Monday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time, June 26, 2023

Today, we are reminded in the Gospel passage to be truly faithful to the Lord and not be like the hypocrites. It is easy to see the splinter in our neighbor’s eye and to fail to see the wooden beam in our own. Do I pride myself on my achievements? Do I feel superiority and look down on others around me?

Am I so petty in picking out the faults, mistakes, and the flaws in others?
Am I filled with wickedness. Am I full of it?
Am I rather empty and meaningless as per being a good Christian.

What is necessary in following the Lord is being truly faithful and committed to the Lord in all things. Following the good Lord by only paying lip service to His teachings and commandments is hypocrisy. Our prayer should be “Thou will be done”.

Abram (Abraham) was presented to us today in the first reading as a model for faithfulness. When he was called, he left everything to answer his call. He left everything that he was familiar with, his relatives and family, his ancestral place and more, and embarked on the lifelong journey of following God. Despite not knowing and not aware of what the Lord had in mind or planned for him, Abraham chose to trust the Lord anyway, knowing that God would always provide.

God would later test his faith later by asking him to sacrifice the son whom God eventually gave to him, Isaac. Abraham chose to obey even when that decision must have been very difficult for him to make.

The Lord wants us to examine ourselves carefully before turning the spotlight of criticism on others. We need to be in touch with our own humanity before we offer a judgement on others. Like Abraham, may we be steadfast to our vocation. May we lift a helping hand, a hand of mercy, and not of criticism to those around us.

Have a blessed week!

About the Author

My name is Fr. Peter Eke, a priest of the Diocese of Gaylord, Michigan. I was called to the Catholic priesthood in July 19th, 1997. I studied Canon Law at the Pontifical Lateran University, in Rome, Italy, with JCL Degree in 2001 and JCD (doctorate) Degree in 2003. Currently, I am the pastor of Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Prudenville, Saint James in Houghton Lake, and Saint Hubert in Higgins Lake. I am also a Judge at the Marriage Tribunal in my Diocese. In my free time, I love reading, listening to music, and taking a long walk. Since my ordination my inspiring message has been “with God the oil in the flask will not dry” (1Kings 17:14).

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  1. Thank you Father Peter…this is the wake-up call I needed this morning….judge less and examine the beam in my eye…show more mercy..

  2. Thank you Father. If someone sees a beam in my eye please let me know. I have access to tools for immediate removal. My carpenter friend JC has a great toolbox. Peace my brother.

  3. Every once in awhile it’s good to take a step back and realize that the path we are are on was created by God and He is always at the Helm. Let us pray together for world leaders who have the power to make a difference in establishing peace!

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