There is Something Greater Than Jonah Here

sign-of-jonahHow could I live for 52 years and never have heard of James Bartley until today?

Thank goodness today’s Gospel falls on the story of Jonah, forcing me to dig deeper than the pages of scripture to explore this unusual biblical character who survives three days in the “belly of a whale” before walking out alive – a sign to the Ninevites.

Jonah the reluctant prophet.

Jonah the foreshadowing of Christ.

But did it really happen?

Before you answer too quickly, consider a few of the other miraculous stories we choose to believe – the parting sea, the virgin birth, the resurrection of Christ.

Faith allows us to believe without seeing. But many who have no problem with a guy coming back to life, seem to struggle with a guy crawling out of the mouth of a whale.

Which brings us to James Bartley, a legendary fisherman who in 1891 was swallowed whole by a giant sperm whale off the Falkland islands – and lived to tell about it.

The story – as reported in a newspaper in England – is that the whale died and the crew of the ship – Star of the East – pulled the whale on board and began to cut  into its massive flesh, only to find Bartley alive inside.

Bartley, the story goes, was left blind and a little bleached (due to gastric acid) but live for many more years.

Hmmm … that’s a tough one to swallow (no pun intended).

This rather strange story seems to be oft-cited by those who want to prove the bible is authentic or not, or the stories contained within are false, or true and actually happened – as opposed to a collection of allegorical lessons derived from stories that have little basis in fact.

You can see how easy it would be to point to our Mr. Bartley as proof that a guy named Jonah actually survived three days in the belly of that whale. One can also see how others would doubt and deny such a thing ever happened.

Either way, it is important that we not miss the point Jesus is making as he drops a reference to the story today. The story of Jonah is similar to what the world is about to experience, although on a much grander scale.

“There is something greater than Jonah here.”

Those who want to quickly deny the story of Jonah would be among those who also want to deny the story of Jesus surviving three days in his tomb.

I think it’s important to remember that biblical stories like Jonah can be both historic and symbolic. Noah’s Ark. Plagues on Egypt. Three wise men following that great star above Bethlehem.

We should not be so quick to reject a story because it simply sounds too incredible to fathom.  After all, the story of Christ – the very foundation of Christianity – probably sounds too incredible for many others to believe.

As a very wise Father John Echert once wrote on EWTN’s excellent website:

“So my approach is to accept the Bible and Jesus at face value and recognize that just because I have not personally experienced three days in the belly of a fish, thank God, that does not preclude Jonah in the belly.

“The same God who raised Jesus from the tomb can certainly raise Jonah from the belly of a fish – which is the greater miracle?”

About the Author

Dan McFeely is a Carmel, Indiana, writer, communications business owner, book editor and a former professional journalist. Dan also works as an Adult Faith Formation Minister, currently serving as a spiritual director for the men's and women's Christ Renews His Parish program at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Carmel. He is a graduate of the Ecclesial Lay Ministry program offered by the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana and has studied theology at Marian University.

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  1. We fickle humans like to waiver and wobble in our faith. The accuracy of the stories is not as important as the symbolism and the connection to the great mystery of Christianity. Don’t we all look for signs in our lives? Start with the sign of the cross and realize three days in the belly of a whale is not too far fetched. Thank you Dan

  2. Thanks Dan for your great message. Faith is about believing what you cannot see with your eyes without doubt. After all nothing is impossible with our maker. God bless you Dan

  3. Hey Dan,

    The theme of the Bible is a simple one. It’s a love story.

    One would be making a mistake trying to make it into anything else.


  4. We all love a tall tale! ? The story of James Bartley is a whale of a tale. Nevertheless, why would Jesus refer to Jonah as a sign if he wasn’t actually in the belly of the whale? The difference between these stories is that JB was cut out of belly of the whale, while Jonah was spewed out! ?. I love both stories and they have happy endings. Seriously, miracles abound. While I am skeptical of some recent near death experiences related, the one that stands out for me is Dr. Mary Neal, an orthopedic surgeon who drowned while kayaking. She was brought back to life after being in the belly of the sea for hours! Did she really see Heaven? ?

  5. Dan,
    Great reflection. Thanks for the humor you use too. It really does come down to your belief as you say. Do you believe in miracles? I do!

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