17 years ago, a family of 3 moved into their new home, across the street, opposite my 31 year old house. We had neighbors before but not one who could see into my dining room! It took a little while to adjust to seeing someone every morning as I walked out of my house waving “hello” with their 9 year old daughter playing on the balcony!
Soon my mom let me in on the secret with a huge smile, that they were expecting their second child, and all she could say was “I hope they have a cuddly chubby baby we get to play with”.. I being the younger sibling, had no experience with babies and wasn’t sure what to expect as my high school exams were approaching!
The 15th of November morning, I woke up to the news of my neighbor having delivered a baby girl at the hospital and since her husband was overseas then at his job, mom helped with the packing and baby stuff! I never paid attention, exams mattered! Soon, the baby was home and my mom barely left her side but I was banned from touching the child till 6 months (my nickname was butter fingers!!)
But what suprised me the most was my dad! My father is a man of extremely few words and emotions.. he would just listen and nod to my endless talks and never say much including to my new neighbors but this new baby turned him into a new changed person. My father would keep an eye on her every day and take her for a stroll along the pathway every evening while talking to her like long lost buddies (she was 9 months by then). She learned to walk holding his finger and soon they were inseparable…
She would wake up and walk across the street to our gate and barge in to take her place for breakfast, while mom made a kiddie special meal for her, she sat on my dads chair with the news paper in her hand imitating him read and by noon was set to give him company for lunch. The same continued for dinner, soon she was a part of our family and she was a guest at every family event.. sometimes self invited! She behaved so well in public and ate everything my mom served her. Dad kept tabs on her school exams and even her grades (he never bothered about mine!) He even convinced her to participate in a singing competition and made my mom train her, he taught her Portuguese and funny songs. He would take her along at every trip he had either to the market or our ancestral house and even refused to believe me when I claimed she was torturing our cat (which she was).
This was a love story of another kind! A 60 year old man and a 2 year old baby girl danced alone on the floor of his birthday to no music! His eyes lit up when we mentioned her name and she blushes when she would hear his car drive in. I was always amazed how much they loved each other… they could barely understand each other… It was pure love, and 16 years later nothing has changed , food sneaks its way from the kitchen to her plate. There is always her share or dad will adjust his for her! She is like a little sister I never had and my dad adores her! She absolutely loves my parents.
Love one another said Jesus. Not those mushy series or sexual escapades, not related to blood or family or obligations of marital decisions .. just plain simple love! It is the hardest of all the commandments. It is easier to join an online church service or donate money to the poor! Even the pictures that get you so many likes on social media! But loving that annoying neighbor who picks a fight every time for everything, that patient who just doesn’t seem to follow your instructions and yet turns up for medical attention, the government officials who make laws and rules that make no damn sense to us, the spouse who wont stop nagging you especially since you have no where to run, the driver in the car ahead who is crawling and worse that person who bullied you at school or work! How can you love those “Anothers” … they deserve no love.. they deserve a telling off for their ways! But we still gotta love…..it is never easy.. but we can try.. one day at a time!
Prayer: Dearest Lord , I praise you for your merciful and unending love to me. I ask for the patience and compassion with people I encounter on a daily basis and help me love them through the good and bad! Help me be understanding and spread your light and love through my ways words and deeds. Bless the world Lord with love! Amen