Guard Against All Greed

Who is at the center of your life? What is holding you captive?
Is it money, material wealth, promiscuity, idolatry, administrative and political power?
Does anything drive a wedge between you and God?

The parable of a rich fool is about a man who failed to recognize that he was accountable to God for all he owned.

A prelude to this parable was a request made by someone (name unknown) asking Jesus to intervene in their family inheritance controversy. “Teacher, tell my brother to share the inheritance with me.” On the surface, this seemed to be an innocent and good plea.

We can make the following assumptions based on the inheritance laws and customs at the time of Jesus:

The father has died without leaving neither a written will nor an oral will.
There was an estate held by the two brothers.
The person (petitioner) must be the younger brother
According to the inheritance law it will not be divided until the older brother agreed.
The younger brother is ordering Jesus to pressure his older brother into making the division.
The older brother had refused to divide the inheritance

From this gospel passage, the petitioner wants the visiting Jesus to intervene in their family dispute.

How did Jesus respond? “Friend, who made appointed me as your judge or arbitrator?”

Jesus is a reconciler and not a divider. Jesus refused to get involved in the family dispute. Rather he used the opportunity to caution and teach against “greed.

Self-centered cry for justice is understood to be a symptom of a sickness. Material possessions belongs to God who gives them as gifts to humans.

Jesus used the parable of the rich fool to drive home his message. Through this parable Jesus reminded us that God is the giver of all life and will demand from us the account of our stewardship at the end of our earthly life. Depending on where you stored your treasures, your souls will be taken to that destination.

As you made your bed, so must you lie on it.
We choose here where to go.

From the gospel passage we know that the rich fool’s land produces a bumper crop. His game plan was to expand his storage facilities in order to preserve all his surpluses for himself.

The rich fool dialogued with himself. “What shall I do?” he asked.
There is no mention of his employees, who have done and will do the work. He knows only “my crop, my barn, my grain, my goods, and my soul.”
Life is not a right but a gift, on loan. The rich fool failed to account for his mortality. He failed to secure both his life and his possessions.
Life is on a loan from God. it is a gift, not a right. The rich fool assumed wrongly, that he owned his soul/self. He discovered his mistake when God suddenly asked for the loan of his life to be returned.
Our everyday life is full of choices. Let’s make the correct choice. The wealth we receive from God is for His service (God and our neighbor).
Have a wonderful week

About the Author

My name is Fr. Peter Eke, a priest of the Diocese of Gaylord, Michigan. I was called to the Catholic priesthood in July 19th, 1997. I studied Canon Law at the Pontifical Lateran University, in Rome, Italy, with JCL Degree in 2001 and JCD (doctorate) Degree in 2003. Currently, I am the pastor of Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Prudenville, Saint James in Houghton Lake, and Saint Hubert in Higgins Lake. I am also a Judge at the Marriage Tribunal in my Diocese. In my free time, I love reading, listening to music, and taking a long walk. Since my ordination my inspiring message has been “with God the oil in the flask will not dry” (1Kings 17:14).

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  1. Thank you Father. Jesus with another parable that makes us all think hard about where our treasures are. Peace with you my brother.

  2. Thank you Father. To hold everything with a loose grip and God with a tight grip is easier said than done. I must pray for this grace.

  3. I’m a firm believer in life is all about “Choices!” The consequences of those choices determines our path in life and our eternal happiness! May our Holy Spirit guide us with the choices we make, Amen! 🙏🏼

  4. Fr. Peter, Thank you for this great reflection. So very true about life is a loan not a right. In the end, all we are is our deeds.

  5. Thank you Father Peter! We always have a choice, free will! If only we could be more like Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

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