One of the things that struck me in today’s first reading was the struggle Ezekiel was talking about in us today. I do not know what goes on in someone else’s head but I can mirror what goes on in mine. Just like you, I try to be a good person and sometimes I fail.
Ezekiel 18:2 says “Parents eat sour grapes, but the children’s teeth are set on edge”? Sometimes, I have to scratch my head at scripture. I needed clarification on this. The bible footnotes the following. “Parents…on edge: a proverb the people quoted to complain that they were being punished for their ancestors’ sins;” I get the proverb now but at first reading it was not obvious to me. Ezekiel was not only talking about generational guilt but also the tug of war that goes on in each of us.
God made us like children full of innocence and longing for knowledge. We are His creation. He knows we struggle inside. He also gave us a path to go back to that innocence of youth. Bob Garvey in Tuesday’s reflection asked the question, “How does God feel about what’s going on in the world today?” This coming the same day a report of sexual abuse of children by some clergy. How do we go forward ?
Today’s Psalm says “Create in me a clean heart in me, O Lord” We cannot fix the past. We can only try again and if that does not work try again. Our Father’s sins are not our sins, but we do have responsibility for what we do or by our silence allow to happen. Someday we will answer for ourselves when we are at judged. So how do we go back to that innocence and purity of youth. God’s answer is simple. We renew ourselves and as the Gospel for today says. Matthew 19:13-15 ” Children were brought to Jesus that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked them, but Jesus said,“Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
God knows our nature and realizes that we have to be renewed from time to time. He gives many opportunities during our life. One of the most peaceful and inspiring renewals of my life was a retreat at a Benedictine convent in Bemidji, Minnesota in January of 1977. As you can imagine it was cold outside with a winter storm raging. My retreat group were all safe inside with complete security and abandonment of all the cares of the world. I was working for the Internal Revenue Service at the time. I loved my co-workers who were good, honorable and fair people. My relationship with my supervisors was not so special. Sometimes work relationships do not work out. I did try to be a good employee, but my supervisor and I both agreed that it was not working. I left the IRS the next year. It was a soul-searching time for me and my renewal led me in a different direction. I moved back to Florida and as God’s plan worked out in my life it was the best thing to happen for my parents and sister’s family.
Our diocese of Saint Petersburg ,here in Florida, has a new program coming to each individual parish this fall. It is called ” Courageously living the Gospel”. So I will embark on a journey of renewal for myself. This is only one example. All our churches have bible studies and continuing education programs. They are all good and create a clean heart in the person who is searching for the Kingdom of God and renewal in their lives. However, the most important renewal is our daily prayer and conversations with God.
Jesus gives a path to renew and become more like the children.
Please pray today for all the victims of child abuse and pray for renewal in all of us. Humans may fail us but God never will.
God Bless
Bob Burford
Readings: Ezekiel 18:1-10, 13 B, 30-32; Psalm 51:12-13, 14-15,18-19; Matthew 19:13-15