Monday 8/14/2017 – ‘Handed over to men … they will kill him’

A simple line from today’s Gospel, with so much meaning.

Jesus said to them, “The Son of Man is to be handed over to men, and they will kill him,

and he will be raised on the third day.”

How fitting for today, the day we celebrate the Memorial of Saint Maximilian Kolbe.

He, too, was handed over to men.

He, too, was killed.

He, too, was raised to new life, according to the teachings – and the eternal Hope – of our faith.

Can you imagine those horrible final days inside a cell at the Auschwitz concentration camp?

No food, no water.

Starvation and dehydration slowly settling in to the Polish priest and nine other Jewish prisoners of the Nazi death camp.

Kolbe didn’t necessarily have to be there. He could have minded his own business. Death would more than likely come – as it did to about 3 million persons at Auschwitz alone, killed through gassing, starvation, disease, shooting, burning and horrible medical tests. Most of those murdered were Jews, but there were also Gypsies, Soviet POWs, and prisoners of all nationalities.

Certainly, death would come; but for the priest, it did not have to come so quickly.

The story goes that as the Nazi killers were dragging away 10 fellow prisoners in retaliation to one other who had reportedly escaped … one man cried out for mercy because he wanted to see his family. Fr. Kolbe stepped in and took his place.

Handed over to men.


Nearly starved to death before being injected with carbolic acid … a horrible way to suffer and die.

So many victims. It boggles the mind and pains the heart.

Christ did not necessarily have to suffer either, one might argue. He could have found a way to avoid crucifixion … to compromise … to tone down his “religious rhetoric” … or maybe to run far, far away.

But he didn’t.

He stepped in.

Took his cross … OUR cross.

He suffered humiliation, torture, pain and ultimately a cruel death.

Handed over to men.


Raised up on the third day.

Meanwhile we wait.

We hope.

We watch the terrors of an ugly world continue to take place.

So much hatred. Violence. Murder.

There may come a time in our lives … in your life …

You may be at the wrong place at the right time.

You may have the chance to show your love.

To step in.

To be handed over to men.


On that day, will you have the faith to boldly step forward?

Three days later …

That is our Christian hope …

We love, we sacrifice, we rise!

Together we say … “Saint Maximilian Kolbe … PRAY FOR US.”


About the Author

Dan McFeely is a Carmel, Indiana, writer, communications business owner, book editor and a former professional journalist. Dan also works as an Adult Faith Formation Minister, currently serving as a spiritual director for the men's and women's Christ Renews His Parish program at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Carmel. He is a graduate of the Ecclesial Lay Ministry program offered by the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana and has studied theology at Marian University.

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  1. I don’t think many of us would be as brave as he was. He died for what he believed in and to save someone else. Jesus, thank you for dying for my sins and the sins of the world.

  2. Each day we have opportunities to die to ourselves. They may be big or small but God uses them to bear His fruit in our lives and others’. St Kolbe was able to do the big dying to self because he had first done the small dying to self.

  3. This brought tears to my eyes. It is easy to stay in our proverbial bubble, to look the other way, in all kinds of circumstances. But to have the courage to step in, to step up, in that horrific death camp is beyond imagination. I think of all the ways I have trampled on Jesus’ sacrifice that He made. To shoulder all of our sins. It brings me back to spiritual reality, and encourages me to try harder to make my own sacrifices. Thanks Dan.

  4. Daniel, thank you for yr excellent shating! I’m in Hong Kong and we are quite a few hrs ahead. Appreciate very much if you could share yr inspiring thoughts earlier so I get to read it on the day ???

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