The season has changed!
In Oklahoma you would hardly notice the season changing because it hit a 100 F again. This week it is starting to cool off, but change is always with us. It could get up to 100 tomorrow. My Wife, Anna, is busy getting out and preparing her fall clothes, bedding and decorations. The thermometer may not show it, but change is on the way,
American college football is in full swing. I like college because most of them play for the love of the game and not with ambitions of playing for the pros. I am also shifting my attention to football to baseball by also keeping an eye on the playoffs and World Series.
No one will tell you that they like change. Nonetheless, change like the seasons of the year are inevitable. How do we prepare for change in our spiritual lives? I have meditated on this all week and just like the season changing we need to clear our thoughts for the next season spiritually.
We need to renew our souls by the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In addition, we need to get rid of guilt from past sins, old grudges from friends or family. We need to be more generous, loving and less short tempered.
You will note it hasn’t gotten you anywhere as of this moment!
Most importantly we need to strengthen our relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus. The changes in the next season in our lives will be easier to bare if we have His friendship. Jeremiah 29:11 says, For I know well the plans I have in mind for you—oracle of the LORD—plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope.
There is a season and the season is now. Embrace the change and know that Jesus has your back.
God Love You Always
Bob Burford
PS: Please Pray for Cancer victims and their caregivers. Pray for the conversion of Russia and the salvation of the Ukrainian and Russian people and their soldiers. Pray for the Holy Land. Pray for peace!