Tuesday, April 2, 2019 – Living Water

At a recent meeting we discussed the issue of so many young adults leaving the Church.  One participant suggested a solution that began with the words, “What they need to do is…”  Such a comment betrays the belief that the Church is the hierarchy and confined to what happens on parish property.  Such thinking  severely limits the work that God wants to do in the world.

Today we read the prophecy of Ezekiel in which he described an amazing kind of water that flows out of the Temple (Ezekiel 47: 1-9,12).

I saw water flowing out from beneath the threshold of the temple toward the east…I saw water trickling…(he) had me wade through the water, which was ankle deep.  He measured off a thousand cubits and had me wade through the water, which was now knee-deep.”

What was this strange kind of water that seeped out of the temple and grew deeper the more it flowed?  As Ezekiel walked further away, the water became waist-deep, and eventually so deep that he had to swim to get across the new river that was being formed.

Not only did this “living water” get deeper, it also had miraculous powers.

The water flows…down upon the Arabah, and empties into the sea, the salt waters, which it makes fresh.  Wherever the river flows, every sort of living creature that can multiply shall live…Along the banks of the river, fruit trees of every kind shall grow; their leaves shall not fade, nor their fruit fail.   Every month they shall bear fresh fruit, for they shall be watered by the flow from the sanctuary.”

What was God revealing to Ezekiel?  From the dwelling place of God a life-giving water would flow that makes saltiness fresh, multiplication of  life, and an amazing growth of fruit.  It has the power to solve all the world’s problems.  Ezekiel went on to explain that the leaves of these miracle trees would be used for medicine.

Ezekiel’s prophecy is fulfilled in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  Remember the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, in which Jesus gave her a drink of his “living water” that washed away her sins and gave her new life.  He was giving her a dose of the Holy Spirit.  We know that on the day of Pentecost this “miracle water,” the Holy Spirit, was poured into the hearts of the group of that assembled in the upper room.  Then, through them,  thousands were converted, miracles began to take place, and a new social order was established.   Since that time, this living water has poured out in such a spectacular way that millions, of people have been fed and healed by it.

Let us not be narrow in interpreting this parable in terms of the Church as represented by the buildings and personnel down the street.  St. Paul told us that we, ourselves, are “temples of the Holy Spirit.” When we allow ourselves to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we become the sanctuary from which the living waters of the Holy Spirit continue to flow.  His power in us makes salty lives fresh, hungry people filled, and sick people healed. 

When we talk, as the person did at our meeting, in terms of the Church as “what they need to do,” we weaken the potential of God’s work on earth.  Let us see ourselves as “tributaries” of this great river that brings new life “wherever it flows.”

There is a stream whose runlets gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High” (Ps 46:5).

About the Author

Author Bob Garvey lives in Louisville, Kentucky. He has a master’s degree in religious education and has been an active leader in the Catholic charismatic renewal for forty years. After retiring as a high school teacher, he began to write daily commentaries on the Church’s liturgical readings and other topics relevant to Catholic spirituality. He is married to Linda, has three daughters and four grandchildren.

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  1. Chris Wheeler: I haven’t even read yhis reflection, but I’m posting early, so that you have a chance to catch this message.

    A few days ago, you were talking about how you are wondering why God allows all these bad things to happen in the world. I just finished these Stations of the Cross. They may help you deal with your questions. Maybe not. But it can’t hurt, since it’s a great activity for Lent. Here is the link: https://www.ewtn.com/devotionals/stations/face.htm

    Also, I know you havr given up on attending Mass, but have you considered attending virtually? Whenever I or a family member are too sick to attend Mass, this is a way of attending Mass virtually: https://thesundaymass.org

  2. This may not be the right place but I wonder if I may ask for prayers for my daughter & I. We have been out of our home since July due to a house fire next door, and we lost our electricity & water. I have a non-electric heating furnace (oil-burner) and was able to have heat in the home all winter even though we weren’t living in it. We finally got electricity connected to the house a few weeks ago while I was out of town with my mother at the hospital for weeks and just returned. I went to check on the house this morning and there was water pouring out from under the front door. Apparently, the furnace ran out of fuel (we have it delivered) and the water pipes froze and burst; spraying water everywhere. Please pray for us. I have to take my mother to the hospital again, and I also have to take my daughter for dental surgery (both out of town) and I have been missing lots of work (no paid leave). Please pray for me not to lose faith, to thank God for our blessings, and to get fix everything so we can move back home.We live in a very rural, remote area with no professional services available and everything is flown in. Thank you for reading.
    Adore Jesus!!!

  3. What we need to do to pass on our faith is what is important. We lead by example.

  4. The examples we set, the words we speak, the love we give. This is the flowing water of God. May we bring the goodness of these things to our youth to give them hope and belief. Thank you Bob

  5. Wonderful reflection Bob. We are all called to spread the word through our actions. Anonymoose I am praying for you and your family. Have faith.
    Chris thanks for the links.

  6. Anonymous, I am praying for you and your family. Tell God what you are feeling. Tell Him what you need. He’s listening. You are not alone. He has not abandoned you. I will keep you in my constant prayers today. God be with you.

  7. Anonymous, My adoration time today will include you and your family.
    Bob great reflection, as an usher I like standing in front of the church and welcome people in, specially young people. I often think, why are they not ushers and greeters? When we become young adults or even teenagers, that connection with the church is lost.
    Thanks Bob, you gave me a lot to work on today.

  8. Anonymoose, you and your family are in my prayers. I will say a rosary for you today.
    Bob, wonderful reflection. Our priest started a mass that is run by our youth group. They are the ushers, lecture, chooses songs, etc. in the hopes of getting them more involved.

  9. Anonymous, I was in a similar situation when away and a pipe burst on the 2nd floor of my house. The water ran for many days and my house was destroyed. We had to rebuild floors, walls, everything. I hope you had insurance, mostly all costs should be covered, including motel and travel costs. Dont despair. I know this is a very heavy load to bear, and it will take some time to recover, but God will provide the help and strength you need. You are in my prayers.

  10. Anonymous praying that you feel the love sent to you, your daughter and mother through all our prayers. In today’s Gospel it seemed like the Lord had Ezekiel wade out into the water so deep that he just had to “let go and let God” take control. You are in “deep waters” but God and our prayers are with you and God can make them life giving waters somehow. Hold on.

  11. Dear A
    Thank you for caring enough to post a thoughtful suggestion. I get very discouraged from time to time when I experience hurtful behaviour and then I see the worst of humanity on the television news and social media. However, I do follow the daily and Sunday Mass on tv from time to time. I also try to read religious/inspirational books, or watch same type of tv shows. They give me some comfort. I will check out the stations of the cross link you attached. Thanks for thinking of me. Keep me in your prayers, as I will you. God bless.

  12. Dear Anonymoose

    My heart goes out to you. When I read what you are going through, my trials and tribulations seem so inconsequential. I will keep you, your daughter and mother in my prayers. I would like to share with you this Prayer written by Sr. Judith Kubish, CSJ which I found very helpful. Hope it helps you too:

    Prayer for Healing
    God, I put my trust in you.
    You made me, you know me.
    You promise you are near.
    I put my trust in you.
    You provide whatever we need.
    You are the source of healing.
    Hear my prayer for people who are suffering.

    God, be with them in their pain, anxiety or fear.
    Accept their tears. Comfort their hearts.
    Remind them that you never stop loving them.
    Let them feel your presence and know they are precious in your sight.

    You are with us all our lives.
    You give us reason to hope.
    You help us to change when it is necessary
    and to accomplish everything we do.
    Show your daughters and sons your plans for them now,
    plans for peace, wholeness and joy.
    Hide them in the shelter of your presence
    and let them rest in your arms.

    I believe you are with us
    through all that happens to us.
    I believe that you lead us to good and that
    you want fullness of life for us.
    Lead us now God, we will let you.

    I offer up this prayer for you, your daughter and mother.

    God bless.

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