Jesus Heals Our Unseen Wounds

teen daughter and mother having quarrel

How many times have we needed to see evidence of healing before we could actually believe Jesus is healing our wounds? How many times have we believed that our prayers for healing have not been heard, let alone answered? How many times have we been like Thomas, demanding that we see before we believe? For those of us who have ever needed visible proof of Jesus working in our lives before we could believe he was doing that very thing, today’s readings will give peace.

In the Letter to the Hebrews 2:5-12 we learn that God has subjected all things, seen and unseen, to Christ Jesus. Even the angels, in their entire splendor, are subject to him. While we Christians do not see all things subject to Jesus, today’s scripture assures us that we do indeed see all we need – and this is Jesus Christ.

Our Gospel of Mark today continues with the revelation that all seen and unseen is subject to Jesus. The unclean spirit, who while possessing a man, recognizes he is in the presence Jesus Christ the Lord. It cries out to him asking Jesus if he has come to destroy “us”. “I know who you are -The Holy One of God!” the spirit cries. Jesus rebukes the unclean spirit, thus freeing the man and healing the hidden wounds inflicted by this spirit. The unclean spirit, part of the unseen world, is clearly visible to Jesus Christ and under his full authority. Amazed by his actions the onlookers questioned among themselves who Jesus was, sadly, while the unclean spirit knew whom it was facing, God’s beloved children did not see who stood before them.

Today I am trusting in Christ to heal my unseen wounds. It is Monday, January 12th 2015 and I find myself un-expectantly in Boston Massachusetts. Over the weekend, I attended a workshop here and I fully planned on flying back home last night. The workshop was amazing. It called us to take a good hard look at our mother’s lineage and the wounds that pass from generation to generation. It was a beautiful weekend and some serious, deep soul-searching occurred for all attendees. After the workshop, I was left in need of some personal respite where I could reflect and integrate what I had experienced.

However, I had a flight to catch immediately after the workshop and I would not arrive home until almost midnight. I would be mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted from the weekend. There would be no time for reflection or respite as I had a full day of patients who needed me the following day (today). I was ready to plow forward. After all – the seen world looked fine and I had things to do in it.

Then I checked my flight home. Apparently, there was an ice storm in Indianapolis and flights to Indianapolis were being cancelled left and right – mine included. I would need to spend another day in Boston. I was relieved, immediately my mind went to creating the healing space my heart ached for. Just as he did for that man in the synagogue over 2,000 years ago, I knew Jesus could heal the unseen wounds I became aware of during the workshop. I knew I needed a “church day” – a day where I could bathe in the presence of Christ for hours.

After sleeping in a bit and enjoying a cup of coffee this morning, I started my day of reflection, a gift I knew Jesus had given me. Mass at Saint Mary in Wiltham, Massachusetts was my first stop. I was surrounded by beauty beyond measure in this old Boston church. It’s walls are painted rich with sacred art and it’s air is filled with the wonderful aroma of an old church. Oh how I love being Catholic! Receiving Christ here in the Eucharist was beyond words. After Mass, I simply sat in his presence, adoring my lord. I then continued my Jesus time with a visit to Saint Leonard in downtown Boston. My soul was soaring! Both old churches are filled with physical beauty that defies words. While at Saint Leonard I sat in awe of the richness of the building. I drank in the beauty found in it’s paintings of our beloved saints behind the altar and the painting of the Assumption on the dome above. The statues of the saints, the flickering candles (albeit electric), the stained glass, the rich gold leaflet crowning throughout the nave of the church all drew me deeper into Christ. I was completely immersed in this visible beauty. Even though I could not see him, I knew Jesus was here.

As my eyes feasted on what was seen, my heart experienced a portion the unseen. The physical beauty inside Boston’s Saint Leonard Catholic Church was the container that allowed me to slip into the unseen beauty of Christ. The holiness and sacredness of the space was palpable and it brought tears to my eyes. There had been many prayers prayed in this space, prayers of hope, of love, of gratitude, of yearning, of grief, of sorrow, of need. Jesus heard and answered every single one of these prayers as he knew they best needed to be answered, of this we can be assured.

Many, like the man with the unclean spirit, have come to these two beautiful Boston churches and experienced the healing power of Jesus Christ. I am grateful I was able to partake in their beauty today, a day when I needed respite they were open to me. Jesus, the one whom all seen and unseen is subject to, lies in waiting for us to call upon him. All we need to do is “see” him.

Well, I must go now. My heart deeply desires to spend sacred time with Jesus right now in beautiful Saint Leonard Catholic Church. I must pray, meditate and light a candle for my mother. I must ask Jesus to heal the hidden wounds festering within our family lineage so that his light can more fully shine through us for all the world to see.


Jesus – I love you.

About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy.

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