Monday 7/31/2017 – Discerning our spirits with Ignatius of Loyola

Gathered at the base of the holy mountain, a great spiritual battle had begun.

Moses had been gone for 40 days … up the mountain, disappearing without a trace.

The people – God’s people – had been left to wonder about their future.

Where was Moses?

Where was God?

Within their hearts, a battle of good vs. evil spirits was raging …

It is a battle that continues today for all of us.

Appropriately, we honor the Memorial of St. Ignatius of Loyola today on the Church’s liturgical calendar. The founder of the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, most famous for developing “spiritual exercises” that serve to help us discern God’s will in our lives and our response.

My juvenile brain would picture two little cartoonish spirits on my shoulders, both barking orders into my ears – one good (dressed like a white angel) and one bad (a little red guy with a pitchfork).

But that’s not too far away from what Ignatius described as the interior battle – the interior movements – within us that prompt us to make decisions that either move us toward God or away from God.

So much anxiety occurs within our hearts and our souls as we navigate this complicated life on Earth. Despite being told over and over and OVER in the Bible that we should “be not afraid” … we fear. We fear the unknown.

We should overcome those fears by placing our faith squarely on our Lord who has promised to never let us down.

But those people at the base of the mountain … they had lost that faith.

They let their fears get the best of them and created a “false god” to follow.

There are many false gods today … money, fancy cars, visual perfection, celebrities, self-satisfaction on a variety of levels … just to name a few.

The god created in our first reading today is described as a “golden calf” pieced together by the golden jewels of the people who had given up on Moses and on our Lord.

What are the golden calves in our lives? How often are they at the center of our thoughts and prayers and deeds?

Spend some time in reflection … think about what drives our passions. Do we yearn to be closer to God or do we seek other forms of pleasure?

Today would be a good day to get to know a little more about St. Ignatius and his Discernment of Spirits.

Those poor souls at the base of the mountain are not unlike the poor souls we have in our family, in our neighborhoods, in our selves.

We are truly all just one deed, one decision, one step away from turning our backs on God and following the spiritual pull of the evil one.

This is a spiritual battle that rages within.

But just like the mustard seed in today’s Gospel, even the tiniest deeds and decisions we make can blossom into great fruits that bear witness to our faith, hope and charity that we all carry in our hearts.

We must all make the time and take the time to identify the spiritual winds that blow through our minds and hearts. Good and evil coexist. We have the free will to choose which one to follow.

Choose well.




About the Author

Dan McFeely is a Carmel, Indiana, writer, communications business owner, book editor and a former professional journalist. Dan also works as an Adult Faith Formation Minister, currently serving as a spiritual director for the men's and women's Christ Renews His Parish program at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Carmel. He is a graduate of the Ecclesial Lay Ministry program offered by the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana and has studied theology at Marian University.

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  1. Thank you Dan for the wonderful reflection
    May the Lord God help us to discern the good spirit so that we may be able to do His will even when He seems not to be listening to our prayers
    Kindly Dan pray for Country Kenya for a peaceful electioneering period before, during and after the General Elections
    God bless you Dan for your great commitment in preaching to us

  2. Thanks Dan, it is difficult when I truthfully answer the questions you posed about what drives us. It’s eye-opening and humbling when I give the truthful answers. Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.

  3. God has led me to this site/reading today. I had ‘looked/searched’ in many places on explanations of the daily readings and what i would find was just not right in my mind. I didnt feel it speak to me. This did!

    Thank you very much for your time spent writing this and teaching me the word of the Lord.

    May God bless you and all your loved ones.

  4. Thank you for this writing. It helps to realize the turmoil in this world and in hearts implement the need to hold God’s Love & Spirit continually in our hearts and mind. This is the discernment we need 24/7. Christ left us with this, “Do not fear, I have overcome the world.” Trust & Obey.

  5. Good reflection and Right on Karen Bingo. Here’s the deal the way I see just like in the reflection Bad angel left shoulder left ear. Good Holy God Angel right shoulder right ear. Put on the armor of God no long sermon here, ya know it or you don’t. Most darkness comes from the left, it’s strong side use your shield of Faith and Virtue to counter it’s moves. Sword of Spirit and Truth on the right. The truth can be harmful if used incorrectly, be kind and merciful and gentle with the Truth and the Spirit on the right will guide you to where ever you need to be. All darkness flees when resisted and trembles at the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. Peace brothers and sisters Hope this is of service to you. Praise be to God in My house

  6. “Good and evil coexist we have the free will to choose which one to fellow”. God guide us choose well. Thanks Dan you are a blessing to me.

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