My dad when he and my mom traveled would love to go to a hardware store in the city they visited. He would go down every isle and look at the newest, most modern and innovative gadgets . He would always marvel at the ingenuity of the inventors. He looked for products that were a little different which made life easier. He was looking for trendy items.
One of the items he bought was a screwdriver set with multiple heads and one handle. The pieces were not small and fit in the handle with long shafts and different heads. It was extremely useful. He would find such items and give one to everyone in the family. I still have a set and carry it in my car today.
In today’s first reading from Samuel the people of the day were looking for something modern as far as government is concern. The time of the Judges was about 300 years from about 1382 BC to 1063 BC. Judges were leaders appointed by God. They were sometimes military leaders but had no hereditary authority. They might have come from any tribe of Israel. Not sure how God would choose a judge. Just like Samuel’s leadership it was divine revelation.
However, the people looked at the nations surrounding them and they wanted a king because that was new and they could have status among the other nations of the world. They were not interested in what God wanted but what they thought the world would want.
Samuel tried to talk them out of it. The people , however, refused to listen to Samuel’s warning and said, “Not so ! there must be a king over us. We too must be like other nations, with a king to rule us and to lead us in warfare and fight our battles.” When Samuel had listened to all the people had to say, he repeated it to the LORD, who then said to him, ” Grant their request and appoint a king to rule them”
This a perfect example of being careful what you pray for.
Having a king had drawbacks. He will take your male and female servants, as well as your best oxen and your asses, and use them to do his work. He will tithe your flocks and you yourselves will become his slaves. When this takes place, you will complain against the king whom you have chosen, but on that day the Lord will not answer you.
Slaves to a king doesn’t sound good, but the irony is that God eventually turned the people’s bad judgement . God did not let their bad judgement leave us as slaves. He eventually gave us a new King whose reign will not end and His name is Jesus Christ. He gave us a King who we serve and we are His servants and not slaves. The Son of Man has authority to forgive sins on earth.
Because our God He had mercy on His people and settled the desires of the people. He gave us the most modern and innovative king. Because He is God He gave us that King forever.
Our duty to this King is to serve Him forever. The thing that struck me about all these readings was, how can I be a better servant to our Lord and Savior in my walk with Him today?
God Bless You Always
Bob Burford