blessing, they should not be denied it by any biased priest. We are all sinners, yes, even priests. May God continue to give our dear pope the courage to speak the truth and guide His people to salvation as Jesus did.

  9. The Bible speaks many verses on homosexuality. look in Leviticus. In the new testament, Romans 1:27, 32. Remember that all sins are not good in the eyes of God. Not just homosexuality. However, I defend Dr. John here. He is not saying to expel or mistreat anyone. We are commanded to love all peoples and not judge. Dr. John is not judging. He is stating facts. I was a divorced Catholic and I was not judged nor shunned, but I did require an annulment and a convalidation of my new marriage. No one ” blessed” my second marriage until it was convalidated. Why? Because it was not aligned with the teachings of the church! I didn’t even receive communion until then. I didn’t expect anyone to bless anything until I followed the rules of the church. Also, Pope Francis is allowing blessings on couples but not the sacrament. Big difference. Dr. John is not doing or saying anything wrong or out of line.

  10. Thank you John. Doing the right thing is always hard and will be accompanied by resistance. In order for our church to survive it must hold firm in its teachings while maintaining love and respect for all. Always good stuff JC and I hope you don’t lose your head for this. Peace and Merry Christmas to you your family and all at the Catholic Moment.

  11. Thank you John. We need our Pope and our Shepherds to protect and feed their sheep by not giving into the culture. We need the truth that Jesus Christ gave to His Church to guard, defend and pass on. We need that because we need to be led to heaven. We don’t need compromises with the world or our own desires. God bless this Pope and help him to stop watering down Our Lord’s commands. Amen.

  12. Merry Christmas to you John and to all CM readers and writers! I like the fact that people can respectfully discuss differences on those platform.

  13. Thanks John for kicking that hornets nest – we need it.
    I believe you’re missing the bigger picture. Oh sure, the far left liberals got their toe in the door with the ok’ing of blessing same sex marriage. SO, what will they push for next? Let’s go for birth control, or a same sex wedding, and on and on…
    As my Pappy told me “if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything “.
    Have a wonderful Christmas season.

  14. Thank you John,I have enjoyed your Saturday reflections throughout the year and appreciate the insight and humour you bring to them.
    On the subject of allowing priests to bless same sex couples,from what I understand, it will be a very simple blessing and the couples will not be allowed to have any formal marriage ceremony or rite.
    I believe that Pope Francis is guided by the Holy Spirit and that a lot of thought and prayer has gone into this decision.We are all sinners, and in need of God’s mercy and grace.
    Wishing you and all ACM writers and readers a very Happy Christmas.

  15. I appreciate citing Leviticus. Thank you. I would still like to something on what Jesus says. I look forward to reading it.

  16. Christmas blessings to you and your family, John! 🎄
    Jesus did say “Go and sin no more”
    Will those words be reflected in the blessings of same sex couples?

    Pope Francis is leading us in confusion at this time.
    Holy Spirit….speak to us and lead us to God’s will.

  17. I would like to clarify my words here. I am not condemning individual sinners. If all sinners were expelled from the Church there would be no one to celebrate mass or be left in the pews. We all sin and need mercy, compassion and forgiveness from God and from each other. Jesus sat with and dined with sinners.

    But he did not condone their behaviors. A line I love is: “God loves you as you are. But He loves you too much to let you stay that way.” Our destiny is to be holy as is God and we cannot accomplish that unless the truth of what is sinful, that which separates us from God, is revealed and allow light to disinfect the sin. And we must be clear here, sexual immorality, in all its forms, is sinful and Jesus was clear about that as seen in Mark Chapter 7:

    He went on: “What comes out of a person is what defiles them. 21 For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—sexual immorality, theft, murder, 22 adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. 23 All these evils come from inside and defile a person.”

    And from Matthew Chapter 19, he makes it also clear that relations are to be between a man and a woman:

    4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’[a] 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’[b]?

    So I think we are obliged to point out error, even when it is spoken by the Pope, since we have seen errant Popes throughout history that needed to be corrected. But we must always speak with the knowledge that we all sin and all people carry Christ with them. I would hope that priests would bless those individuals who recognize their sin, are working to overcome it and need the strength thru grace that comes with that blessing. And that blessing is not conferred on acts that our Church has stood against from its infancy.

  18. Thank you for the clarification. Mark 21 covers a lot of sinful behaviors. Are those who are greedy, arrogant, deceitful, etc excluded from a blessing? So should we exclude those of us who have committed those sins be excluded from a blessing? Pope Francis is correct with perpetuating Jesus’s message of love thy neighbor as thy self. Throughout history have the church teachings ever been wrong? It takes a courageous leader to dispel the errors. We need to ask for humility and grant mercy and love to all. Thank you for bringing this topic to the forefront and thank you for sharing your view point.

  19. You have stirred a hornet’s nest here, Mr C: and it is good to seek clarity on when we break a moral principle. My understanding (maybe wrong) is that homosexual acts are immoral; while at the same time we treat the people with respect – hate the sin but love the sinner. Thus I agree with you that ‘blessing’ a homosexual relationship is wrong; distinct from blessing a person outside that relationship. Much like any one of us receiving a blessing but not expecting our wrongful actions to be blessed. This may seem casuistry but there is a clear line. As such ‘liberals’ who support same sex marriage and ‘conservatives’ who condemn the person are both wrong; and those priests and bishops in both camps would do better to preach the gospel of Jesus than become involved in worldly dissension. But hey, what do I know? Keep at it Mr C – good stuff.

  20. Pip….Conservatives don’t condemn people. I’m a conservative and I don’t condemn. Where is that coming from

  21. It is one thing to bless an individual. It is another thing to bless couples in sinful relationships. What Fiducia supplicans does is bless couples in sinful relationships, which is wrong and should NOT be done.

    This is how “gay marriage” eventually became legal. Leftists asked for civil unions, got that, and later said that civil unions do not go far enough. You will soon hear people say that the blessing of couples in (sinful relationships) doesn’t go far enough and they want the Church to recognize and bless their marriages. Give them a finger, they will take your hand. Give them a hand, they will take your arm.

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