Saturday, 7/22/17 -Mary Magdalene and Our relationship with Jesus


Why didn’t Jesus stay on earth?   

Mary Magdalene was outside the tomb and in John 20:13  “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “They have taken my Lord, and I don’t know where they laid him.” In the year 33 AD when Jesus died and rose from the dead everyone that had a personal relationship here on earth was looking for Him. Mary Magdalene and all the apostles were looking for Jesus and was not fully aware of what had happened on the first Easter Sunday until they met Him. He was God and could have easily stayed on earth but that was not God’s plan in its fullest.  Only if he sits at the right hand of the Father does He come into His glory. He does have power here on earth and because He sits where He does He can have a relationship not only with Mary Madeline and with the apostles in 33 AD but with us today in the year  2017.

The Scribes and Pharisees and many people today do not believe Him. Many of us and that includes me don’t listen to Him all the time and we are supposed to be believers. Even the apostles and Mary Magdalene did not listen all the time. Jesus is searching for a relationship with everyone and it is a heavenly relationship.   He said that I am the way the Truth and the Life. Jesus had to send the Holy Spirit who He called the great comforter but also the great communicator. In John 20:17 “Jesus said to her, “Stop holding on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”  Jesus is the connection between us and God the Father.

Bob Garvey on Tuesday wrote “Though we don’t like the idea, Jesus, periodically, does an evaluation of our lives. He has blessed us with seed in abundance and is checking out the harvest. Is he consoled with what he finds? Are we keeping our soil rich so that every Word that comes forth from God finds a home in us?”

Last Saturday I went to confession. One thing did not lead to the other but last Sunday I spoke to my ex brother-in-law which is some ways for me is a penance. He is a lonely man and is estranged from his son and daughter who are both in their forties. It was something that happened last Christmas. Honestly, neither side is completely right but it is not up to me to judge. My sister stays out of the fracas and she is the smart one. My friend and weekly prayer partner who is a retired cop has a great one liner that fits many situations. “Growing old is inevitable and growing up is always an option.”

Not everyone gets along, but any relationship is based on mutual respect and as many writers in A Catholic Moment point out… also forgiveness. In our relationship with Jesus, He has done nothing wrong. He is always ready to forgive and His door is always open. Today is Saturday and most Churches have the Sacrament of Reconciliation available to us. He is ready to communicate. Are you? Tomorrow is Sunday and the Lord’s Day. My prayer is that your friendship with Him grows closer everyday with personal prayer and the sacraments. Jesus is in an open relationship with everyone here on earth and that relationship is personal and here and now. We all need to go to Him. His door is always open.

God Bless

Bob Burford

Readings: Song of Songs 3:1-4B or 2 Corinthians  5: 14-17; Psalm 63: 2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9;  John 20: 1-2, 11-18


About the Author

My name is Bob Burford and am married to my lovely bride, Anna. I am a cradle Catholic and worship at Church of Saint Mary's in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am active in the Knights of Columbus and praying where the Lord wants both of us to serve in our new faith home. College degrees in Economics and Accounting. My wife and I have eight grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Love Pope Frances and proclaiming the Word of the Lord in my life! Please pray for all the Ukrainian people. Pray for their salvation and physical and emotional health.

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  1. Good morning Bob and thank you for this very introspective piece. The Holy Spirit as a Comforter and a Communicator is something that is usually lost in the shuffle of our daily lives. He is indeed so close and very eager to hear us out if only we would reach out to Him.

  2. Bob, nice reflection – well written. Thanks for the nudge, I need to go to confession too.

  3. Hey Bob,

    I liked your perspective on today’s beautiful Gospel reading. I loved your prayer partner’s quote, fits me perfectly.

    Of course, I do have a question. After Mary recognized Jesus, doesn’t what Jesus say to Mary bother you? “Stop holding on to me…”. Imagine Jesus saying that to you.


  4. Thanks for this so real reflection. And Mark Misencik, my understanding of the Lord’s words is, Don’t hold me back, don’t hold on to the worldly understanding all of His followers had of His mission. And after the resurrection, they were still expecting Him to become the ruler of a kingdom on earth.

  5. I agree, Chris. Of course we want to hold on to Jesus, cling to Him, express our need and lap up every second in deep, intimate connection with Him. But I can also see the message of “don’t cling to yesterday’s understanding of Jesus and our relationship with Him.” We, and our relationship, are new each morning, with new understanding, struggles, growth, etc. It is hard though. I barely -if even – grasped the grace of the past. And now we’ve moved on…a new layer of truth and love beyond previous, limited familiarity.

  6. Hey Chris and Bridget,

    First, I am not a theologian, just average Catholic who loves to read scripture, so don’t be upset with what I’m going to say. For all I know, you are both right.

    But look more closely at the dialogue between the angels and Mary and Jesus and Mary. Mary is still looking for the flesh and blood Jesus. He no longer exist. Maybe this is a bad example, but she is looking for a caterpillar when she should be look for a butterfly.

    My two cents.


  7. Mark Misencik … I am not a theologian either and I see your point. Jesus may not be flesh and blood today, but is real and is looking for a continuing relationship with Mary Magdalene and me. He is real in Holy Eucharist.

  8. Mark, I love your analogy, the caterpillar vs butterfly… I never thought of it like that, but that is really a beautiful way of looking at it.

  9. Often times we can’t understand how this forgiveness can exist, yet we, undeservingly receive it when death was the sentence that awaited us. What kind of heart does God have? What does it say about His nature?

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