Today, in the Gospel we hear words of encouragement from the Lord Jesus to his disciples in which he assured all of them of God’s presence and guidance in all things. Jesus told them that God would send unto them the Holy Spirit, their Advocate or their Helper. As the advocate, the Holy Spirit would strengthen, encourage, and guide the disciples of the Lord and all who could come after them as they embark on their missions for the gospel.

With the grace of God, we heard that the apostolates of Saint Paul and the other Apostles and disciples of the Lord fruitful amidst the various challenges, trials and tribulations that they had to face. They journeyed from places to places, towns to towns, proclaiming the Good News and truth of God. They are great role models and inspirations for every one of us today and in time to come.

The Lord did not fail to remind them and us that we are His branches. The Lord is the Vine and we are the branches. We are not the Vine but the Lord is. The ministry belongs to the Lord. The work is His. We are laborers. We are His messengers, his followers, and not the other way around. And unless we are connected to the Lord and remain firmly anchored and attached upon Him, we will end up wandering off away from God’s truth and grace.

The works and efforts of the Church and all of its members and parts must always be united in purpose and focus on the Lord. Archbishop Fulton J Sheen reminded us that our work is to bring people to the Lord and not to save them. Jesus is the only Savior. If we make Jesus the center of our lives, we will surely bear much fruits.

In the face of our own personal ambition, glory and power, in the face of temptations of this world, may we be strengthened by the Holy Spirit. May the Risen Lord continue to help and guide us throughout our journey, now and always. Amen.

About the Author

My name is Fr. Peter Eke, a priest of the Diocese of Gaylord, Michigan. I was called to the Catholic priesthood in July 19th, 1997. I studied Canon Law at the Pontifical Lateran University, in Rome, Italy, with JCL Degree in 2001 and JCD (doctorate) Degree in 2003. Currently, I am the pastor of Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Prudenville, Saint James in Houghton Lake, and Saint Hubert in Higgins Lake. I am also a Judge at the Marriage Tribunal in my Diocese. In my free time, I love reading, listening to music, and taking a long walk. Since my ordination my inspiring message has been “with God the oil in the flask will not dry” (1Kings 17:14).

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